[LeetCode]题解(python):043-Multiply Strings
Given two numbers represented as strings, return multiplication of the numbers as a string.
Note: The numbers can be arbitrarily large and are non-negative.
Input: two numbers expressed as string
Output:the multiply of the two sums
如:"23650379502752" 和 "865382861454"
1 最后结果需要将大数的0去掉,同时如果结果为0需要返回串“0”
2 翻转:mul.reverse()
_author_ = "YE"
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- class Solution(object):
def multiply(self, num1, num2):
:type num1: str
:type num2: str
:rtype: str
len1 = len(num1)
len2 = len(num2) list1 = [0 for i in range(len1)]
list2 = [0 for i in range(len2)] for i in range(len1):
list1[len1 - 1 - i] = int(num1[i])
for i in range(len2):
list2[len2 - 1 -i] = int(num2[i]) # print(list1,list2) mul = [0 for i in range(len1 + len2)] for i in range(len2):
carry = 0
for j in range(len1):
mul[i + j] = mul[i + j] + carry + (list2[i] * list1[j]) % 10 carry = (list2[i] * list1[j]) // 10 if mul[i + j] >= 10:
carry = carry + mul[i + j] // 10
mul[i + j] = mul[i + j] % 10 if carry > 0:
mul[i + len1] += carry
if mul[i + len1] > 10:
mul[i + len1] = mul[i + len1] % 10
carry += mul[i + len1] // 10 index = len1 + len2 - 1
while index >= 0:
if mul[index] > 0:
index -= 1 if index + 1 < len1 + len2:
mul[index+1:] = [] mul.reverse() s = ''
for i in range(len(mul)):
s += str(mul[i])
if s == '':
s = ''
return s str1 = ''
str2 = ''
s = Solution() print(s.multiply(str1,str2))
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