

  1. 一对一关联查询;
  2. 一对多关联查询;
  3. 多对一关联查询;
  4. 多对多关联查询;







 public class Minister {
private Integer mid;
private String mname; public Integer getMid() {
return mid;
} public void setMid(Integer mid) {
this.mid = mid;
} public String getMname() {
return mname;
} public void setMname(String mname) {
this.mname = mname;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "Minister [mid=" + mid + ", mname=" + mname + "]";
} }


 import java.util.Set;

 public class Country {
private Integer cid;
private String cname;
// 关联属性
private Set<Minister> ministers;// 一般用set public Integer getCid() {
return cid;
} public void setCid(Integer cid) {
this.cid = cid;
} public String getCname() {
return cname;
} public void setCname(String cname) {
this.cname = cname;
} public Set<Minister> getMinisters() {
return ministers;
} public void setMinisters(Set<Minister> ministers) {
this.ministers = ministers;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "Country [cid=" + cid + ", cname=" + cname + ", ministers=" + ministers + "]";
} }




import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession;
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test; import com.jmu.bean.Country;
import com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao;
import com.jmu.utils.MybatisUtils; public class MyTest {
private ICountryDao dao;
private SqlSession sqlSession; @Before
public void Before() {
sqlSession = MybatisUtils.getSqlSession();
dao = sqlSession.getMapper(ICountryDao.class);
public void after(){
if (sqlSession!=null) {
sqlSession.commit(); } } @Test
public void test01() {
Country country = dao.selectCountryById(2);
} }


 public interface ICountryDao {
Country selectCountryById(int cid);



 <mapper namespace="com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao">
<resultMap type="Country" id="countryMapper">
<id column="cid" property="cid" />
<result column="cname" property="cname" />
<collection property="ministers" ofType="Minister"><!-- ofType="Minister",要封装的类,也是集合的泛型 -->
<id column="mid" property="mid" />
<result column="mname" property="mname" />
<select id="selectCountryById" resultMap="countryMapper">
select cid,cname,mid ,mname
from country,minister
where countryId=cid and cid=#{xxx}



0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById  - ==>  Preparing: select cid,cname,mid ,mname from country,minister where countryId=cid and cid=?
57 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - ==> Parameters: 2(Integer)
96 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - <== Columns: cid, cname, mid, mname
96 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - <== Row: 2, England, 4, ddd
99 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - <== Row: 2, England, 5, eee
99 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - <== Total: 2
Country [cid=2, cname=England, ministers=[Minister [mid=4, mname=ddd], Minister [mid=5, mname=eee]]]



 <mapper namespace="com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao">
<select id="selectMinisterByCountry" resultType="Minister">
select mid,mname from minister where countryId=#{ooo}
<resultMap type="Country" id="countryMapper">
<id column="cid" property="cid" />
<result column="cname" property="cname" />
<collection property="ministers" ofType="Minister"
select="selectMinisterByCountry" column="cid" /><!-- ofType="Minister",要封装的类,也是集合的泛型 -->
<select id="selectCountryById" resultMap="countryMapper">
select cid,cname from
country where cid=#{xxx}


 0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById  - ==>  Preparing: select cid,cname from country where cid=?
45 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - ==> Parameters: 2(Integer)
79 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - <== Columns: cid, cname
80 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - <== Row: 2, England
84 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectMinisterByCountry - ====> Preparing: select mid,mname from minister where countryId=?
85 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectMinisterByCountry - ====> Parameters: 2(Integer)
91 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectMinisterByCountry - <==== Columns: mid, mname
92 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectMinisterByCountry - <==== Row: 4, ddd
93 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectMinisterByCountry - <==== Row: 5, eee
94 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectMinisterByCountry - <==== Total: 2
95 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.ICountryDao.selectCountryById - <== Total: 1
Country [cid=2, cname=England, ministers=[Minister [mid=4, mname=ddd], Minister [mid=5, mname=eee]]]







 import java.util.Set;

 public class NewLabel{
private Integer id;
private String name;// 栏目名称
private Set<NewLabel> children; public Integer getId() {
return id;
} public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
} public String getName() {
return name;
} public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public Set<NewLabel> getChildren() {
return children;
} public void setChildren(Set<NewLabel> children) {
this.children = children;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "NewLable [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", children=" + children + "]";
} }



