题目:将一个英文句子翻转,比如:the sky is blue 翻转后变为:blue is sky the



class Solution {
	void reverseWords(string &s) {
		stack<string> mStack;
		string mString = "";
		bool flag = false;//false 表示遇到空格,true表示正在读一个单词
		int mStringLength = s.length();
		for (int i=0;i<mStringLength;++i)
			if (s[i] != ' ')
				flag = true;
				mString += s[i];
			if ((s[i] == ' ' || i == mStringLength-1) && flag == true)
				flag = false;
				mString = "";
				mStack.push(" ");
			//s += mStack.top();



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