Cracking the Safe
Time Limit: 1000ms, Special Time Limit:2500ms, Memory Limit:65536KB
Total submit users: 46, Accepted users: 12
Problem 12886 : No special judgement
Problem description

Secret agent Roger is trying to crack a safe containing evil Syrian chemical weapons. In order to crack the safe, Roger needs to insert a key into the safe. The key consists of four digits. Roger has received a list of possible keys from his informants that he needs to try out. Trying out the whole list will take too long, so Roger needs to find a way to reduce the list.
A valid key satisfies
a certain condition, which we call the 24 condition. Four digits that satisfy
the 24 condition can be manipulated using addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division and parentheses, in such a way, that the end result equals 24.
example, the key (4; 7; 8; 8) satisfies the 24 condition, because (7-8/8)×4 =
24. The key (1; 1; 2; 4) does not satisfy the 24 condition, nor does (1; 1; 1;
1). These keys cannot possibly be the valid key and do not need to be
Write a program that takes the list of possible keys and outputs for
each key whether it satisfies the 24 condition or not.


On the first line one positive number: the number of test cases, at most 100.
After that per test case:
one line with four space-separated integers a; b;
c; d (1<=a; b; c; d<=9): a possible key.


Per test case:
one line with either “YES” or “NO”, indicating whether
the key satisfies the 24 condition or not.

Sample Input
  1. 4
  2. 4 7 8 8
  3. 1 1 2 4
  4. 1 1 1 1
  5. 1 3 4 6
Sample Output
  1. YES
  2. NO
  3. NO
  4. YES
Problem Source
BAPC preliminary 2013







Time complexity:4*4*4*4*4*4*4*5=81920,不超过81920次

Source code:

//Memory   Time
// 1143K   27MS
// by : Snarl_jsb
#define MAX 1100
#define LL long long
using namespace std;
bool mark;
double num[];
double aa[];
double calc(double a,double b,int flag)
       case :return (a+b);
       case :return (a-b);
       case :return (a*b);
       case :return (a/b);
void algebra()
   double tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;
   for(int i=;i<=;i++)
       for(int j=;j<=;j++)
           for(int k=;k<=;k++)
               //  运算顺序1
                   return ;
               //  运算顺序2
                   return ;
               //  运算顺序3
                   return ;
               //  运算顺序4
                   return ;
               //  运算顺序5
                   return ;

void arrange()
   for(int i=;i<=;i++)
       for(int j=;j<=;j++)
           for(int k=;k<=;k++)
               for(int l=;l<=;l++)

int main()
   int T;
       for(int i=;i<=;i++)
   return ;


//Memory   Time
// 724K      0MS
// by : Snarl_jsb
#define MAX 1100
#define LL long long
using namespace std;
double num[];
bool solve ( int n ) {
   if ( n == ) {
       if ( fabs ( num[] - ) < 1E-6 )
           return true;
           return false;

for ( int i = ; i < n; i++ )
       for ( int j = i + ; j < n; j++ )
                   double a, b;
                   a = num[i];
                   b = num[j];
                   num[j] = num[n - ];
                   num[i] = a + b;
                   if ( solve ( n - ) )
                       return true;
                   num[i] = a - b;
                   if ( solve ( n - ) )
                       return true;

num[i] = b - a;
                   if ( solve ( n - ) )
                       return true;

num[i] = a * b;
                   if ( solve ( n - ) )
                       return true;
                   if ( b != ) {
                       num[i] = a / b;

if ( solve ( n - ) )
                           return true;
                   if ( a != ) {
                       num[i] = b / a;
                       if ( solve ( n - ) )
                           return true;
                   num[i] = a;
                   num[j] = b;
   return false;
int main() {
   int x;
   int T;
   cin >> T;
   while ( T-- ) {
       for ( int i = ; i < ; i++ ) {
           cin >> x;
           num[i] = x;

if ( solve ( ) ) {
           cout << "YES" << endl;
       } else {
           cout << "NO" << endl;

return ;

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