
* 单链表
*/ //节点,下标,节点名称,下一个节点的地址
class Node
public $id;
public $name;
public $next; public function __construct($id, $name)
$this->id = $id;
$this->name = $name;
$this->next = null;
} class SingleLinkList
private $header;
public function __construct($id=null,$name=null)
$this->header=new Node($id,$name);
} /**
* 获取单链表的长度
public function getLinkLength(){
$i = ;
$current = $this->header;
while($current->next !=null){
$current = $current->next;
return $i;
} /**
* 添加节点到单链表中(原理就是插入当前的节点的位置存储的下一个节点的信息,上一个节点存储当前节点的信息)
* @param $node 节点
public function addLink($node){
$current = $this->header;
if($current->next->id > $node->id){
$current = $current->next;
$node->next = $current->next;
$current->next = $node;
} /**
* 删除节点(删除的节点的下一个位置保持在上一个节点中)
* @param $id
public function delLink($id){
$current = $this->header;
$flag = false;
if($current->next->id == $id){
$flag = true;
$current = $current->next;
} if($flag){
$current->next = $current->next->next;
echo '未找到该节点'.$id.'的信息';
} /**
* 判断单链表是否为空
* @return bool
public function isEmpty(){
return $this->header == null;
} /**
* 清空单链表
public function clear(){
} /**
* 获取链表的信息
public function getLinkList(){
$current = $this->header;
echo '链表为空';
while($current->next != null){
echo 'id:'.$current->next->id.',节点名称为'.$current->next->name.'<br/>';
if($current->next->next == null){
} /**
* 获取某个节点信息
* @param $id
* @return string
public function getLinkNameById($id){
$current = $this->header;
return '';
} while($current->next != null){
if($current->id == $id){
return $current->name;
} /**
* 更新某个节点名称
* @param $id
* @param $name
public function updateLink($id,$name){
$current = $this->header;
return '';
} while($current->next != null){
if($current->id == $id){
return $current->name=$name;
} header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf8');
$lists = new SingleLinkList(); $lists->addLink ( new node ( , 'eeeeee' ) );
$lists->addLink ( new node ( , 'aaaaaa' ) );
$lists->addLink ( new node ( , 'ffffff' ) );
$lists->addLink ( new node ( , 'dddddd' ) );
$lists->addLink ( new node ( , 'cccccc' ) );
$lists->addLink ( new node ( , 'bbbbbb' ) );
$lists->getLinkList ();
echo "<br>-----------删除节点--------------<br>";
$lists->delLink ( );
$lists->getLinkList ();
echo "<br>-----------更新节点名称--------------<br>";
$lists->updateLink ( , "" );
$lists->getLinkList ();
echo "<br>-----------获取节点名称--------------<br>";
echo $lists->getLinkNameById ( );
echo $lists->getLinkNameById ( );
echo "<br>-----------获取链表长度--------------<br>";
echo $lists->getLinkLength ();


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