ERC: Claim Holder #735 status:Discussion
Title: Claim Holder
Author: Fabian Vogelsteller (@frozeman)
Type: Standard
Category: ERC
Status: Discussion
Created: --
The following describes standard functions for adding, removing and holding of claims.
These claims can attested from third parties (issuers) or self attested.
This standardised claim holder interface will allow Dapps and smart contracts to check the claims about a claim holder. Trust is here transfered to the issuers of claims.
claims接口允许Dapps和智能合约去查看claim holder的claims
claim issuer
: is another smart contract or external account, which issues claims about this identity. The claim issuer can be an identity contract itself.claim发行商能发行了有关身份的claims,它可以是一个智能合约或一个外部账户,当然也可以是身份合约本身claim
: A claim is an information an issuer has about the identity holder.(claim就是发行商所有的关于身份holder的信息) This contains the following:topic
: Auint256
number which represents the topic of the claim. (e.g. 1 biometric(生物识别), 2 residence(住宅) (ToBeDefined: number schemes, sub topics based on number ranges??))scheme
: The scheme with which this claim SHOULD be verified or how it should be processed. Its auint256
for different schemes. E.g. could3
mean contract verification, where thedata
will be call data, and theissuer
a contract address to call (ToBeDefined). Those can also mean different key types e.g. 1 = ECDSA, 2 = RSA, etc. (ToBeDefined)issuer
: The issuers identity contract address, or the address used to sign the above signature. If an identity contract, it should hold the key with which the above message was signed, if the key is not present anymore, the claim SHOULD be treated as invalid. The issuer can also be a contract address itself, at which the claim can be verified using the calldata
.当发行商是一个合约的时候,claims的证明就可以使用call data来进行signature
: Signature which is the proof that the claim issuer issued a claim oftopic
for this identity(签名是发行商对这个身份address(identityHolder
)发行的有关topic的claim). it MUST be a signed message of the following structure:keccak256(address identityHolder_address, uint256 _ topic, bytes data)
// orkeccak256(abi.encode(identityHolder_address, topic, data))
: The hash of the claim data, sitting in another location, a bit-mask, call data, or actual data based on the claim scheme.uri
: The location of the claim, this can be HTTP links, swarm hashes, IPFS hashes, and such.
Claim Holder
claim structure
The claims issued to the identity. Returns the claim properties.
struct Claim {//这就是一个claims的组成,即某identity使用了该claim,就将相关信息记录下来,this.address即该identity的合约地址
uint256 topic; //claim type
uint256 scheme; //说明使用的是ECDSA等哪个签名算法
address issuer; // msg.sender
bytes signature; // this.address + topic + data
bytes data;
string uri;
There is no way to enforce this standard, and if a supposed claim holder added a claim with address issuer
somebody, but that somebody never made that claim, there is no way to proof that, except using signatures.
没有办法执行这个标准,如果一个假定的claim holder添加了一个地址发行商的claim,但是如果这个人从来没有使用过那个cliam,除了使用签名是再没有办法证明了它拥有该claim
I added the uint256 signatureType
to also allow different signature in the future.现在的签名方法是ECDSA
Returns a claim by ID.
function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId) constant returns(uint256 topic, uint256 scheme, address issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
Returns an array of claim IDs by topic.
function getClaimIdsByTopic(uint256 _topic) constant returns(bytes32[] claimIds);
Requests the ADDITION or the CHANGE of a claim from an issuer
Claims can requested to be added by anybody, including the claim holder itself (self issued).
is a signed message of the following structure: keccak256(address identityHolder_address, uint256 topic, bytes data)
Claim IDs are generated using keccak256(address issuer_address + uint256 topic)
This COULD implement an approval process for pending claims, or add them right away.
Possible claim topics:
: Biometric data2
: Permanent address
(TODO: add more in the initial standard? 3
: Claim registry?)
Returns claimRequestId
: COULD be send to the approve
function, to approve or reject this claim.
Triggers if the claim is new Event and approval process exists: ClaimRequested
Triggers if the claim is new Event and is added: ClaimAdded
Triggers if the claim index existed Event: ClaimChanged
function addClaim(uint256 _topic, uint256 _scheme, address _issuer, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri) returns (uint256 claimRequestId)
Removes a claim.
Can only be removed by the claim issuer, or the claim holder itself.
Triggers Event: ClaimRemoved
function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) returns (bool success)
COULD be triggered when addClaim
was successfully called.
event ClaimRequested(uint256 indexed claimRequestId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri)
MUST be triggered when a claim was successfully added.
event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri))
MUST be triggered when removeClaim
was successfully called.
event ClaimRemoved(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri))
MUST be triggered when changeClaim
was successfully called.
event ClaimChanged(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri)
Solidity Interface
pragma solidity ^0.4.; contract ERC735 { event ClaimRequested(uint256 indexed claimRequestId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimRemoved(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimChanged(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed topic, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri); struct Claim {
uint256 topic;
uint256 scheme;
address issuer; // msg.sender
bytes signature; // this.address + topic + data
bytes data;
string uri;
} function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public constant returns(uint256 topic, uint256 scheme, address issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
function getClaimIdsByTopic(uint256 _ topic) public constant returns(bytes32[] claimIds);
function addClaim(uint256 _topic, uint256 _scheme, address _issuer, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri) public returns (uint256 claimRequestId);
function changeClaim(bytes32 _claimId, uint256 _topic, uint256 _scheme, address _issuer, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri) returns (bool success);
function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public returns (bool success);
CHANGE: I renamed claimType
to topic
, to be more precise. Implementations should change that accordingly.
Here is the latest interface for this ERC
pragma solidity ^0.4.; contract ERC735 { event ClaimRequested(uint256 indexed claimRequestId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri); event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, address indexed issuer, uint256 signatureType, bytes signature, bytes claim, string uri);
event ClaimAdded(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimRemoved(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
event ClaimChanged(bytes32 indexed claimId, uint256 indexed claimType, uint256 scheme, address indexed issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri); struct Claim {
uint256 claimType;
uint256 scheme;
address issuer; // msg.sender
bytes signature; // this.address + claimType + data
bytes data;
string uri;
} function getClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public constant returns(uint256 claimType, uint256 scheme, address issuer, bytes signature, bytes data, string uri);
function getClaimIdsByType(uint256 _claimType) public constant returns(bytes32[] claimIds);
function addClaim(uint256 _claimType, uint256 _scheme, address _issuer, bytes _signature, bytes _data, string _uri) public returns (uint256 claimRequestId);
function removeClaim(bytes32 _claimId) public returns (bool success);
- A claim can only be one per topic per issuer.
⚠️This is implemented by #725,即ethereum/EIPs-725。所以上面是它的概念,最终实现结果写在EIPs-725
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