[wirtting] top01 independent
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer
As people regard education as an essential part of life more and more, where the educational budgets should be devoted rise to a hot topic. Some people hold the view that money is supposed to be put into classed and libraries, while others believe that an equal amount of financial support should be given to sports and social activities at universities and colleges.
- As people regard ... as an essential part of life more and more, ... rise to a hot topic.
随着人们越来越多地把...作为生活中必不可少的一部分,...成为一个热门话题- some people hold the view that ..., while others believe that ...
From my perspective, sports and social activities make a complete campus life together with classes and libraries, so I firmly agree with the statement.
- From my perspective,... 或者 As far as I am concerned,...
- I firmly agree with the statement.
First of all, playing sports makes a person healthy and energetic to face future challenges. It can be seen everywhere that more and more students wear glasses, and too much reading along with facing computers for a long time makes it even worse. Then they may suffer from eye problems or physical disease. The only way of improving this case is to encourage them to take some time relaxing in sports. Furthermore, playing a ball game is the best method to promote teamwork spirit. After a period of playing together, members will develop a way to solve problems and achieve their common goal. Therefore, sports strengthen one's body as well as enhance the spirit of teamwork. Besides, social activities can help foster abilities that students cannot gain during classes or self-study. Though being smart and diligent, some students are called pedants because of not being able to exchange ideas with others freely. Only if a person is equipped with knowledge and is capable of expressing it can become competent. So it is significant for them to take part in social activities with the aim of lifting their communication skills. When pedants are forces to talking with others, it's a great chance for them to make new friends and express their thoughts, which may be an opportunity for their future career.
- It can be seen everywhere that ... 形容一个现象到处可见
- teamwork spirit 团队精神
- pedant 书呆子
Last but not least is that the places provided for sports and social activities are in need of money. It is common that the school will spend a large sum of(large sums of) money to purchase updated books and facilities to fulfill the requirement of classes and libraries. However, finding a suitable place to play sports or hold a social activity is always hard. Take my university as an example, if I want to read a book, I can easily find a seat in the library, but if I want to run for half an hour, the crowded gym will just turn me into an upset mood. Then, requiring the same amount of financial support to ameliorate the condition is just reasonable. Thus, financial support should be contributed to sports and social activities just like classes and libraries, for they help with strengthening bodies, making progress in communication skills and they are in shortage of fund.
- ... are in need of money ...很需要钱
- Take + n + as an example, 拿...举个例子
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