介绍开源的.net通信框架NetworkComms框架 源码分析(十)DOSProtection
原文网址: http://www.cnblogs.com/csdev
Networkcomms 是一款C# 语言编写的TCP/UDP通信框架 作者是英国人 以前是收费的 目前作者已经开源 许可是:Apache License v2
- DOSProtection用于放置Dos攻击,可以封IP,默认没有启用
- namespace NetworkCommsDotNet.Tools
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// NetworkComms.Net class used for providing Denial Of Service (DOS) protection features.
- /// If enabled, malformed data events and connection initialises are tracked. If above
- /// set thresholds IPAddresses are banned.
- /// 用于DOS攻击防御的类
- /// 如果启用 则格式不正确的数据和连接请求将会被跟踪 并对相应的IP进行查封
- /// </summary>
- public class DOSProtection
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// A local thread safety locker
- /// 同步锁
- /// </summary>
- object _syncRoot = new object();
- /// <summary>
- /// Addresses that are currently banned. Key is remote IPAddress, value is time banned.
- /// 被查封的IP
- /// </summary>
- Dictionary<IPAddress, DateTime> _bannedAddresses = new Dictionary<IPAddress, DateTime>();
- /// <summary>
- /// First key is remote IPAddress, second key is DateTime.Ticks, value is the malformed count for that DateTime.ticks
- /// 格式不正确的数据的相关信息 IP 发生的时间 次数
- /// </summary>
- Dictionary<IPAddress, Dictionary<long, int>> _malformedCountDict = new Dictionary<IPAddress, Dictionary<long, int>>();
- /// <summary>
- /// First key is remote IPAddress, second key is DateTime.Ticks, value is the connection initialisation count for that DateTime.ticks
- /// 格式不正确的连接请求 IP 发生的时间 次数
- /// </summary>
- Dictionary<IPAddress, Dictionary<long, int>> _connectionInitialiseCountDict = new Dictionary<IPAddress, Dictionary<long, int>>();
- /// <summary>
- /// The current state of DOS protection
- /// 是否启用DOS攻击防御
- /// </summary>
- public bool Enabled { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The timeout after which time a banned IPAddress may have access again. Default is 10 minutes.
- /// 相关IP查封的时间
- /// </summary>
- public TimeSpan BanTimeout { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The time within which if MalformedCountInIntervalBeforeBan or ConnectionInitialiseCountInIntervalBeforeBan
- /// is reached a peer will be banned. Default is 5 minutes.
- /// 查封相关的一个时间段
- /// 默认5分钟
- /// 比如说5分钟内收到2个不规则数据,启用查封
- /// </summary>
- public TimeSpan LogInterval { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The number of malformed data counts to log within LogInterval before an IPAddress is banned. Default is 2.
- /// LogInterval时间内收到不规则数据将会被查封 默认为2个
- /// </summary>
- public int MalformedCountInIntervalBeforeBan { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// The number of connection initialises to log within LogInterval before an IPAddress is banned. Default is 100
- /// LogInterval时间内收到不规则连接请求 默认为100个 启用查封
- /// </summary>
- public int ConnectionInitialiseCountInIntervalBeforeBan { get; set; }
- /// <summary>
- /// Initialise a new instance of DOS protection.
- /// 初始化
- /// </summary>
- public DOSProtection()
- {
- Enabled = false;
- BanTimeout = , , );
- LogInterval = , , );
- MalformedCountInIntervalBeforeBan = ;
- ConnectionInitialiseCountInIntervalBeforeBan = ;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Log a malformed data event for the provided remote IPAddress.
