Syntax: root path;
root html;
Context: http, server, location, if in location
Sets the root directory for requests. For example, with the following configuration
访问 http://localhost:80/i/top.gif
location /i/ {
root /data/w3;
The /data/w3/i/top.gif file will be sent in response to the “/i/top.gif” request.
The path value can contain variables, except $document_root and $realpath_root.
A path to the file is constructed by merely adding a URI to the value of the root directive. If a URI has to be modified, the alias directive should be used.
Syntax: alias path;
Default: —
Context: location
Defines a replacement for the specified location. For example, with the following configuration
location /i/ {
alias /data/w3/images/;
on request of “/i/top.gif”, the file /data/w3/images/top.gif will be sent.
The path value can contain variables, except $document_root and $realpath_root.
If alias is used inside a location defined with a regular expression then such regular expression should contain captures and alias should refer to these captures (0.7.40), for example:
location ~ ^/users/(.+\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png))$ {
alias /data/w3/images/$1;
When location matches the last part of the directive’s value:
location /images/ {
alias /data/w3/images/;
it is better to use the root directive instead:
location /images/ {
root /data/w3;
- nginx中有关 root 和 alias的主要区别
举个例子给伙伴们区别就明显看出来了,例子如下: location /img/ { alias /var/www/image/; }注意:如果按照上述配置的话,则访问/img/目录里面的文件时,ning ...
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