1.rgba(red,green,blue,alpha(不透明度0.0(完全透明)与 1.0(完全不透明))

2.HSLa(hue(色调 0red 120green 240blue),saturation(饱和度),lightness(亮度),alpha)颜色柱面坐标表示法

hue:Any angle, from 0 to 360, taken from a typical color wheel, where “0” (and “360”) is red, “120” is green and “240” is blue.

saturation:from 0% (none, so a level of grey depending on the lightness) to 100% (the whole whack,0% 意味着灰色,而 100% 是全彩。

lightness:From 0% (black) to 100% (white), 50% being “normal”.0% 是黑色,100% 是白色。

【CSS3】Advanced4:Advanced Colors的更多相关文章

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