Mono addin 学习笔记 1
Mono Addin是一个开源的插件框架,其主要支持的特性如下:
The main features of Mono.Addins are:
- Supports descriptions of add-ins using custom attributes (for simple and common extensions) or using an xml manifest (for more complex extensibility needs).
- Support for add-in hierarchies, where add-ins may depend on other add-ins.
- Lazy loading of add-ins.
- Provides an API for accessing to add-in descriptions, which will allow building development and documentation tools for handling add-ins.
- Dynamic activation / deactivation of add-ins at run time.
- Allows sharing add-in registries between applications, and defining arbitrary add-in locations.
- Allows implementing extensible libraries.
- Supports add-in localization.
- In addition to the basic add-in engine, it provides a Setup library to be used by applications which want to offer basic add-in management features to users, such as enabling/disabling add-ins, or installing add-ins from on-line repositories.
1. 支持用自定义属性(Attribute,简单项目)和xml定义(大型项目);
2. 支持插件层次结构,允许插件之间相互依赖(插件本身可以定义扩展点供其他插件进行扩展)
3. 支持插件懒加载;
4. 提供了访问插件描述的API接口;
5. 支持运行期激活/关闭插件;
6. 主持在应用程序之间共享插件,也允许插件私有;
7. 支持可扩展的类库;
8. 本地化支持;
9. 除了提供插件引擎外,还提供了安装工具,用于提供安装/卸载插件、启用/禁用插件
[TypeExtensionPoint] //定义扩展点的属性
public interface ISnippetProvider
string GetText (string shortcut);
[Extension] // 扩展点属性
class StockSnippetProvider: ISnippetProvider
public string GetText (string shortcut)
foreach (ExtensionNode<SnippetAttribute> node in AddinManager.GetExtensionNodes("/SnippetsAddinNode/StockSnippets"))
if (node.Data.Shortcut == shortcut)
return node.Data.Text;
return null;
[AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class SnippetAttribute : CustomExtensionAttribute
public SnippetAttribute ()
{ }
public SnippetAttribute ([NodeAttribute ("Shortcut")] string shortcut, [NodeAttribute ("Text")] string text)
Shortcut = shortcut;
Text = text;
public string Shortcut { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
[assembly: ExtensionPoint("/SnippetsAddinNode/StockSnippets", ExtensionAttributeType = typeof(SnippetAttribute))]
[assembly: Snippet("foreach", "foreach (var item in col)\n{\n\t<|>\n}")]
[assembly: Snippet("for", "for (int n=0; n<len; n++)\n{\n\t<|>\n}")]
[assembly: Snippet("c", "hello,world!")]
foreach (ISnippetProvider provider in AddinManager.GetExtensionObjects <ISnippetProvider>())
string fullText = provider.GetText (word);
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