1. 安装docker


2. 编译doris


3. 在编译好的doris output文件夹下编写两个Dockerfile

3.1  Dockerfile_fe

FROM centos:centos7.5.1804

RUN mkdir /home/palo/run/ -p

# copy jdk and palo binary
COPY jdk1..0_131/ /home/palo/run/jdk1..0_131/
COPY fe/ /home/palo/run/fe/ # set java home
ENV JAVA_HOME /home/palo/run/jdk1..0_131/ # set fe port: http/thrift/mysql/bdbje
EXPOSE # fe log and meta-data
VOLUME ["/home/palo/run/fe/conf" i"/home/palo/run/fe/log" "/home/palo/run/fe/palo-meta"] WORKDIR /home/palo/run/fe/ CMD ["/bin/sh","/home/palo/run/fe/bin/start_fe.sh"]

3.2 Dockerfile_be

Centos 7 be docker file

FROM centos:centos7.5.1804
#FROM ubuntu:18.04 RUN mkdir -p /home/palo/run/ RUN yum -y update \
&& yum install -y binutils-devel \
&& yum -y clean all \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/yum # copy be
COPY be/ /home/palo/run/be/ # set be port: thrift/rpc/http/heartbeat
EXPOSE # be log,conf and data
VOLUME ["/home/palo/run/be/conf", "/home/palo/run/be/log", "/home/palo/run/be/data/"] WORKDIR /home/palo/run/be/
RUN ldd lib/palo_be CMD ["/bin/sh","/home/palo/run/be/bin/start_be.sh"]

Ununtu 18.04 be docker file

FROM ubuntu:18.04

RUN  mkdir -p /home/palo/run/    

RUN apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get install -y libbinutils \
&& apt-get -y clean all \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/yum
#set the shell command from dash (which is the default shell application in ubuntu) to
#bash which doris start command used.
&& ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh # copy be
COPY be/ /home/palo/run/be/ # set be port: thrift/rpc/http/heartbeat
EXPOSE # fe log and meta-data
VOLUME ["/home/palo/run/be/conf", "/home/palo/run/be/log", "/home/palo/run/be/data/"] WORKDIR /home/palo/run/be/
RUN ldd lib/palo_be CMD ["/bin/sh","/home/palo/run/be/bin/start_be.sh"]

Note: if build the  binary files of be using ubuntu 18.04, and build  the docker image using centos, because the ubuntu glibc version 2.27 and the centos 7 glibc version is lower than this ( currently, the highest version is 2.17), and this would cause the be process

is unable to start with error message:

start time: Sat Apr  :: CST
/home/palo/run/be/lib/palo_be: error while loading shared libraries: libbfd-2.30-system.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

so it's nassary to make sure the be build glic version is compatable with the target images os version. And this is why I used two docker file to build  the be docker image.

In summery:

if you build the doris be in centos, it's better to build the docker images in based on centos; and vice, it you build the binary on ubuntu, it's better to build the docker  image based on ubuntu. In order to make glibc version compatable.

4. 制作docker镜像

4.1 下载jdk1.8.0_131.tar.gz到 output文件夹下并解压,具体可以到oracle官网下载


[druid@doris output]$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x druid druid Apr : apache_hdfs_broker
drwxr-xr-x druid druid Apr : be
-rw-rw-r-- druid druid Apr : Dockerfile_be
-rw-rw-r-- druid druid Apr : Dockerfile_fe
drwxr-xr-x druid druid Apr : fe
drwxr-xr-x druid druid Mar jdk1..0_131

4.2 制作fe镜像

[druid@palo output]$ sudo docker build -t lenmom/doris:fe-0.9.0 -f Dockerfile_fe  .
[sudo] password for druid:
Sending build context to Docker daemon .027GB
Step / : FROM centos:centos7.5.1804
---> cf49811e3cdb
Step / : RUN mkdir /home/palo/run/ -p
---> Using cache
---> ffe6e7a05650
Step / : COPY jdk1..0_131/ /home/palo/run/jdk1..0_131/
---> a0b9c437e9f7
Step / : COPY fe/ /home/palo/run/fe/
---> a7706aa9939b
Step / : ENV JAVA_HOME /home/palo/run/jdk1..0_131/
---> Running in bd436cb488d5
Removing intermediate container bd436cb488d5
---> 9e10bc76f4b5
Step / : EXPOSE
---> Running in de0d71ee1f27
Removing intermediate container de0d71ee1f27
---> 16600856447f
Step / : WORKDIR /home/palo/run/fe/
---> Running in 2cfe3e4bc04e
Removing intermediate container 2cfe3e4bc04e
---> fc999dfbc914
Step / : CMD "bin/start_fe.sh"
---> Running in fafb6d98095d
Removing intermediate container fafb6d98095d
---> 62efbd2bbea0
Successfully built 62efbd2bbea0
Successfully tagged doris:fe-0.9.

