
解决思路:1.在thumbnailbox.js这个插件中加入tags弹出框显示的内容,一开始让这些内容display:none; 然后再用css画出来一个三角形



$.widget("custom.thumbnailbox", {
options: { },
_create: function(){},
_displayTime: function(ticksInSecs){},
value: function(value){},
tags: function(value){},
smaller: function(){},
bigger: function(){},
setSize: function(size){},
open: function(){},
close: function(){},
_markup: function(){},
_loadImage: function(){},
_downloadImage: function(){},
_selectImage: function(){},
_toggleFavorite: function(){},
_showTagPopover: function(){},
_hideTagPopover: function(){},
IsChecked: function(){},


// Version 1.0
$(function () {
$.widget("custom.thumbnailbox", { options: {
src: '',
assetId: '',
versions: 1,
type: '',
status: '',
approved: false,
category: '',
filename: '',
filesize: '',
filetype: '',
uploaded: '',
uploader: '',
revisions: '',
tags: '',
size: 'normal',
duration: 0,
isFavorite: false,
fnClickImage: null,
fnExpand: null,
fnShare: null,
fnSelected: null,
fnDeselected: null,
fnVideoUrl: null,
expirationstatus: '',
expires: '',
candownload: false,
canupdatetag: false,
canupdatemetadata: false,
canupdaterestriction: false,
}, _create: function () { var doc = document,
boundElement = this.element,
options = this.options; this.element.addClass("thumbnailbox");
if (this.options.size === 'small') {
} else if (this.options.size === 'large') {
} else {
} this.options.approved = (this.options.status === "APPROVED"); var container = $(this._markup(), doc);
boundElement.append(container); var idsToConsumeEvents = ['expandAsset', 'shareAsset', 'downloadAsset', 'favorite', 'tagPopover'];
this._on(this.element, {
"click": function (event) {
if (idsToConsumeEvents.indexOf(event.target.id) >= 0) {
} event.preventDefault();
this.options.fnClickImage(this.options.assetId, event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey);
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, { "click .thumbnailbox-downloadicon": function (event) { this._downloadImage(); } }); this._on(this.element, {
function (event)
if (event.target.id === "expandAsset" || event.target.id === "downloadAsset" || event.target.id === "shareAsset" || event.target.id === "tagPopover")
if (this.options.fndblclickImage !== null) {
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, {
"click .thumbnailbox-selected":
function (event) {
if (this.options.fnExpand !== null) {
return false;
this._on(this.element, {
"click .thumbnailbox-shareicon":
function (event) {
if (this.options.fnShare !== null) {
this.options.fnShare(this.options.assetId + "_V" + this.options.versions);
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, {
"click .thumbnailbox-videoctl":
function (event) {
var $videobox = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-video');
var $videoctl = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-videoctl');
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf('safari') > 0 && ua.indexOf('macintosh') > 0) {
_messagebox.newNotify2("Mac Safari does not support preview video, please try Chrome or FireFox", "Warning");
} else {
if (!$videobox.is(':visible')) {
if (this.options.fnVideoUrl !== null) {
this.options.fnVideoUrl(this.options.assetId, this.options.versions, function (videoUrl) {
if (videoUrl != '') {
// set the video height
$videobox.find('source').attr('src', videoUrl);
$videobox.css('display', 'inline-block'); $videobox.load(); $videobox.get(0).play();
} else {
if ($videoctl.hasClass('glyphicon-play')) {
} else {
} event.preventDefault();
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, {
"click #favorite":
function () {
}); this._on(this.element, {
"mouseenter #tagPopover":
function () {
}); this._on(this.element, {
function () {
}); var displayTime = this._displayTime;
function (event) {
function () {
var $videoctl = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-videoctl');
_displayTime: function (ticksInSecs) {
var ticks = ticksInSecs;
var hh = pad(Math.floor(ticks / 3600), 2);
var mm = pad(Math.floor((ticks % 3600) / 60), 2);
var ss = pad(ticks % 60, 2); function pad(n, width) {
var n = n + '';
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join('0') + n;
} if (hh == '00' && mm == '00') {
return mm + ':' + ss;
} else {
return hh + ':' + mm + ':' + ss;
value: function (value) {
tags: function (value) {
return this.privateValue;
smaller: function () { var prevSize = this.options.size;
if (this.options.size === 'small') {
} else if (this.options.size === 'large') {
this.options.size = 'normal';
} else if (this.options.size === 'normal') {
this.options.size = 'small';
} var options = this.options;
this.element.addClass(options.size); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-image').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-icon').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-topbar').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-filesuffix').each(function () {
bigger: function () {
var prevSize = this.options.size;
if (this.options.size === 'large') {
} else if (this.options.size === 'small') {
this.options.size = 'normal';
} else if (this.options.size === 'normal') {
this.options.size = 'large';
} var options = this.options;
this.element.addClass(options.size); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-image').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-icon').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-topbar').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-filesuffix').each(function () {
setSize: function (size) { if (size < 150) {