  • 查询指定栏目的所有子孙栏目


 import com.jmu.bean.NewsLabel;

 public interface INewsLabelDao {
List<NewsLabel> selectChildrenByParent(int pid) ;


public void test01() {
List<NewsLabel> children=dao.selectChildrenByParent(2);
for (NewsLabel newLabel : children) {


 <mapper namespace="com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao">
<!-- <select id="selectChildrenByParent" resultMap="newslabelMapper">
select id,name from newslabel where pid=#{ooo}
</select> -->
<resultMap type="NewsLabel" id="newslabelMapper">
<id column="id" property="id"/>
<result column="name" property="name"/>
<collection property="children"
<select id="selectChildrenByParent" resultMap="newslabelMapper">
select id,name from newslabel where pid=#{xxx}



0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent  - ==>  Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
47 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ==> Parameters: 2(Integer)
83 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <== Columns: id, name
83 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <== Row: 3, NBA
87 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ====> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
88 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ====> Parameters: 3(Integer)
89 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Columns: id, name
89 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Row: 5, 火箭
89 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
89 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Parameters: 5(Integer)
90 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <====== Total: 0
91 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Row: 6, 湖人
92 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
92 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Parameters: 6(Integer)
93 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <====== Total: 0
93 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Total: 2
94 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <== Row: 4, CBA
95 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ====> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
95 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ====> Parameters: 4(Integer)
96 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Columns: id, name
96 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Row: 7, 北京金隅
97 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
97 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Parameters: 7(Integer)
98 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <====== Total: 0
98 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Row: 8, 浙江广厦
98 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
98 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Parameters: 8(Integer)
99 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <====== Total: 0
99 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Row: 9, 青岛双星
100 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
101 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - ======> Parameters: 9(Integer)
102 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <====== Total: 0
102 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <==== Total: 3
102 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectChildrenByParent - <== Total: 2
NewLable [id=3, name=NBA, children=[NewLable [id=5, name=火箭, children=[]], NewLable [id=6, name=湖人, children=[]]]]
NewLable [id=4, name=CBA, children=[NewLable [id=9, name=青岛双星, children=[]], NewLable [id=7, name=北京金隅, children=[]], NewLable [id=8, name=浙江广厦, children=[]]]]


  • 查询指定栏目及其所有子孙栏目


 import com.jmu.bean.NewsLabel;

 public interface INewsLabelDao {
NewsLabel selectNewsLabelById(int id);


public void test01() {
NewsLabel newsLabel=dao.selectNewsLabelById(2);


 <mapper namespace="com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao">
<select id="selectNewslabelByParent" resultMap="newslabelMapper">
select id,name from newslabel where pid=#{ooo}
<resultMap type="NewsLabel" id="newslabelMapper">
<id column="id" property="id"/>
<result column="name" property="name"/>
<collection property="children"
<select id="selectNewsLabelById" resultMap="newslabelMapper">
select id,name from newslabel where id=#{xxx}



