泡泡机器人SLAM 2019
LDSO:具有回环检测的直接稀疏里程计:LDSO:Direct Sparse Odometry with Loop Closure
Abstract—In this paper we present an extension of Direct Sparse Odometry (DSO) [1] to a monocular visual SLAM system with loop closure detection and pose-graph optimization (LDSO). As a direct technique, DSO can utilize any image pixel with sufficient intensity gradient, which makes it robust even in featureless areas. LDSO retains this robustness, while at the same time ensuring repeatability of some of these points by favoring corner features in the tracking frontend. This re- peatability allows to reliably detect loop closure candidates with a conventional feature-based bag-of-words (BoW) approach. Loop closure candidates are verified geometrically and Sim(3) relative pose constraints are estimated by jointly minimizing 2D and 3D geometric error terms. These constraints are fused with a co-visibility graph of relative poses extracted from DSO’s sliding window optimization. Our evaluation on publicly available datasets demonstrates that the modified point selection strategy retains the tracking accuracy and robustness, and the integrated pose-graph optimization significantly reduces the accumulated rotation-, translation- and scale-drift, resulting in an overall performance comparable to state-of-the-art feature- based systems, even without global bundle adjustment.
基于立体视觉里程计和语义的室内环境空中机器人定位:Stereo Visual Odometry and Semantics based Localization of Aerial_Robots in Indoor Environments
Abstract—In this paper we propose a particle filter local- ization approach, based on stereo visual odometry (VO) and semantic information from indoor environments, for mini-aerial robots. The prediction stage of the particle filter is performed using the 3D pose of the aerial robot estimated by the stereo VO algorithm. This predicted 3D pose is updated using inertial as well as semantic measurements. The algorithm processes semantic measurements in two phases; firstly, a pre-trained deep learning (DL) based object detector is used for real time object detections in the RGB spectrum. Secondly, from the corresponding 3D point clouds of the detected objects, we segment their dominant horizontal plane and estimate their relative position, also augmenting a prior map with new detections. The augmented map is then used in order to obtain a drift free pose estimate of the aerial robot. We validate our approach in several real flight experiments where we compare it against ground truth and a state of the art visual SLAM approach.
使用无参数统计和聚类实现SLAM中识别物体的定位:Localization of Classified Objects in SLAM using Nonparametric Statistics and Clustering
Abstract—Traditional Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) approaches build maps based on points, lines or planes. These maps visually resemble the environment but without any semantic or information about the objects in the environment. Recent advancements in machine learning have made object detection highly accurate and reliable with large set of objects. Object detection can effectively help SLAM to incorporate semantics in the mapping process. One of the main obstacles is data association between detected objects over time. We demonstrate a nonparametric statistical approach to solve the data association between detected objects over consecutive frames. Then we use an unsupervised clustering method to identify the existence of objects in the map. The complete process can be run in parallel with SLAM. The performance of our algorithm is demonstrated on several public datasets, which shows promising results in locating objects in SLAM.
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