size = 150;
} else if (size > 450) {
size = 450;
} size = (size / 10) * 10;
Size = 'size' + size;
var new
if (newSize === this.options.size) {
} var prevSize = this.options.size;
this.options.size = newSize; var options = this.options;
this.element.addClass(options.size); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-image').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-icon').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-topbar').each(function () {
}); this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-filesuffix').each(function () {
}); if (this.options.type == 'video') {
var $videoWrapper = this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-video-wrapper');
var $videobox = this.element.find('.thumbnailbox-video');
open: function () {
close: function () {
_markup: function () { var selectedIcon = "";
selectedIcon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-selected" id="expandAsset"></span>';
var expireTooltip = "";
if (this.options.expirationstatus == 'expired') {
expireTooltip = "Expired: " + this.options.expires;
} else if (this.options.expirationstatus == 'expiredanger') {
expireTooltip = "Expire On: " + this.options.expires;
} else if (this.options.expirationstatus == 'expirewarning') {
expireTooltip = "Expire On: " + this.options.expires;
} var favoriteIcon = "glyphicon-star-empty";
var favoriteTitle = "Add to favorites"; if (this.options.isFavorite) {
favoriteIcon = "glyphicon-star";
favoriteTitle = "Remove from favorites";
} var baseAssetIcon = "";
if (this.options.isbaseasset) {
baseAssetIcon = '<i class="thumbnailbox-baseicon material-icons" title="Base Asset for a Publish Group">cloud_queue</i>';
else if (this.options.filename.toLowerCase().indexOf("getty") > -1) {
baseAssetIcon = '<img class="thumbnailbox-gettyicon material-icons" title="Getty Image" src="/images/gettyimageswhite.png" />';
} if (this.options.type == 'video' || this.options.type == 'audio') {
return [
'<div class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '"><div class="popovers"><div><label>Tags:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_tags"></span></div><div><label>Auto Tags:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_autoTags"></span></div><div><label>Packages:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_packages"></span></div></div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-video-wrapper">',
'<img class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '" />',
'<video class="thumbnailbox-video">',
' <source src="" type="video/ogg">',
' Your browser does not support the video tag.',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-videoctl-container">',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play thumbnailbox-videoctl"></span><span class="lightbox_divider" style="transform: none;margin-left: 5px;"></span><span class="thumbnailbox-videoduration">' + this._displayTime(this.options.duration) + '</span>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix ' + this.options.size + '" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
//'<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar ' + this.options.expirationstatus + ' ' + this.options.size + '" id="topbar">',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar ' + this.options.size + '" id="topbar">',
'<div class="' + this.options.size + ' iconnum" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%; font-size:20px">',
'<span class="thumbnailbox-brandicon"></span>',
'<span class="thumbnailbox-approvedicon"></span>',
'<span class="badge badge-warning thumbnailbox-revisions"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon ' + favoriteIcon + '" id="favorite" title="' + favoriteTitle + '"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag" id="tagPopover"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-shareicon ' + this.options.size + '" id="shareAsset" title="Share"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt text-primary thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-downloadicon ' + this.options.expirationstatus + ' ' + this.options.size + '" id="downloadAsset" title="Download"></span>',
'<span class="flag-status ' + this.options.expirationstatus + '" title="' + expireTooltip + '"><span>'
else {
return [
//'<div class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '"><div style="display: inline-block; position: relative;"><img class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '" /></div></div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '"><img class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '" /><div class="popovers"><div><label>Tags:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_tags"></span></div><div><label>Auto Tags:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_autoTags"></span></div><div><label>Packages:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_packages"></span></div></div></div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix ' + this.options.size + '" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
//'<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar ' + this.options.expirationstatus + ' ' + this.options.size + '" id="topbar">',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar ' + this.options.size + '" id="topbar">',
'<div class="' + this.options.size + ' iconnum" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 100%;">',
'<span class="thumbnailbox-brandicon"></span>',
'<span class="thumbnailbox-approvedicon"></span>',
