FileStream StreamWriter StreamReader BinaryReader
FileStream vs/differences StreamWriter?
What is different between FileStream and StreamWriter in dotnet?
A FileStream
is a Stream
. Like all Streams it only deals with byte[]
A StreamWriter
is a TextWriter
, a Stream-decorator. A TextWriter converts or encodes Text data like string or char to byte[]
and then writes it to the linked Stream
What context are you supposed to use it? What is their advantage and disadvantage?
You use a bare FileStream when you have byte[]
data. You add a StreamWriter
when you want to write text.
Is it possible to combine these two into one?
Yes. You always need a Stream to create a StreamWriter. System.IO.File.CreateText("path")
will create them in combination and then you only have to Dispose() the outer writer.
StreamReader vs BinaryReader?
Both StreamReader and BinaryReader can be used to get data from binary file
Well, StreamReader
can be used to get text data from a binary representation of text.
can be used to get arbitrary binary data. If some of that binary data happens to be a representation of text, that's fine - but it doesn't have to be.
Bottom line:
- If the entirety of your data is a straightforward binary encoding of text data, use
. - If you've fundamentally got binary data which may happen to have some portions in text, use
So for example, you wouldn't try to read a JPEG file with StreamReader
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