1、upperBound(Type t)方法
/** * The "rvalue conversion". * The upper bound of most types is the type itself. Wildcards, on the other hand have upper and lower bounds. * @param t a type * @return the upper bound of the given type */ public Type upperBound(Type t) { return upperBound.visit(t); } // where private final MapVisitor<Void> upperBound = new MapVisitor<Void>() { @Override public Type visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, Void ignored) { if (t.isSuperBound()) return t.bound == null ? syms.objectType : t.bound.bound; else return visit(t.type); } @Override public Type visitCapturedType(CapturedType t, Void ignored) { return visit(t.bound); } };
举个例子,如List<?>或者List<? super InputStream>时,这个WildcardType的isSuperBound()返回都为true,如果为List<?>,那么上界为Object类型,否则就是类声明的上界。查看List的实现,如下:
public interface List<E> extends Collection<E> { // ... }
那么bound类型为E,bound.bound为Object。如果为List<? super X>时,如下:
public class Test<X> { public void test() { List<? super X> x; } }
如果为List<? extends InputStream>或List<? extends X>时会调用visit(t.type),而这个type类型就是InputStream(ClassType类型)或者X(TypeVar类型)来继续查找上界。举个例子如下:
public class Test<X extends InputStream> { public void test(){ List<? extends X> x = new ArrayList(); x.add(null); } }
调用visit(t.type)后会返回TypeVar类型,如果为CapturedType,那么就访问upperBound实例中的visitCapturedType(CapturedType t,Void ignored)方法,然后继续visit(t.bound)进行上界的查找。
2、lowerBound(Type t)方法
/** * The "lvalue conversion". * The lower bound of most types is the type itself. Wildcards, on the other hand have upper and lower bounds. * @param t a type * @return the lower bound of the given type */ public Type lowerBound(Type t) { return lowerBound.visit(t); } // where private final MapVisitor<Void> lowerBound = new MapVisitor<Void>() { @Override public Type visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, Void ignored) { return t.isExtendsBound() ? syms.botType : visit(t.type); } @Override public Type visitCapturedType(CapturedType t, Void ignored) { return visit(t.getLowerBound()); } };
如果如List<?>或者List<? extends InputStream>或者List<? extends T>时,下界为null,否则就是List<? super InputStream>或者List<? super T>时调用visit(t.type)查找下界,如果t.type为非CapturedType,那么下界就是t.type,如果为CapturedType类型时,则继续查找
3、isUnbounded(Type t)方法
/** * Checks that all the arguments to a class are unbounded wildcards or something else that doesn't make any restrictions * on the arguments. If a class isUnbounded, a raw super- or subclass can be cast to it without a warning. * @param t a type * @return true iff the given type is unbounded or raw */ public boolean isUnbounded(Type t) { return isUnbounded.visit(t); } // where private final UnaryVisitor<Boolean> isUnbounded = new UnaryVisitor<Boolean>() { public Boolean visitType(Type t, Void ignored) { return true; } @Override public Boolean visitClassType(ClassType t, Void ignored) { List<Type> parms = t.tsym.type.allparams(); List<Type> args = t.allparams(); while (parms.nonEmpty()) { // public WildcardType(Type type, BoundKind kind, TypeSymbol tsym, TypeVar bound) WildcardType unb = new WildcardType(syms.objectType, BoundKind.UNBOUND, syms.boundClass, (TypeVar)parms.head); if (!containsType(args.head, unb)) { return false; } parms = parms.tail; args = args.tail; } return true; } };
List<? extends X> x = new ArrayList(); Object y = (List<?>)x;
3、containsType() 方法
Check if t contains s.
T contains S if:
L(T) <: L(S) && U(S) <: U(T)
This relation is only used by ClassType.isSubtype(), that is,
C<S> <: C<T> if T contains S.