'<span class="badge badge-warning thumbnailbox-revisions"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon ' + favoriteIcon + '" id="favorite" title="' + favoriteTitle + '"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag popover-show" id="tagPopover"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-shareicon ' + this.options.size + '" id="shareAsset" title="Share"></span>',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt text-primary thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-downloadicon ' + this.options.expirationstatus + ' ' + this.options.size + '" id="downloadAsset" title="Download"></span>',
'<span class="flag-status ' + this.options.expirationstatus + '" title="' + expireTooltip + '"><span>'
} //if (this.options.size === 'small') {
// return [
// '<img class="thumbnailbox-image small" />',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix small" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar small" id="topbar">',
// //'<span class="badge badge-secondary thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-selected small [status]">[symbol]</span>',
// selectedIcon,
// '<span class="badge badge-warning thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-revisions small"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-approvedicon small"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-shareicon small"></span>',
// '</div>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt text-primary thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-downloadicon small"></span>',
// ].join("");
//} else if (this.options.size === 'large') {
// return [
// '<img class="thumbnailbox-image large" />',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix large" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar large" id="topbar">',
// selectedIcon,
// '<span class="badge badge-warning thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-revisions large"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-approvedicon large"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-shareicon large"></span>',
// '</div>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt text-primary thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-downloadicon large"></span>',
// ].join("");
//} //return [
// '<img class="thumbnailbox-image" />',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar" id="topbar">',
// selectedIcon,
// '<span class="badge badge-warning thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-revisions"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-approvedicon"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-shareicon"></span>',
// '</div>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt text-primary thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-downloadicon"></span>',
_loadImage: function () {
var boundElement = this.element; var $img = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-image'); // Get dom object var options = this.options;
var variables = this._var; $img.load(function () {
//if (options.reviewed === true) {
// boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-reviewedicon').show();
//} else {
// boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-reviewedicon').hide();
//} //if (options.published === true) {
// boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-publishedicon').show();
//} else {
// boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-publishedicon').hide();
//} if (options.versions > 1) {
var revisions = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-revisions');
revisions.text(options.versions).attr("title", options.versions+" Versions");
} else {
} boundElement.find('#filename').text(options.filename);
boundElement.find('#uploaded').html('<i><b>' + options.uploaded + '</b></i><span style="margin-left: 10px;">&nbsp;</span><b>' + options.uploader + '</b>');
var fileSuffix = options.filetype.trim() === '' ? "No extension" : options.filetype;
boundElement.find('#filesuffix').text(fileSuffix + ' | ' + options.filesize).attr('title', fileSuffix + ' | ' + options.filesize);
//if (options.isSelected) {
// boundElement.find('#isSelected').text("✓");
// boundElement.find('#isSelected').removeClass("unchecked");
// boundElement.find('#isSelected').addClass("checked"); //}
//else {
// boundElement.find('#isSelected').html("&nbsp;");
// boundElement.find('#isSelected').removeClass("checked");
// boundElement.find('#isSelected').addClass("unchecked");
$(".thumbnailbox-text,.thumbnailbox-text b").map(function () {
if (this.offsetWidth < this.scrollWidth) {
$(this).css('font-weight', 'bold');
$(this).data('toggle', 'tooltip')
.data('placement', 'bottom')
.attr('title', $(this).text());
// $(this).tooltip();
}); if (options.category == 'media' && options.approved && !options.filename.toLowerCase().includes("getty")) {
else {
} if (options.category == 'brand') {
else {
} if (options.isbaseasset) {
} var $videobox = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-video');
}); $img.attr('src', this.options.src);
$img.attr('url', this.options.src);
$img.attr('imgid', this.options.assetId);
$img.attr('version', this.options.versions);
_downloadImage: function () {
this._trigger("download", null, { assetId: this.options.assetId, version: this.options.versions, url: this.options.src});
_selectImage: function () {
var element = this.element.find(".thumbnailbox-selected");
//element.isSelected = !element.isSelected;
