#include <stdio.h>
const char shell[]="\x0f\x01\xf8\xe8\5\0\0\0\x0f\x01\xf8\x48\xcf";
int main(){ }

$ gcc -o disassembly disassembly.c

$ objdump -D disassembly | less

$ /shell

08048410 <shell>:
8048410: 0f 01 f8 swapgs
8048413: e8 05 00 00 00 call 804841d <shell+0xd>
8048418: 0f 01 f8 swapgs
804841b: 48 dec %eax
804841c: cf iret
     ...      或用 http://www.onlinedisassembler.com/odaweb/ 輸入 0F01F8E8050000000F01F848CF 不要有空白不然出不來啊!!!

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