python __setattr__, __getattr__, __delattr__, __call__



value = obj.attribute
value = getattr(obj, "attribute")



import statsout 

def output(data, format="text"):
output_function = getattr(statsout, "output_%s" %format)
return output_function(data)



class storage(dict):
# __call__方法用于实例自身的调用
def __call__ (self, key):
return self[key]
except KeyError, k:
return None s = storage()
s['key'] = 'value'
print s(key) #调用__call__



class A(object):
def __init__(self): = 'from __dicts__: zdy' def __getattr__(self, item):
if item == 'name':
return 'from __getattr__: zdy'
elif item == 'age':
return 26 a = A()
print # 从__dict__里获得的
print a.age # 从__getattr__获得的



class A(object):
def __setattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'call func set attr'
return object.__setattr__(self, *args, **kwargs)



class A(object):
def __delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs):
print 'call func del attr'
return object.__delattr__(self, *args, **kwargs)



class _Executable(object):

    def __init__(self, client, method, path):
self._client = client
self._method = method
self._path = path
def __call__(self, **kw):
method = _METHOD_MAP[self._method]
if method==_HTTP_POST and 'pic' in kw:
method = _HTTP_UPLOAD
return _http_call('%s%s.json' % (self._client.api_url, self._path), method, self._client.access_token, **kw) def __str__(self):
return '_Executable (%s %s)' % (self._method, self._path) __repr__ = __str__ class _Callable(object): def __init__(self, client, name):
self._client = client
self._name = name def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr=='get':
return _Executable(self._client, 'GET', self._name)
if attr=='post':
return _Executable(self._client, 'POST', self._name)
name = '%s/%s' % (self._name, attr)
return _Callable(self._client, name) def __str__(self):
return '_Callable (%s)' % self._name __repr__ = __str__


class APIClient(object):
API client using synchronized invocation.
... def __getattr__(self, attr):
if '__' in attr:
return getattr(self.get, attr)
return _Callable(self, attr)


client = APIClient(...)

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