if (this.options.isSelected) {
else {
this._trigger("selected", null, { assetId: this.options.assetId, url:this.options.src, selected:this.options.isSelected });
_toggleFavorite: function () {
var func = "AddAssetFavorite";
if (this.options.isFavorite) {
func = "RemoveAssetFavorite";
} this.options.isFavorite = !this.options.isFavorite; if (this.options.isFavorite) {
this.element.find('#favorite').attr('title', "Remove from favorites");
else {
this.element.find('#favorite').attr('title', "Add to favorites");
} $.ajax({
url: '/Assets/' + func + '?assetId=' + this.options.assetId,
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
success: function (result) {
if (!result.success) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
async: true,
processData: true
}); //if (!this.options.isFavorite) {
// this.options.fnRemoveFavorite();
}, _showTagPopover: function () {
var popover = this.element.find(".thumbnailbox-image .popovers");
var iconLength=this.element.find(".iconnum span").filter(function () { return $(this).css('display') === 'block'; }).length;
if (iconLength == 2) {
} else if (iconLength == 3) {
} else if (iconLength == 4) {
var thumbnailBox = this.element.find(".thumbnailbox-image"); var imgId = this.element.find("img.thumbnailbox-image").attr("imgid");
_ajax.get('/Assets/GetFields/' + imgId,
function (ds) {
var tags = ds.tags;
var autoTags = ds.autoTags;
var packages = ds.packageText;
var tagsHtml = "";
if (tags.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
tagsHtml += tags[0].text;
} else {
tagsHtml += "," + tags[i].text;
thumbnailBox.find(".popovers .thumbnailbox_tags").html(tagsHtml);
if (autoTags.length > 0) {
thumbnailBox.find(".popovers .thumbnailbox_autoTags").html(autoTags.join(","));
thumbnailBox.find(".popovers .thumbnailbox_packages").html(packages);
}, function (ds) {
console.log('/Assets/GetFields/ Error!');
); }, _hideTagPopover: function () {
this.element.find(".thumbnailbox-image .popovers").hide();
}, IsChecked: function () {
return this.options.isSelected;
Check: function () {
this.options.isSelected = true;
var element = this.element.find(".thumbnailbox-selected");
Uncheck: function () {
this.options.isSelected = false;
var element = this.element.find(".thumbnailbox-selected");
AssetId: function () {
return this.options.assetId;
Key: function () {
return this.options.assetId + "_V" + this.options.versions;
Version: function () {
return this.options.versions;
Category: function () {
return this.options.category;
Src: function () {
return this.options.src;
Approve: function () {
this.options.approved = true;
Unapprove: function () {
this.options.approved = false;
}); }(jQuery))




_create: function () {

      var doc = document,
boundElement = this.element,
options = this.options; this.element.addClass("thumbnailbox");
if (this.options.size === 'small') {
} else if (this.options.size === 'large') {
} else {
} this.options.approved = (this.options.status === "APPROVED"); var container = $(this._markup(), doc);
boundElement.append(container); var idsToConsumeEvents = ['expandAsset', 'shareAsset', 'downloadAsset', 'favorite', 'tagPopover'];
this._on(this.element, {
"click": function (event) {
if (idsToConsumeEvents.indexOf(event.target.id) >= 0) {
} event.preventDefault();
this.options.fnClickImage(this.options.assetId, event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey);
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, { "click .thumbnailbox-downloadicon": function (event) { this._downloadImage(); } }); this._on(this.element, {
function (event)
if (event.target.id === "expandAsset" || event.target.id === "downloadAsset" || event.target.id === "shareAsset" || event.target.id === "tagPopover")
if (this.options.fndblclickImage !== null) {
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, {
"click .thumbnailbox-selected":
function (event) {
if (this.options.fnExpand !== null) {
return false;
this._on(this.element, {
"click .thumbnailbox-shareicon":
function (event) {
if (this.options.fnShare !== null) {
this.options.fnShare(this.options.assetId + "_V" + this.options.versions);
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, {
"click .thumbnailbox-videoctl":
function (event) {
var $videobox = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-video');
var $videoctl = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-videoctl');
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf('safari') > 0 && ua.indexOf('macintosh') > 0) {
_messagebox.newNotify2("Mac Safari does not support preview video, please try Chrome or FireFox", "Warning");
} else {
if (!$videobox.is(':visible')) {
if (this.options.fnVideoUrl !== null) {
this.options.fnVideoUrl(this.options.assetId, this.options.versions, function (videoUrl) {
if (videoUrl != '') {
// set the video height
$videobox.find('source').attr('src', videoUrl);
$videobox.css('display', 'inline-block'); $videobox.load(); $videobox.get(0).play();
} else {
if ($videoctl.hasClass('glyphicon-play')) {
} else {
} event.preventDefault();
return false;
}); this._on(this.element, {
"click #favorite":
function () {
}); this._on(this.element, {
"mouseenter #tagPopover":
function () {
}); this._on(this.element, {
function () {
}); var displayTime = this._displayTime;
function (event) {
function () {
var $videoctl = boundElement.find('.thumbnailbox-videoctl');



_markup: function () {

      var selectedIcon = "";
selectedIcon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-selected" id="expandAsset"></span>';
