Code Signal_练习题_variableName
Correct variable names consist only of English letters, digits and underscores and they can't start with a digit.
Check if the given string is a correct variable name.
- For
name = "var_1__Int"
, the output should bevariableName(name) = true
; - For
name = "qq-q"
, the output should bevariableName(name) = false
; - For
name = "2w2"
, the output should bevariableName(name) = false
def variableName(name):
dict = {'word':'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm', 'digit':'', 'underline':'_'}
if name[0].lower() in dict['word'] or name[0] in dict['underline']:
for i in name:
if i.lower() in dict['word'] or i in dict['underline'] or i in dict['digit']:
return False
return True
return False
def variableName(name):
return name.isidentifier()
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