

两帧的位置已经直接将中间的板子穿过了,所以 t 时刻和 t +1 时刻的检測都是失效的。这时候须要用到的就是sweep检測了。






 public static Vector2 SweepTest(OBB from, OBB other, Vector2 movement)
float deltaX = movement.x;
float deltaY = movement.y;
if (from.max.y > other.min.y && from.min.y < other.max.y)
float d1; if (deltaX > 0.0D && from.max.x <= other.min.x)
d1 = other.min.x - from.max.x; if (d1 < deltaX)
deltaX = d1;
else if (deltaX < 0.0D && from.min.x >= other.max.x)
d1 = other.max.x - from.min.x; if (d1 > deltaX)
deltaX = d1;
} if (from.max.x > other.min.x && from.min.x < other.max.x)
float d1;
if (deltaY > 0f && from.max.y <= other.min.y)
d1 = other.min.y - from.max.y;
if (d1 < deltaY)
deltaY = d1;
else if (deltaY < 0f && from.min.y >= other.max.y)
d1 = other.max.y - from.min.y; if (d1 > deltaY)
deltaY = d1;
} return Vector2(deltaX, deltaY);




if (from.max.y > other.min.y && from.min.y < other.max.y)

要推断的是两个OBB在Y方向的投影是否有重叠,假设没有就直接返回movement 的x分量,由于在X方向不可能发生碰撞。




    public static Vector3 SweepTest(Bounds from, Bounds other, Vector3 movement)
float deltaX = movement.x;
float deltaY = movement.y;
float deltaZ = movement.z;
if (from.max.y > other.min.y && from.min.y < other.max.y && from.max.z > other.min.z && from.min.z < other.max.z)
float d1; if (deltaX > 0.0D && from.max.x <= other.min.x)
d1 = other.min.x - from.max.x; if (d1 < deltaX)
deltaX = d1;
else if (deltaX < 0.0D && from.min.x >= other.max.x)
d1 = other.max.x - from.min.x; if (d1 > deltaX)
deltaX = d1;
} if (from.max.x > other.min.x && from.min.x < other.max.x && from.max.z > other.min.z && from.min.z < other.max.z)
float d1;
if (deltaY > 0f && from.max.y <= other.min.y)
d1 = other.min.y - from.max.y;
if (d1 < deltaY)
deltaY = d1;
else if (deltaY < 0f && from.min.y >= other.max.y)
d1 = other.max.y - from.min.y; if (d1 > deltaY)
deltaY = d1;
} if (from.max.x > other.min.x && from.min.x < other.max.x && from.max.y > other.min.y && from.min.y < other.max.y)
float d1; if (deltaZ > 0.0D && from.max.z <= other.min.z)
d1 = other.min.z - from.max.z; if (d1 < deltaZ)
deltaZ = d1;
else if (deltaZ < 0.0D && from.min.z >= other.max.z)
d1 = other.max.z - from.min.z; if (d1 > deltaZ)
deltaZ = d1;
} return new Vector3(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ);


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using NPhysX;
public class BoxBoxSweepTester : MonoBehaviour { public Vector3 direction;
public float speed;
public GameObject box;
public GameObject box1;
Box _box;
Box _box1;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
_box = new Box();
_box1 = new Box();
direction = Vector3.one;
} // Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Vector3 moveVector = speed * direction;
Vector3 realMove = NSweepTests.SweepTest(box.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().bounds, box1.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().bounds, moveVector);
box.transform.position += realMove;



Swept AABB Collision Detection and Response - http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/game-programming/swept-aabb-collision-detection-and-response-r3084


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