You should choose the right path when you can choose, and you should choose the right path even if you can't choose. Do not steal. I feel that using pirated software is an act of stealing intellectual property rights. This is a sin. In the end, I decided to be an Apple engineer because the development cost was relatively low.


  1. Autoconf 中文手册

    Autoconf Autoconf Creating Automatic Configuration Scripts Edition 2.13, for Autoconf version 2.13 D ...


  1. Docker上运行MySQL服务

    1.搜索MySQL镜像 $ docker search mysql INDEX NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED docker.i ...

  2. 给mysql添加一个只有某个数据库查询权限的用户

    添加用户: insert into mysql.user(Host,User,Password,ssl_cipher,x509_issuer,x509_subject) values ("1 ...

  3. Python和Java编程题(四)

    1.题目:打印出所有的"水仙花数",所谓"水仙花数"是指一个三位数,其各位数字立方和等于该数本身. 分析:只需要对三位数的数字进行循环(100~999),判断三 ...

  4. [HNOI2018] 道路

    Description 给一棵二叉树,每个叶子节点 \(i\) 有三个属性 \(a_i,b_i,c_i\) 每个非叶子节点都能标记向左右儿子中的一条边(记作 \(x\) 边和 \(y\) 边) 设叶子 ...

  5. 记一次安装Nginx+php-fpm安装后无法解析.php文件,状态码200,但显示空白页

    安装环境: Nginx:Nginx1.12.2 PHP:PHP 7.2 系统:CentOS 7.4 安装方式: Nginx与PHP都是yum安装的,具体步骤: 1.安装epel源再安装Nginx: r ...

  6. .net导出excle无需任何插件,直接通过一个tablehtml实现

    项目背景: 项目需要导出样式复杂的excl表格,主要是一些样式布局比较复杂 技术分析: 目前比较通用的实现方式有 1.借助微软的excle插件 2.通过NPOI插件实现 3.直接导出一个html(ta ...

  7. (2)Microsoft office Word 2013版本操作入门_快速选中

    1.快速选中一行 .一段文字: 1.1光标在一行内,双击会选中一个词组.快速点击三下会选中一段, 1.2 鼠标移动到行首,单击击会选中一行,双击选中一段. 1.3 选择全部内容 Ctrl+A  , 1 ...

  8. groovy使用范型的坑

    java的范型 Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("a", 100); map.put ...

  9. Rarely executed and almost empty if statement drastically reduces performance in C++

    Question: Editor's clarification: When this was originally posted, there were two issues: Test perfo ...

  10. git常用命令以及如何与fork别人的仓库保持同步

    简单常用命令1.git status查看当前仓库是否有文件改动a:提示Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.nothing to commit, ...