4.3 制作be镜像

[druid@palo output]$ sudo docker build -t lenmom/doris:be-0.9.0 -f Dockerfile_be  .
Sending build context to Docker daemon .163GB
Step / : FROM centos:centos7.5.1804
---> cf49811e3cdb
Step / : RUN mkdir /home/palo/run/ -p
---> Running in 2ae7543e4f3a
Removing intermediate container 2ae7543e4f3a
---> 635d3dd01e5b
Step / : COPY be/ /home/palo/run/be/
---> 825e46597c07
Step / : EXPOSE
---> Running in 21e7742b6da5
Removing intermediate container 21e7742b6da5
---> c735c437a771
Step / : VOLUME ["/home/palo/run/be/conf", "/home/palo/run/be/log", "/home/palo/run/be/data/"]
---> Running in 456c4f54c79a
Removing intermediate container 456c4f54c79a
---> 392386745a0a
Step / : WORKDIR /home/palo/run/be/
---> Running in eac0b97ffdba
Removing intermediate container eac0b97ffdba
---> a488181610ba
Step / : CMD "bin/start_be.sh"
---> Running in 871bee0625c6
Removing intermediate container 871bee0625c6
---> cf8f3297619a
Successfully built cf8f3297619a
Successfully tagged lenmom/doris:be-0.9.

4.4 查看镜像信息

[druid@palo output]$ sudo docker images
lenmom/doris fe-0.9. ecd903182693 minutes ago 649MB
lenmom/doris be-0.9. cf8f3297619a minutes ago 855MB
centos centos7.5.1804 cf49811e3cdb weeks ago 200MB

5. 导出镜像与上传镜像

5.1 导出镜像到本地

#docker save -o 要保存的文件名 要保存的镜像
sudo docker save -o doris-fe-0.9.-docker.img lenmom/doris:fe-0.9. #导出fe镜像到本地,默认导出到当前目录,可以指定完整参数
sudo docker save -o doris-be-0.9.-docker.img lenmom/doris:be-0.9. #导出be镜像到本地,默认导出到当前目录,可以指定完整参数


5.2 导入镜像


sudo docker load --input 文件
sudo docker load < 文件名


sudo docker load --input  doris-be-0.9.-docker.img #导入be镜像
sudo docker load --input doris-fe-0.9.-docker.img #导入fe镜像

5.3 上传镜像

命令格式为:   docker push NAME[:TAG]

注意:如果为个人注册的docker hub账号,一定要在镜像名称前面加上自己的docker hub用户名,否则提交上传会失败,出现类似下面的错误

Error response from daemon: pull access denied for xxx, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'

上传镜像前,需要使用自己的docker hub账号登陆,然后才可以上传镜像文件,下面来操作一个波次看看

5.1 登陆docker hub

输入sudo docker login,然后输入用户名,密码即可。

[druid@palo output]$ sudo docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one.
WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#credentials-store Login Succeeded

5.2 不带用户名的镜像上传会失败


$sudo docker tag lenmom/doris:be-0.9. doris:be-0.9.    #创建不带用户id的镜像别名
$sudo docker rmi lenmom/doris:be-0.9. #删除带用户id的镜像
Untagged: lenmom/doris:be-0.9.
$sudo docker images #查看镜像列表,带用户id的be镜像应该消失了
lenmom/doris fe-0.9. ecd903182693 minutes ago 649MB
doris be-0.9. cf8f3297619a About an hour ago 855MB
centos centos7.5.1804 cf49811e3cdb weeks ago 200MB


$sudo docker push  doris:be-0.9.
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for doris, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'


5.3 上传带用户id的镜像

[druid@palo194 output]$ sudo docker tag doris:be-0.9. lenmom/doris:0.9.  #添加带用户id的镜像名称
[sudo] password for druid:
[druid@palo194 output]$ sudo docker rmi doris:be-0.9. #删除不带用户id的镜像名称
Untagged: doris:be-0.9.
[druid@palo194 output]$ sudo docker images #查看镜像列表
lenmom/doris fe-0.9. ecd903182693 About an hour ago 649MB
lenmom/doris be-0.9. cf8f3297619a About an hour ago 855MB
centos centos7.5.1804 cf49811e3cdb weeks ago 200MB
[druid@palo194 output]$ sudo docker push lenmom/doris:be-0.9.0 #上传带用户id的镜像,上传成功
The push refers to repository [docker.io/lenmom/doris]
270d8b1169bb: Preparing
1d301fa1efc4: Preparing
4826cdadf1ef: Preparing


6. 通过docker来使用制作好的镜像

6.1 启动fe容器

sudo docker run  --name doris-fe -p : -p : -p : -p : \
-v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/doris-docker-master/fe/log:/home/palo/run/fe/log \
-v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/doris-docker-master/fe/palo-meta:/home/palo/run/fe/palo-meta \
-v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/doris-docker-master/fe/conf:/home/palo/run/fe/conf/ \
--link doris-be \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro lenmom/doris:fe-0.9.

