The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.


But how to be an important one, or just one who would be useful to the world?

Someone has told me that everyone would have his moments of great opportunities in life, and I know I'd ever had many of such moments, but unfortunately I almost missed all of them.

Therefore the life I am living now is not the one I want to live.

Through the uphills and downhills of my life, I've come to realise that I didn't really ever own my own life.

And neither did most of the others.

Now, I choose to live my life calmly without restlessness, mockery or complaints.

Being like this, I suddently discovered that my vission had become clearer.

Many problems that troubled me before are now solved.

I'm grateful that I made such a decision.

In the past I can only dream what kind of a life that I can live.

But now I can live this life as I wanted.

OK, let's keep running forward, there's no ready-paved road, and I would pave the road for myself.

Anyone who ever gave you confidence, you owe them a lot.


From Breakfast at Tiffany's.

I always tend to motivate myself in negative ways.

I am not a person who has already given up himself.

I just wanna be someone better.

It’s just that when I encourage myself I usually prefer sentence like “Can’t I even do this?”

Basically I just wish to make myself work harder by making myself loathe my present self.

It is not a good habit, I know, sometimes it would make me feel bad about life.

Actually what I have done may be better than many of others, I just want to do as better as I can.

Thanks a lot for those who always admire me, their appreciation helped me a lot.

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