经过比赛结果以及综合评定,以下42名同学暂定出现。下为出现名单(打*为 友情参赛 或为 有重大作弊嫌疑的选手)



2014_acm_fresh_0057 20131620 刘畅

2014_acm_fresh_0005 2014112352 殷海钦

2014_acm_fresh_0014 2014110417 梁岚峥

(由于工作疏忽,在统计名单中有了漏人的现象。现已改正。原本设立的奖项应该为 梁岚峥 同学所获得,所以最终决定增加一个奖项名额。再次对  梁岚峥 同学说声抱歉!

Rank Nick Name Accepts Status
1 *UnkelTao 7  
2 *Desgard_Duan 6  
3 *yeahpeng 6  
4 *_JM 5  
5 2014_acm_fresh_0057 5 Promotion success
6 *WID 4  
7 2014_acm_fresh_0099 4 Promotion success
8 2014_acm_fresh_0086 4 Promotion success
9 2014_acm_fresh_0025 4 Promotion success
10 2014_acm_fresh_0022 3 Promotion success
11 2014_acm_fresh_0010 3 Promotion success
12 2014_acm_fresh_0128 3 Promotion success
13 2014_acm_fresh_0014 3 Promotion success
14 2014_acm_fresh_0137 3 Promotion success
15 2014_acm_fresh_0013 3 Promotion success
16 2014_acm_fresh_0005 3 Promotion success
17 2014_acm_fresh_0251 3 Promotion success
18 2014_acm_fresh_0059 3 Promotion success
19 2014_acm_fresh_0160 3 Promotion success
20 2014_acm_fresh_0024 3 Promotion success
21 2014_acm_fresh_0049 3 Promotion success
22 *2014_acm_fresh_0037 3  
23 2014_acm_fresh_0106 3 Promotion success
24 2014_acm_fresh_0143 3 Promotion success
25 2014_acm_fresh_0040 2 Promotion success
26 *2014_acm_fresh_0031 3  
27 2014_acm_fresh_0003 2 Promotion success
28 2014_acm_fresh_0070 2 Promotion success
29 2014_acm_fresh_0311 2 Promotion success
30 2014_acm_fresh_0214 2 Promotion success
31 2014_acm_fresh_0001 2 Promotion success
32 *2014_acm_fresh_0263 2  
33 2014_acm_fresh_0011 2 Promotion success
34 *2014_acm_fresh_0231 2  
35 2014_acm_fresh_0109 2 Promotion success
36 2014_acm_fresh_0063 2 Promotion success
37 2014_acm_fresh_0117 2 Promotion success
38 2014_acm_fresh_0012 2 Promotion success
39 2014_acm_fresh_0308 2 Promotion success
40 *1107test 2  
41 *2014_acm_fresh_0039 2  
42 2014_acm_fresh_0216 2 Promotion success
43 *2014_acm_fresh_0036 2  
44 2014_acm_fresh_0161 2 Promotion success
45 2014_acm_fresh_0078 2 Promotion success
46 2014_acm_fresh_0159 2 Promotion success
47 2014_acm_fresh_0157 2 Promotion success
48 2014_acm_fresh_0180 2 Promotion success
49 2014_acm_fresh_0304 2 Promotion success
50 2014_acm_fresh_0280 2 Promotion success
51 2014_acm_fresh_0309 1 Promotion success
52 *20122595 1  
53 *Jvc__ 1  
54 2014_acm_fresh_0064 1 Promotion success
55 2014_acm_fresh_0144 1 Promotion success
56 2014_acm_fresh_0127 1 Promotion success
57 *2014_acm_fresh_0242 1  

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