URAL 1877 Bicycle Codes
1877. Bicycle Codes
Memory limit: 64 MB
thieves. Every evening he arms the bicycle antitheft alarm and fastens the
bicycle to a special stand with one of the locks. Den never uses the same
lock two evenings in a row. One night a thief tried to open the lock using
the code 0000. The alarm went off and the thief hurried away. The next
night the thief decided to try the code 0001, then 0002, and so on in ascending
order of the number.
for the first time the bicycle was fastened with the first lock.
second line contains the combination that opens the second lock. Both
combinations are strings consisting of four digits from 0 to 9.
input | output |
0001 |
no |
0002 |
yes |
Problem Author: Denis Mukhametianov
Problem Source: Ural Regional School Programming Contest 2011
using namespace std;
int main()
int a,b;
return ;
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