02.SELECT from Nobel Tutorial

注意:where语句中对表示条件的需要用单引号, 下面的译文使用的是有道翻译如有不正确,请直接投诉有道

01.Change the query shown so that it displays Nobel prizes for 1950.


SELECT yr, subject, winner FROM nobel WHERE yr = 1950

02.Show who won the 1962 prize for Literature.


SELECT winner FROM nobel WHERE yr = 1962  AND subject = 'Literature'

03.Show the year and subject that won 'Albert Einstein' his prize.


select yr, subject from nobel where winner ='Albert Einstein'

04.Give the name of the 'Peace' winners since the year 2000, including 2000.


select winner from nobel where yr >= 2000 and subject='Peace'

05.Show all details (yrsubjectwinner) of the Literature prize winners for 1980 to 1989 inclusive.


select * from nobel where (yr between 1980 and 1989) and subject = 'Literature'


Show all details of the presidential winners:

  • Theodore Roosevelt

  • Woodrow Wilson

  • Jimmy Carter

  • Barack Obama





    巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)

WHERE winner IN ('Theodore Roosevelt',
'Woodrow Wilson',
'Jimmy Carter', 'Barack Obama')

07.Show the winners with first name John


select winner from nobel where winner like 'John%'

08.Show the year, subject, and name of Physics winners for 1980 together with the Chemistry winners for 1984.


select * from nobel where (yr=1980 and subject='Physics') or (yr=1984 and subject='Chemistry')

09.Show the year, subject, and name of winners for 1980 excluding Chemistry and Medicine


select * from nobel where yr=1980 and subject not in ('Chemistry','Medicine')

10.Show year, subject, and name of people who won a 'Medicine' prize in an early year (before 1910, not including 1910) together with winners of a 'Literature' prize in a later year (after 2004, including 2004)


select * from nobel where (yr<1910 and subject='Medicine') or (yr>=2004 and subject='Literature')

11.Find all details of the prize won by PETER GRÜNBERG


select * from nobel where winner='PETER GRÜNBERG'

12.Find all details of the prize won by EUGENE O'NEILL


# 查询的名字里面有个单引号 需要使用两个单引号  即’EUGENE O’’NEILL’

select * from nobel where winner ='EUGENE O''NEILL'

13.List the winners, year and subject where the winner starts with Sir. Show the the most recent first, then by name order.


select winner,yr,subject from nobel where winner like 'Sir%' order by yr desc, winner asc

14.Show the 1984 winners and subject ordered by subject and winner name; but list Chemistry and Physics last.


SELECT winner, subject
FROM nobel
WHERE yr=1984
ORDER BY subject in('Physics','Chemistry') ,subject,winner



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