0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById  - ==>  Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where id=?
48 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - ==> Parameters: 2(Integer)
96 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <== Columns: id, name
97 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <== Row: 2, 体育新闻
101 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ====> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
105 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ====> Parameters: 2(Integer)
106 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <==== Columns: id, name
106 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <==== Row: 3, NBA
107 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ======> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
107 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ======> Parameters: 3(Integer)
108 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Columns: id, name
108 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Row: 5, 火箭
109 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
109 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Parameters: 5(Integer)
110 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <======== Total: 0
111 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Row: 6, 湖人
113 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
114 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Parameters: 6(Integer)
115 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <======== Total: 0
115 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Total: 2
115 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <==== Row: 4, CBA
116 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ======> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
116 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ======> Parameters: 4(Integer)
117 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Columns: id, name
117 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Row: 7, 北京金隅
117 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
118 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Parameters: 7(Integer)
118 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <======== Total: 0
119 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Row: 8, 浙江广厦
119 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
120 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Parameters: 8(Integer)
121 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <======== Total: 0
121 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Row: 9, 青岛双星
123 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Preparing: select id,name from newslabel where pid=?
124 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - ========> Parameters: 9(Integer)
125 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <======== Total: 0
125 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <====== Total: 3
126 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewslabelByParent - <==== Total: 2
126 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <== Total: 1
NewLable [id=2, name=体育新闻, children=[NewLable [id=4, name=CBA, children=[NewLable [id=7, name=北京金隅, children=[]], NewLable [id=9, name=青岛双星, children=[]], NewLable [id=8, name=浙江广厦, children=[]]]], NewLable [id=3, name=NBA, children=[NewLable [id=5, name=火箭, children=[]], NewLable [id=6, name=湖人, children=[]]]]]]



  • 查询当前栏目及其所有父辈栏目


public class NewsLabel{
private Integer id;
private String name;// 栏目名称
private NewsLabel parent;//父栏目
// private Set<NewsLabel> children;//子栏目,完整自关联
public Integer getId() {
return id;
} public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
} public String getName() {
return name;
} public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public NewsLabel getParent() {
return parent;
} public void setParent(NewsLabel parent) {
this.parent = parent;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "NewsLabel [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", parent=" + parent + "]";
} }


 public interface INewsLabelDao {
NewsLabel selectNewsLabelById(int id);


 public void test01() {
NewsLabel newsLabel=dao.selectNewsLabelById(3);


 <mapper namespace="com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao">
<!-- <select id="selectNewslabelByParent" resultMap="newslabelMapper">
select id,name,pid from newslabel where id=#{ooo}
</select> -->
<resultMap type="NewsLabel" id="newslabelMapper">
<id column="id" property="id"/>
<result column="name" property="name"/>
<association property="parent"
<select id="selectNewsLabelById" resultMap="newslabelMapper">
select id,name,pid from newslabel where id=#{xxx}



 0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById  - ==>  Preparing: select id,name,pid from newslabel where id=?
57 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - ==> Parameters: 3(Integer)
104 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <== Columns: id, name, pid
108 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <== Row: 3, NBA, 2
111 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - ====> Preparing: select id,name,pid from newslabel where id=?
112 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - ====> Parameters: 2(Integer)
112 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <==== Columns: id, name, pid
113 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <==== Row: 2, 体育新闻, 0
113 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - ======> Preparing: select id,name,pid from newslabel where id=?
113 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - ======> Parameters: 0(Integer)
114 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <====== Total: 0
115 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <==== Total: 1
115 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.INewsLabelDao.selectNewsLabelById - <== Total: 1
NewsLabel [id=3, name=NBA, parent=NewsLabel [id=2, name=体育新闻, parent=null]]








 import java.util.Set;

 public class Course {
private Integer cid;
private String cname;
private Set<Student> students; public Integer getCid() {
return cid;
} public void setCid(Integer cid) {
this.cid = cid;
} public String getCname() {
return cname;
} public void setCname(String cname) {
this.cname = cname;
} public Set<Student> getStudents() {
return students;
} public void setStudents(Set<Student> students) {
this.students = students;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "Course [cid=" + cid + ", cname=" + cname + ", students=" + students + "]";
} }


 import java.util.Set;

 public class Student {
private Integer sid;
private String sname;
private Set<Course> courses; public Integer getSid() {
return sid;
} public void setSid(Integer sid) {
this.sid = sid;
} public String getSname() {
return sname;
} public void setSname(String sname) {
this.sname = sname;
} public Set<Course> getCourses() {
return courses;
} public void setCourses(Set<Course> courses) {
this.courses = courses;
} @Override
public String toString() {
return "Student [sid=" + sid + ", sname=" + sname + ", courses=" + courses + "]";
} }


 import com.jmu.bean.Student;

 public interface IStudentDao {
Student selectStudentById(int sid);


public void test01() {
Student student = dao.selectStudentById(1);


