Using split action bar

  Split action bar provides a separate bar at the bottom of the screen to display all action items when the activity is running on a narrow screen (such as a portrait-oriented handset).

Figure 3. Mock-ups showing an action bar with tabs (left), then with split action bar (middle); and with the app icon and title disabled (right).

  Separating the action items this way ensures that a reasonable amount of space is available to display all your action items on a narrow screen, while leaving room for navigation and title elements at the top.

  To enable split action bar when using the support library, you must do two things:

  1. Add android:uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" to each <activity> element or to the <application>element. This attribute is understood only by API level 14 and higher (it is ignored by older versions).
  2. To support older versions, add a <meta-data> element as a child of each <activity> element that declares the same value for "".
  开启分裂模式的方法:在minifest,xml的activity或application中用 android:uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow"


 <manifest ...>
     <activity uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" ... >
         <meta-data android:name=""
                    android:value="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" />


         android:theme="@style/AppBaseTheme" >
         <activity ...

  Using split action bar also allows navigation tabs to collapse into the main action bar if you remove the icon and title (as shown on the right in figure 3). To create this effect, disable the action bar icon and title with setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false) and setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false).

注意:     ActionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false) 隐藏icon  ActionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false) 隐藏标题


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