Because of F-bounds, this relation can lead to infinite recursion. Thus we must somehow break that recursion. Notice that containsType() is only called from ClassType.isSubtype(). Since the arguments have already been checked against their bounds, we know:
U(S) <: U(T) if T is "super" bound (U(T) *is* the bound)
L(T) <: L(S) if T is "extends" bound (L(T) is bottom)
void debugContainsType(WildcardType t, Type s) { System.err.println(); System.err.format(" does %s contain %s?%n", t, s); System.err.format(" %s U(%s) <: U(%s) %s = %s%n", upperBound(s), s, t, U(t), t.isSuperBound() || isSubtypeNoCapture(upperBound(s), U(t))); System.err.format(" %s L(%s) <: L(%s) %s = %s%n", L(t), t, s, lowerBound(s), t.isExtendsBound() || isSubtypeNoCapture(L(t), lowerBound(s))); System.err.println(); }
private Type U(Type t) { while (t.tag == WILDCARD) { WildcardType w = (WildcardType)t; if (w.isSuperBound()) return w.bound == null ? syms.objectType : w.bound.bound; else t = w.type; } return t; } private Type L(Type t) { while (t.tag == WILDCARD) { WildcardType w = (WildcardType)t; if (w.isExtendsBound()) return syms.botType; else t = w.type; } return t; }
@Override public Boolean visitWildcardType(WildcardType t, Type s) { if (s.tag >= firstPartialTag) return containedBy(s, t); else { debugContainsType(t, s); if(isSameWildcard(t, s)){ return true; } if(isCaptureOf(s, t)){ return true; } boolean a = t.isExtendsBound() || isSubtypeNoCapture(L(t), lowerBound(s)); boolean b = t.isSuperBound() || isSubtypeNoCapture(upperBound(s), U(t)); return a && b; } }
(1)visitWildcardType(WildcardType t,Type s)判断t是否包含了s类型,如果s.tag>=firstPartialTag,那么调用containedBy(s,t)方法来判断两者之间的关系。也就是
/** The tag of an unknown type */ public static final int UNKNOWN = ERROR+1; /** The tag of all instantiatable type variables. */ public static final int UNDETVAR = UNKNOWN+1; /** The number of type tags. */ public static final int TypeTagCount = UNDETVAR+1;
public boolean isSameWildcard(WildcardType t, Type s) { if (s.tag != WILDCARD) return false; WildcardType w = (WildcardType)s; return w.kind == t.kind && w.type == t.type; }
public enum BoundKind { EXTENDS("? extends "), SUPER("? super "), UNBOUND("?"); private final String name; BoundKind(String name) { this.name = name; } public String toString() { return name; } }
public boolean isCaptureOf(Type s, WildcardType t) { if (s.tag != TYPEVAR || !((TypeVar)s).isCaptured()) return false; return isSameWildcard(t, ((CapturedType)s).wildcard); }
/** A captured type variable comes from wildcards which can have * both upper and lower bound. CapturedType extends TypeVar with a lower bound. */ public static class CapturedType extends TypeVar { public WildcardType wildcard; public CapturedType(Name name, Symbol owner, Type upper, Type lower, WildcardType wildcard) { super(name, owner, lower); this.lower = Assert.checkNonNull(lower); this.bound = upper; this.wildcard = wildcard; } @Override public <R,S> R accept(Type.Visitor<R,S> v, S s) { return v.visitCapturedType(this, s); } @Override public boolean isCaptured() { return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "capture#" + (hashCode() & 0xFFFFFFFFL) % Printer.PRIME + " of " + wildcard; } }
boolean a = t.isExtendsBound() || isSubtypeNoCapture(L(t), lowerBound(s)); // L(t)是否为LowerBound(s)的子类型 boolean b = t.isSuperBound() || isSubtypeNoCapture(upperBound(s), U(t)); // upperBound(s)是否为U(t)的子类型
public boolean isSuperBound() { return kind == SUPER || kind == UNBOUND; } public boolean isExtendsBound() { return kind == EXTENDS || kind == UNBOUND; } public boolean isUnbound() { return kind == UNBOUND; }
@Override public Boolean visitUndetVar(UndetVar t, Type s) { if (s.tag != WILDCARD) return isSameType(t, s); else return false; }
@Override public Boolean visitType(Type t, Type s) { if (s.tag >= firstPartialTag) return containedBy(s, t); else return isSameType(t, s); } @Override public Boolean visitErrorType(ErrorType t, Type s) { return true; }
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