Slacklining 2017/2/6
Get ready for a different kind of challenge
What happens when mountain climbers take a day off?Apparently they don't rest but have fun with a simple sport that requires balance and skills.
starting line
Slacklining was developed by climbers in the 80s and needs little equipment.Two strong trees,some tree protection and a slackline are all that's necessary.The line is hung between the trees and tightened with a ratchet.
The goal of slacklining is to balance,walk and eventually do tricks on this line.Beginners may buy a play line,which features a help line to teach them balance.
Every line
People involved in slacklining are often called slackliner,and each has a slackline of choice.Some slackliners enjoy longlines that they can walk on for extended distances.Other slackliners prefer height to length and use highlines.Then there are those who practice slackline yoga by posing on their lines for exercises.But most slackliners bounce and flip on a trickline.
apparently 显然;实际上
Apparently,no sane voter trusted that politician after the scandal.
Everyone thought Josh would enjoy life in Paris;apparently,he misses his hometown greatly.
protection 保护
All cyclists must wear helmets for protection.
The wiyness was put under police protection because there was concern about his safety.
The mountains offer great protection to people in the valley against storms.
The extended warranty on the vakumm cleaner costs only US$25.
The newlyweds decided to take an extended honeymoon in Tahiti.
My father loved to bounce me on his knee when I was a baby.
The boy bumped his head while bouncing up and down on his bed.
How may I help you? 非常客气
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