





1.Good resource

weblog :This is really a good passage!


If you want to apply your change to all the applications,modify "/usr/share/themes/Ambian/gtk-2.0/gtkrc":

  change 'gtk-color-scheme=...fg_color=#000000...bg_color=#f5f5f5'

If you just want to apply change to eclipse,edit one file with a random name.For example,I write a file '~/Desktop/style' whose contents is this:

  style "my-tooltips"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#f5f5f5"
    fg[NORMAL] = "#000000"
  widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "my-tooltips"
Then you can start eclipse with this style.Press 'Ctrl+Alt+T' to open terminal,input the command below:

  GTK2_RC_FILES=style eclipse

Now you will see everything change !  


If you always start eclipse in terminal,just put this cmd above into global(There are many ways to accomplish this).

If you want to start eclipse by clicking the icon in the laungcher,edit the file "/usr/share/applications/eclipse.desktop"

change the 'exec' as your own cmd.

Actually you can create your own laungchers here.

5.My method


  style "haha"
    bg[NORMAL] = "#f5f5b5"
    fg[NORMAL] = "#000000"
  widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "haha"


  GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/local/bin/eclipse-style eclipse


  Change one line:  

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