Fight for what matters to you.


We all want to make our life goals true, and we all expect to have what matters to us and never lose them.

But first, I want to raise a question: Can you figure out those things that really matter to you? Or in other words, what things do you think matter the most to you, your life, your work, your marriage, your family, etc.

You may fail to answer this question, just like me, because many of us think so little about such questions, we just have some blurry concepts about things we cherish the most, such as family, honor, wealth, health, and so on.

These blurry concepts are too sweeping to give some guidelines, we must describe them in more specific ways, that means, to break down them into samller, feasible, and implementable ones.

Once we have made clear what really matters to us and lay out detailed and specific steps to realize them, we would fight more constructively and effectively.

Besides, don't forget that practice makes perfect, and we may have to try and fail a lot before we succeed.

The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.


From Thomas Carlyle.

It is good to find out problems, it is the most important thing to solve problems, and it is totally fool to evade problems and to hide problems.

Don't be afarid of making mistakes when trying something new, of course, we should try our best to avoid repeating same mistakes.

Faults, or mistakes, sometimes can serve as some good things for us if we want to do things right, because they can prove to others that we have tried, and they can tell us what doesn't work.

And in the process of understanding why some don't work and why things go wrong would help us understand the problem more thoroughly, finally lead us to the correct solutions.

Try, fail, try again and try harder, I believe we can get some unexpected benefits from our previous mistakes and finally succeed at things we do.

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