Devexpress VCL Build v2014 vol 14.2.4 发布
What's New in 14.2.4 (VCL Product Line)
New Major Features in 14.2
What's New in VCL Products 14.2
Breaking Changes
To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:
Breaking Changes in 14.2.4 (VCL Product Line)
Known Issues
To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:
Known Issues in 14.2.4 (VCL Product Line)
The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress
VCL 14.2.4. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't
mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for
compatibility, but have not been updated.
Enhancements and Updates
New Features/Updates
Common Libraries
ExpressEditors Library
- T210868 - TdxCameraControl - Simplify the manner in which to record a video
Resolved Issues
ExpressBars Suite
- T203158 - Activating an MDI child form makes its Ribbon flicker when this Ribbon is merged with the main form's one
- T208186
- Ribbon - Customization Form - An AV occurs when dragging several
items in the "Choose commands from" list if the "Commands Not in the
Ribbon" option is selected in this list - T207697
- Ribbon - Customization Form - The OnShowCustomizingForm and
OnHideCustomizingForm events of BarManager are not raised in response to
switching the form visibility - T206559 - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - Copying an item in the Ribbon gallery designer causes the "Invalid class typecast" exception
- T212205 - Ribbon Form - Office 2013 style - An incorrect form border color is painted if the High Contrast White theme is applied
- T207145
- TcxBarEditItem - Drop-down editors - Opening the drop-down window
twice causes the "Control has no parent window" exception after closing
all MDI child forms
ExpressDBTree Suite
- T212453 - An AV occurs when destroying the TdxDBTreeView component
ExpressGauge Control
- T206622
- Circular and Linear scales - In RAD Studio XE3 or later, the default
value of the Value property is erroneously stored in a DFM file - T210182
- Circular scales - The OptionsView.AngleStart and OptionsView.AngleEnd
property values are incorrectly restored from a DFM file if the latter
value is greater than the former one - T206624 - In certain cases, a scale anchored to another scale is incorrectly visualized both in the scale hierarchy and gauge control
- T206640 - Pressing the Esc key doesn't close a scale's context menu
- T207469 - The gauge control is available for copying in the design-time Scales editor
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- T113539 - OLAP mode - Data detailed by month is empty in cube with calculated measures
- T198261
- OLAP mode - The "Field '[Measures].[MemberName]' not found" exception
occurs on expanding a grouping value of a field whose values are
filtered if its SortMode property is set to osmNone
ExpressPrinting System
- T212990 - Spreadsheet Report Link - Cell borders are always printed in black
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- T211418
- Hiding columns of the grid residing on an MDI child form causes the
"Control has no parent window" exception if the grid View's
OptionsBehavior.ImmediateEditor property is set to True - T207052 - Layout View - An AV occurs when recreating a form that contains the grid control with this View
- T214996
- Layout View - View settings copied with the "Copy Settings from View"
context menu item erroneously include an in-place Edit Form's layout - T202527
- Master-Detail - An AV occurs when scrolling the grid that contains a
number of nested Views by dragging the thumb and then releasing the
mouse button - T204196
- Pressing the Enter key while a button located on an in-place Edit
Form or Find Panel is focused results in clicking the first visible
default button instead - T207079 - Pressing the Space key while a button located in an in-place Edit Form or Find Panel is focused does not click this button
- T168768
- Server Mode - Moving focus may cause the "List index out of bounds"
exception if data is grouped and the OptionsSelection.MultiSelect
property is set to True - T206370
- Server Mode - MSAccess adapter incorrectly filters data using
DateTime field values if the date and/or time separator doesn't match
the English locale's one - T204983
- Table View and Banded Table View - An in-place editor's minimum size
is calculated incorrectly if the OptionsBehavior.EditAutoHeight and
OptionsView.CellAutoHeight properties are set to eahEditor and False,
respectively - T209520 - The for loop in the TcxGridColumnLayoutItemPropertyFilter.FilterProperties method has an incorrect ending value
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- T205240
- Clicking an expandable column's cell in a highly nested node tree
incorrectly scrolls the cell into view and does not repaint scrollbars - T209956
- The Checked property of a parent node is incorrectly updated if at
least one hidden child node has this property set to a value that
doesn't match the visible child nodes' one - T211995
- The focus rectangle is not painted for a cell with an open in-place
editor if the OptionsSelection.InvertSelect and OptionsView.GridLines
properties are set to False and tlglBoth, respectively - T212386
- The node height unexpectedly increases for ImageComboBox cells that
display long item descriptions if the OptionsView.CellAutoHeight
property is set to True
ExpressScheduler Suite
- T210535
- An AV occurs when saving a user event with the modal Event dialog if
this event is filtered out by a data source linked to the scheduler
storage - T205770 - Documentation - The "Bound Mode" topic does not specify that the GroupID field should allow NULL values
- T206253 - Hidden rows are visible after loading from an XLS file
- T116830 - Saving a spreadsheet to an XLS file causes the "Unsupported document format" error
Common Libraries
ExpressEditors Library
- T211985 - cxShellComboBox - The shell tree view does not reflect changes made to the Properties.Root.CustomPath property of the editor
- T187594 - Documentation - TcxSplitter - The Direction property is not described
- T209408 - dxToggleSwitch - The read-only editor allows its thumb to be moved using drag and drop
- T215038 - TdxCameraControl - Updating the status message doesn't repaint the control
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