- /// 记录不规则数据时间 根据指定的IP
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="remoteIPAddress"></param>
- /// <returns>如果指定IP已经查封 返回True *** True if the remote IPAddress is now banned, otherwise false.</returns>
- public bool LogMalformedData(IPAddress remoteIPAddress)
- {
- bool ipAddressNowBanned = false;
- lock (_syncRoot)
- {
- //Record the malformed data count
- //记录不规则数据数量
- long tick = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
- if (_malformedCountDict.ContainsKey(remoteIPAddress))
- {
- if (_malformedCountDict[remoteIPAddress].ContainsKey(tick))
- _malformedCountDict[remoteIPAddress][tick]++;
- else
- _malformedCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Add(tick, );
- }
- else
- _malformedCountDict.Add(remoteIPAddress, } });
- //Delete any tick keys which are greater than LogInterval
- //删除超过LogInterval时间段的数据
- List<long> existingIPAddressTickKeys = new List<long>(_malformedCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Keys);
- //Sort from oldest to newest
- //排序
- existingIPAddressTickKeys.Sort();
- //Keep removing tick keys until we are within LogInterval
- //删除超过指定时间段的数据
- ; i < existingIPAddressTickKeys.Count; i++)
- {
- if (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(existingIPAddressTickKeys[i]) > LogInterval)
- _malformedCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Remove(existingIPAddressTickKeys[i]);
- else
- break;
- }
- //Add up the remaining counts and see if we need to ban this peer
- //查看是否需要查封此IP
- ;
- foreach(int count in _malformedCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Values)
- currentMalformedCount += count;
- if (currentMalformedCount >= MalformedCountInIntervalBeforeBan)
- {
- ipAddressNowBanned = true;
- _bannedAddresses[remoteIPAddress] = new DateTime(tick);
- }
- else
- {
- ipAddressNowBanned = false;
- _bannedAddresses.Remove(remoteIPAddress);
- }
- //Remove the remote IPAddress key if no events are left
- //如果没有响应的时间 删除相应的IP
- )
- _malformedCountDict.Remove(remoteIPAddress);
- }
- return ipAddressNowBanned;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Log a connection initialisation for the provided remote IPAddress.
- /// 记录一个格式错误的连接初始化 根据指定IP
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="remoteIPAddress"></param>
- /// <returns>True if the remote IPAddress is now banned, otherwise false.</returns>
- public bool LogConnectionInitialise(IPAddress remoteIPAddress)
- {
- bool ipAddressNowBanned = false;
- lock (_syncRoot)
- {
- //Record the malformed data count
- //记录格式错误的数据的次数
- long tick = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
- if (_connectionInitialiseCountDict.ContainsKey(remoteIPAddress))
- {
- if (_connectionInitialiseCountDict[remoteIPAddress].ContainsKey(tick))
- _connectionInitialiseCountDict[remoteIPAddress][tick]++;
- else
- _connectionInitialiseCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Add(tick, );
- }
- else
- _connectionInitialiseCountDict.Add(remoteIPAddress, } });
- //Delete any tick keys which are greater than LogInterval
- //删除超过LogInterval时间段的数据
- List<long> existingIPAddressTickKeys = new List<long>(_connectionInitialiseCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Keys);
- //Sort from oldest to newest
- //排序
- existingIPAddressTickKeys.Sort();
- //Keep removing tick keys until we are within LogInterval
- //删除超过LogInterval时间段的数据
- ; i < existingIPAddressTickKeys.Count; i++)
- {
- if (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(existingIPAddressTickKeys[i]) > LogInterval)
- _connectionInitialiseCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Remove(existingIPAddressTickKeys[i]);
- else
- break;
- }
- //Add up the remaining counts and see if we need to ban this peer
- //查看是否需要查封相关的数据
- ;
- foreach (int count in _connectionInitialiseCountDict[remoteIPAddress].Values)
- currentConnectionInitialisationCount += count;
- //Make a decision based on currentConnectionInitialisationCount
- //是否查封
- if (currentConnectionInitialisationCount >= ConnectionInitialiseCountInIntervalBeforeBan)
- {
- ipAddressNowBanned = true;
- _bannedAddresses[remoteIPAddress] = new DateTime(tick);
- }
- else
- {
- ipAddressNowBanned = false;
- _bannedAddresses.Remove(remoteIPAddress);
- }
- //Remove the remote IPAddress key if no events are left
- //如果事件不存在 删除相关IP
- )
- _connectionInitialiseCountDict.Remove(remoteIPAddress);
- }
- return ipAddressNowBanned;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Returns true if the provided IPAddress has been banned due to DOSProtection.
- /// 如果参数中IP已经被查封 返回True
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="remoteIPAddress">The IPAddress to check</param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public bool RemoteIPAddressBanned(IPAddress remoteIPAddress)
- {
- lock(_syncRoot)
- {
- if (_bannedAddresses.ContainsKey(remoteIPAddress))
- {
- //If the ban time is longer than the timeout we can allow it again
- //如果过了封杀的时间 从查封列表中删除
- if (DateTime.Now - _bannedAddresses[remoteIPAddress] > BanTimeout)
- {
- _bannedAddresses.Remove(remoteIPAddress);
- return false;
- }
- else
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
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