POJ 3047 Fibonacci
DEBUG很辛苦,且行, 且珍惜
- ans[0][0] = (ans[0][0] * a[flag][0][0] + ans[0][1] * a[flag][1][0]) % 10000;
- ans[0][1] = (ans[0][0] * a[flag][0][1] + ans[0][1] * a[flag][1][1]) % 10000;
- ans[1][0] = (ans[1][0] * a[flag][0][0] + ans[1][1] * a[flag][1][0]) % 10000;
- ans[1][1] = (ans[1][0] * a[flag][0][1] + ans[1][1] * a[flag][1][1]) % 10000;
- ans[0][0] = (temp_1 * a[flag][0][0] + temp_2 * a[flag][1][0]) % 10000;
- ans[0][1] = (temp_1 * a[flag][0][1] + temp_2 * a[flag][1][1]) % 10000;
- ans[1][0] = (temp_3 * a[flag][0][0] + temp_4 * a[flag][1][0]) % 10000;
- ans[1][1] = (temp_3 * a[flag][0][1] + temp_4 * a[flag][1][1]) % 10000;
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <algorithm>
- using namespace std;
- const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
- int a[][][];
- void test_print(){
- for(int i = ; i < ; ++i){
- printf("i = %d\n",i);
- printf("%d\n\n",a[i][][]);
- }
- }
- int main(){
- int i, j, k;
- int n;
- a[][][] = ;
- a[][][] = ;
- a[][][] = ;
- a[][][] = ;// n = 1
- for(i = ; i < ; ++i){
- a[i][][] = (a[i-][][] * a[i-][][] + a[i-][][] * a[i-][][]) % ;
- a[i][][] = (a[i-][][] * a[i-][][] + a[i-][][] * a[i-][][]) % ;
- a[i][][] = (a[i-][][] * a[i-][][] + a[i-][][] * a[i-][][]) % ;
- a[i][][] = (a[i-][][] * a[i-][][] + a[i-][][] * a[i-][][]) % ;
- }
- // test_print();
- while(EOF != scanf("%d",&n)){
- if(- == n) break;
- else if( == n){
- printf("0\n");
- continue;
- }
- int count = ;
- int flag;
- int ans[][];
- int array[];
- int flag_t = ;
- bool init_ok = false;
- memset(array, , sizeof(array));
- while(n){
- if(n % == ){
- n /= ;
- array[flag_t] = ;
- } else{
- n = (n - ) / ;
- array[flag_t] = ;
- }
- ++flag_t;
- }
- //for(i = 0; i < flag_t / 2; ++i) swap(array[i], array[flag_t - i -1 ]);
- for(i = ; i < flag_t; ++i){
- if(!array[i]) continue;
- int flag = i;
- if(!init_ok){
- ans[][] = a[i][][];
- ans[][] = a[i][][];
- ans[][] = a[i][][];
- ans[][] = a[i][][];
- init_ok = true;
- continue;
- }
- int temp_1 = ans[][];
- int temp_2 = ans[][];
- int temp_3 = ans[][];
- int temp_4 = ans[][];
- ans[][] = (temp_1 * a[flag][][] + temp_2 * a[flag][][]) % ;
- ans[][] = (temp_1 * a[flag][][] + temp_2 * a[flag][][]) % ;
- ans[][] = (temp_3 * a[flag][][] + temp_4 * a[flag][][]) % ;
- ans[][] = (temp_3 * a[flag][][] + temp_4 * a[flag][][]) % ;
- }
- printf("%d\n",ans[][]);
- }
- return ;
- }
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