var expireTooltip = "";
if (this.options.expirationstatus == 'expired') {
expireTooltip = "Expired: " + this.options.expires;
} else if (this.options.expirationstatus == 'expiredanger') {
expireTooltip = "Expire On: " + this.options.expires;
} else if (this.options.expirationstatus == 'expirewarning') {
expireTooltip = "Expire On: " + this.options.expires;
} var favoriteIcon = "glyphicon-star-empty";
var favoriteTitle = "Add to favorites"; if (this.options.isFavorite) {
favoriteIcon = "glyphicon-star";
favoriteTitle = "Remove from favorites";
} var baseAssetIcon = "";
if (this.options.isbaseasset) {
baseAssetIcon = '<i class="thumbnailbox-baseicon material-icons" title="Base Asset for a Publish Group">cloud_queue</i>';
else if (this.options.filename.toLowerCase().indexOf("getty") > -1) {
baseAssetIcon = '<img class="thumbnailbox-gettyicon material-icons" title="Getty Image" src="/images/gettyimageswhite.png" />';
} if (this.options.type == 'video' || this.options.type == 'audio') {
return [
'<div class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '"><div class="popovers"><div><label>Tags:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_tags"></span></div><div><label>Auto Tags:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_autoTags"></span></div><div><label>Packages:</label><span class="thumbnailbox_packages"></span></div></div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-video-wrapper">',
'<img class="thumbnailbox-image ' + this.options.size + '" />',
'<video class="thumbnailbox-video">',
' <source src="" type="video/ogg">',
' Your browser does not support the video tag.',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-videoctl-container">',
'<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play thumbnailbox-videoctl"></span><span class="lightbox_divider" style="transform: none;margin-left: 5px;"></span><span class="thumbnailbox-videoduration">' + this._displayTime(this.options.duration) + '</span>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix ' + this.options.size + '" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
//'<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar ' + this.options.expirationstatus + ' ' + this.options.size + '" id="topbar">',
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'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
'<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix ' + this.options.size + '" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
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// '</div>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download-alt text-primary thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-downloadicon small"></span>',
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// '<img class="thumbnailbox-image large" />',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
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// '<img class="thumbnailbox-image" />',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="filename">FileName:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-text" id="uploaded">Uploaded:</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-filesuffix" id="filesuffix">Suffix</div>',
// '<div class="thumbnailbox-topbar" id="topbar">',
// selectedIcon,
// '<span class="badge badge-warning thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-revisions"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-approvedicon"></span>',
// '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt thumbnailbox-icon thumbnailbox-shareicon"></span>',
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function (ds) {
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var packages = ds.packageText;
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if (tags.length > 0) {
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}, function (ds) {
console.log('/Assets/GetFields/ Error!');
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this.element.find(".thumbnailbox-image .popovers").hide();



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float: right;
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max-height: calc(100vh - 200px);
overflow-y: auto;
} /* Collection Favorite Start */
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top: 2px;
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list-style-type: none;
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max-height: 200px;
overflow-y: auto;
/* Collection Favorite End */
#editCollectionModal #collectionPrivacy {
width: 93%;
height: 34px;
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padding-left: 24px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
margin-top: -10px;
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margin-right: 3px;
display: inline-block;
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display: none;
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padding-right: initial;
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padding-left: 10px;
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height: 30px;
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margin-left: 0px;
margin-right: 2px;
transform: rotate(90deg);
background-color: initial;
color: #2e6da4;
border: none;
font-size: 18px;
/* Brand Favorite End */ #showHideColumn {
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color: #000;
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color: red;
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