
import os
import shutil
import hashlib
import stat #查找文件夹中的某个文件
def findMyFileDir(dirPath, findFile):
files = []
dirs = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirPath, topdown=False):
for file in files:
if file == findFile:
return root
for dir in dirs:
findMyFileDir(os.path.join(root, dir), findFile) #创建一个文件夹
def createDir(dirPath):
os.makedirs(dirPath, exist_ok=True) #删除一个文件
def delFile(filePath):
if os.path.exists(filePath):
os.remove(filePath) #删除文件夹里所有的文件
def delDir(dir):
for f in os.listdir(dir):
delDir(os.path.join(dir, f))
os.remove(dir) #拷贝文件
def copyFile(sourceFilePath, destFilePath):
if not(os.path.exists(sourceFilePath)):
return False if os.path.exists(destFilePath):
if getFileMd5(sourceFilePath) == getFileMd5(destFilePath):
return True
os.remove(destFilePath) destFileDir = os.path.dirname(destFilePath)
os.makedirs(destFileDir, exist_ok=True)
if not(shutil.copyfile(sourceFilePath, destFilePath, follow_symlinks=False)):
return False
return True #拷贝文件夹里的文件
def copyDir(sourceDir, destDir):
if not(os.path.exists(sourceDir)):
return False if os.path.exists(destDir):
shutil.rmtree(destDir) if not(shutil.copytree(sourceDir, destDir, symlinks=True)):
return False
return True #获取文件的md5
def getFileMd5(filePath):
with open(filePath, 'rb') as f:
content = f.read()
hash = hashlib.md5()
return hash.hexdigest() #获取一个文件夹里的所有的文件和该文件对应的md5
def dirList(dirPath):
listDict = {}
files = []
dirs = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirPath, topdown=False, followlinks=True):
for file in files:
filePath = os.path.join(root, file)
listDict[os.path.relpath(filePath, dirPath).replace(
'\\', '/')] = getFileMd5(filePath)
for dir in dirs:
dirList(os.path.join(root, dir))
return listDict #逐行读一个文件,并过来文件中某些行里回车和空格
def readLineForFile(filePath):
f = open(filePath, 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
newLines = []
for line in lines:
line = line.replace('\n', '').strip()
if line:
return newLines


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