
mutt 是命令行下的邮件client,它仅是管理邮件的组织编辑,邮件的发送和接收须要调用相应的程序。

这里用的各自是getmail 和 msmtp.



1. 安装mutt, getmail, msmtp


$ sudo yum -y install mutt getmail msmtp

2. Build Mail Dir


  Create ~/Mail directory:

  $ mkdir -m 700 ~/Mail/inbox/{,tmp,new,cur}

3. Configure getmail



  $ mkdir ~/.getmail

  $ cd ~/.getmail

  $ vi getmailrc.163


  type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever

  server = pop.163.com

  port = 995

  username = username

  password = password


  type = Maildir

  path = ~/Mail/inbox/


  verbose = 0

  # don't delete messages on server.

  delete = false

  # don't retrieve all available message.

  read_all = false

  message_log = ~/.getmail/getmail.log

4. Config ~/.msmtprc


  $ touch ~/.msmtprc

  $ chmod 600 ~/.msmtprc

$ vi ~/.msmtprc

account 163

tls on

tls_certcheck off

tls_starttls off

auth on

host smtp.163.com

user username

from username@163.com

password password

port 465

5. add the following lines to ~/.muttrc


  set folder=~/Mail

  mailboxes +inbox

  mailboxes +linux

  set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"

  # the mail_address name displayed on the mail list.

  set from="mail_address"

  set pager_stop=yes

  set beep=no

  set signature="~/.signature"

  set copy

  set edit_headers

  set fast_reply

  set help

  set include=yes

  bind index \cr search-opposite

  bind index \cs search-next

  bind pager \cr search-opposite

  bind pager \cs search-next

  bind pager \er read-thread

  bind index \er read-thread

  macro index G "!getmail -r ~/.getmail/getmailrc.163\n" "Invoke getmail"

  # append address to Cc.

  my_hdr Cc: address

6. getmail


  Use cron or other programs to run getmail to check out mail.

  getmail command

  $ getmail -r ~/.getmail/getmailrc.163

  fetch the mail every two minutes.

  $ crontab -e

  */2 * * * * getmail -r ~/.getmail/getmailrc.163

  mailbox can't be processed in one config file. But mulitple config

  file can be processed.

7. run mutt


  $ mutt -y


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