Note:  this create a docker container named doris-fe, after the start up ,we can see the results in the directory, and if we want to operate the be node to setup a cluster, we should start up the be node first, because to set up a cluster, the fe node need to know the be's ip address and vice not(because the fe would send the it's address to be during the hearbeat process. This is why we add the -link to container instance of doris-be!

and you can start a mysql container with a link to the doris-fe container  just started to operate the  fe instance.

sudo docker run -it  --name mysql  --link doris-fe  mysql:5.7  /bin/bash

when the mysql container started, we can login the  doris-fe in inside the mysql container:

root@d4df95bc2460:/# mysql -h doris-fe -P  -uroot
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is
Server version: 5.1. Copyright (c) , , Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
row in set (0.03 sec) mysql> clear
mysql> exit
root@d4df95bc2460:/# exit

6.2 启动be容器

sudo docker run  -d --name doris-be -p : -p : -p : -p : \
-v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/doris-docker-master/be/log:/home/palo/run/be/log \
-v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/doris-docker-master/be/storage:/home/palo/run/be/data \
-v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/doris-docker-master/be/conf:/home/palo/run/be/conf/ \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \

and if we can go into the doris-be container using command

sudo docker exec -it doris-be bash

after enter  the container, we can see the be instance has been launched now.

6.3 set up cluster

sudo docker run -it  --name mysql  --link doris-fe  mysql:5.7  /bin/bash

after the mysql instance started, we would enter the shell terminal, then login doris-fe using mysql-client

lenmom@M1701:~/workspace/software/doris-docker-master/fe$ sudo docker run -it  --rm --name mysql  -p :  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root \
> -v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/mysql:/var/lib/mysql \
> -v /home/lenmom/workspace/software/mysql/mysql-conf/mysql:/etc/mysql \
> --link doris-fe \
> mysql:5.7 bash
[sudo] password for lenmom:
root@dcc6e94ab15b:/# mysql -h doris-fe -P -uroot
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is
Server version: 5.1. Copyright (c) , , Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> show frontends;
| Name | IP | EditLogPort | HttpPort | QueryPort | RpcPort | Role | IsMaster | ClusterId | Join | Alive | ReplayedJournalId | LastHeartbeat | IsHelper | ErrMsg |
| 172.17..3_9010_1555911447430 | | | | | | FOLLOWER | true | | true | true | | -- :: | true | |
row in set (0.03 sec) mysql> show backends;
Empty set (0.01 sec) mysql> alter system add backend 'doris-be:9050';
Query OK, rows affected (0.02 sec) mysql> show backends;
| BackendId | Cluster | IP | HeartbeatPort | BePort | HttpPort | BrpcPort | LastStartTime | LastHeartbeat | Alive | SystemDecommissioned | ClusterDecommissioned | TabletNum | DataUsedCapacity | AvailCapacity | TotalCapacity | UsedPct | ErrMsg |
| | default_cluster | | | | | | -- :: | -- :: | true | false | false | | . | 22.826 GB | 70.115 GB | 67.45 % | |
row in set (0.00 sec) mysql>

Here, we have set up a cluster using the doris-fe and doris-be container instance which has just launched and you can can docker-compose or docker-swarm to set up more instacnes of nodes and setting up clusters based on docker.

Notes: if we want to login  fe docker container in the host machine using mysql-client, we should make sure the mysql client is less than 8.*, or else ,we may get the error message when login on  the docker host via mysql-client.

mysql -h -P  -uroot -p
Enter password:
ERROR (): Access denied for user 'root' (using password: YES)


a). we can launch multiple be instance to set multiple be instance cluster using docker container.

b). Do make sure the host mahine's mysql-client version is less than 8.0* if we want to login the fe docker instance via mysql-client on the docker host machine.

c). The be docker instance should be launched before the  fe docker instance, because when set up cluster via fe,the fe need to be aware of the existance of the be docker instacne.

d)  when launch the fe docker instance, all the be docker instance should be linked by the fe docker instance. 

Have fun with doris!

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