默认情况下,并不是等堆内存耗尽,才会报 OutOfMemoryError,而是如果 JVM 觉得 GC 效率不高,也会报这个错误。

那么怎么评价 GC 效率不高呢?来看下源码:


  1. void GCOverheadChecker::check_gc_overhead_limit(GCOverheadTester* time_overhead,
  2. GCOverheadTester* space_overhead,
  3. bool is_full_gc,
  4. GCCause::Cause gc_cause,
  5. SoftRefPolicy* soft_ref_policy) {
  6. // 忽略显式gc命令,比如System.gc(),或者通过JVMTI命令的gc,或者通过jcmd命令的gc
  7. if (GCCause::is_user_requested_gc(gc_cause) ||
  8. GCCause::is_serviceability_requested_gc(gc_cause)) {
  9. return;
  10. }
  11. bool print_gc_overhead_limit_would_be_exceeded = false;
  12. if (is_full_gc) {
  13. //如果gc时间过长,并且gc回收的空间还是不多
  14. //gc时间占用98%以上为gc时间过长,可以通过 -XX:GCTimeLimit= 配置,参考gc_globals.hpp: GCTimeLimit
  15. //回收空间小于2%为gc回收空间不多,可以通过 -XX:GCHeapFreeLimit= 配置,参考gc_globals.hpp: GCHeapFreeLimit
  16. if (time_overhead->is_exceeded() && space_overhead->is_exceeded()) {
  17. _gc_overhead_limit_count++;
  18. //如果UseGCOverheadLimit这个状态位为开启
  19. //默认情况下,是开启的,可以通过启动参数-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit关闭,参考:gc_globals.hpp: UseGCOverheadLimit
  20. if (UseGCOverheadLimit) {
  21. //如果超过规定次数,这个次数默认不可配置,必须开启develop编译jdk才能配置,参考gc_globals.hpp: GCOverheadLimitThreshold
  22. if (_gc_overhead_limit_count >= GCOverheadLimitThreshold){
  23. //设置状态位,准备抛出OOM
  24. set_gc_overhead_limit_exceeded(true);
  25. //清空计数
  26. reset_gc_overhead_limit_count();
  27. } else {
  28. //如果还没到达次数,但是也快到达的时候,清空所有的软引用
  29. bool near_limit = gc_overhead_limit_near();
  30. if (near_limit) {
  31. soft_ref_policy->set_should_clear_all_soft_refs(true);
  32. log_trace(gc, ergo)("Nearing GC overhead limit, will be clearing all SoftReference");
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }
  36. //需要打印日志,提示GC效率不高
  37. print_gc_overhead_limit_would_be_exceeded = true;
  38. } else {
  39. // Did not exceed overhead limits
  40. reset_gc_overhead_limit_count();
  41. }
  42. }
  43. if (UseGCOverheadLimit) {
  44. if (gc_overhead_limit_exceeded()) {
  45. log_trace(gc, ergo)("GC is exceeding overhead limit of " UINTX_FORMAT "%%", GCTimeLimit);
  46. reset_gc_overhead_limit_count();
  47. } else if (print_gc_overhead_limit_would_be_exceeded) {
  48. assert(_gc_overhead_limit_count > 0, "Should not be printing");
  49. log_trace(gc, ergo)("GC would exceed overhead limit of " UINTX_FORMAT "%% %d consecutive time(s)",
  50. GCTimeLimit, _gc_overhead_limit_count);
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }


  1. product(bool, UseGCOverheadLimit, true, \
  2. "Use policy to limit of proportion of time spent in GC " \
  3. "before an OutOfMemory error is thrown") \
  4. \
  5. product(uintx, GCTimeLimit, 98, \
  6. "Limit of the proportion of time spent in GC before " \
  7. "an OutOfMemoryError is thrown (used with GCHeapFreeLimit)") \
  8. range(0, 100) \
  9. \
  10. product(uintx, GCHeapFreeLimit, 2, \
  11. "Minimum percentage of free space after a full GC before an " \
  12. "OutOfMemoryError is thrown (used with GCTimeLimit)") \
  13. range(0, 100) \
  14. \
  15. develop(uintx, GCOverheadLimitThreshold, 5, \
  16. "Number of consecutive collections before gc time limit fires") \
  17. range(1, max_uintx)

可以总结出:默认情况下,启用了 UseGCOverheadLimit,连续 5 次,碰到 GC 时间占比超过 98%,GC 回收的内存不足 2% 时,会抛出这个异常。


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