In Complexity theory, some functions are nearly O(1)O(1), but it is greater then O(1)O(1). For example, the complexity of a typical disjoint set is O(nα(n))O(nα(n)). Here α(n)α(n) is Inverse Ackermann Function, which growth speed is very slow. So in practical application, we often assume α(n) \le 4α(n)≤4.

However O(α(n))O(α(n)) is greater than O(1)O(1), that means if nn is large enough, α(n)α(n) can greater than any constant value.

Now your task is let another slowly function log*log∗ xx reach a constant value bb. Here log*log∗ is iterated logarithm function, it means “the number of times the logarithm function iteratively applied on xx before the result is less than logarithm base aa”.

Formally, consider a iterated logarithm function log_{a}^*loga∗​

Find the minimum positive integer argument xx, let log_{a}^* (x) \ge bloga∗​(x)≥b. The answer may be very large, so just print the result xx after mod mm.


The first line of the input is a single integer T(T\le 300)T(T≤300) indicating the number of test cases.

Each of the following lines contains 33 integers aa , bb and mm.

1 \le a \le 10000001≤a≤1000000

0 \le b \le 10000000≤b≤1000000

1 \le m \le 10000001≤m≤1000000

Note that if a==1, we consider the minimum number x is 1.


For each test case, output xx mod mm in a single line.


In the 4-th4−th query, a=3a=3 and b=2b=2. Then log_{3}^* (27) = 1+ log_{3}^* (3) = 2 + log_{3}^* (1)=3+(-1)=2 \ge blog3∗​(27)=1+log3∗​(3)=2+log3∗​(1)=3+(−1)=2≥b, so the output is 2727 mod 16 = 1116=11.


2 0 3
3 1 2
3 1 100
3 2 16
5 3 233





using namespace std;
#define mm(a,b) memset(a,b,sizeof(a))
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
const int maxn = 2e5 + ;
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
const double PI = acos(-1.0); ll gcd(ll a,ll b){return b==?a:gcd(b,a%b);} #define Mod(a,b) a<b?a:a%b+b //根据欧拉定理重定义mod ll fpow(ll a,ll n,ll mod)
ll res=;
if(n&) res=Mod(res*a,mod);
return res;
} ll phi(ll x) //求x的欧拉函数
ll ans=x,tp=sqrt(x);
for(ll i=;i<=tp;++i)
while(x%i==) x/=i;
if(x>) ans=ans-ans/x;
return ans;
} ll solve(ll a,ll b,ll m)
if(m==) return ;
if(b<=) return fpow(a,b,m);
ll p=phi(m);
ll t=solve(a,b-,p); //递归求解
ll g=gcd(a,m);
if(g==||b<p) return fpow(a,t,m);
else return fpow(a,t+p,m);
} int main()
int T;
ll a,b,m;
scanf("%lld %lld %lld",&a,&b,&m);
ll ans=solve(a,b,m)%m;
return ;


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