 <mapper namespace="com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao">
<resultMap type="Student" id="studentMapper">
<id column="sid" property="sid" />
<result column="sname" property="sname" />
<collection property="courses" ofType="Course">
<id column="cid" property="cid" />
<result column="cname" property="cname" />
<select id="selectStudentById" resultMap="studentMapper">
select sid,sname,cid,cname
from student1,middle,course
where sid=studentId and cid=courseId and sid=#{xxx}



0 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentById  - ==>  Preparing: select sid,sname,cid,cname from student1,middle,course where sid=studentId and cid=courseId and sid=?
69 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentById - ==> Parameters: 1(Integer)
101 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentById - <== Columns: sid, sname, cid, cname
102 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentById - <== Row: 1, 刘备, 1, JavaSE
112 [main] TRACE com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentById - <== Row: 1, 刘备, 2, JavaEE
112 [main] DEBUG com.jmu.dao.IStudentDao.selectStudentById - <== Total: 2
Student [sid=1, sname=刘备, courses=[Course [cid=1, cname=JavaSE, students=null], Course [cid=2, cname=JavaEE, students=null]]]



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    双向一对多关联关系 前面的博客讲的都是单向的,而本问讲的是双向的(双向一对多 = 双向多对一) 什么是双向? 我们来对照一下单向和双向 单向/双向 User实体类中是否有List< Order& ...

  8. Django 多表查询

    多表查询是模型层的重要功能之一, Django提供了一套基于关联字段独特的解决方案. ForeignKey 来自Django官方文档的模型示例: from django.db import model ...

  9. SpringBoot Data JPA 关联表查询的方法

    SpringBoot Data JPA实现 一对多.多对一关联表查询 开发环境 IDEA 2017.1 Java1.8 SpringBoot 2.0 MySQL 5.X 功能需求 通过关联关系查询商店 ...


  1. 深度学习之tensorflow (一)

    一.TensorFlow简介 1.TensorFlow定义: tensor  :张量,N维数组 Flow   :  流,基于数据流图的计算 TensorFlow : 张量从图像的一端流动到另一端的计算 ...

  2. HTML基础--元素类型及类型转换

    元素类型及类型转换 一.XHTML元素分类 根据css显示分类,XHTML元素被分为三种类型:块状元素,内联元素,可变元素 1.块状元素(block element) 1)块状元素在网页中就是以块的形 ...

  3. C++静态库与动态库(转)


  4. Linux运维正则表达式之grep

    一.什么是正则表达式?简单的说,正则表达式就是一套处理大量的字符串而定义的规则和方法.例如:假设 @代表12345通过正则表达式这些特殊符号,我们可以快速过滤.替换需要的内容.linux正则表达式一般 ...

  5. Django 入门案例开发(中)

    昨天已经描述了如何搭建Django的开发环境,今天描述业务流程,具体我们要实现一个什么样的业务: 以下的业务都是假设的(网上书店   页面做的low): 1.用户注册及登录业务: 这是一个网上书店阅读 ...

  6. [树莓派(raspberry pi)] 01、在linux环境下给树莓派安装系统及入门各种资料

    1.预准备 进入帮助页面https://www.raspberrypi.org/help/,可以直接看到GET START WITH PASPBERRY PI,点击进入: 接下来会引导你检查配件是否齐 ...

  7. FreeMarker 快速入门

    FreeMarker 快速入门 FreeMarker是一个很值得去学习的模版引擎.它是基于模板文件生成其他文本的通用工具.本章内容通过如何使用FreeMarker生成Html web 页面 和 代码自 ...

  8. h5前端流行的框架

    很多时候别人问你,上手的框架有哪些,其实我们都是知道的,只是一时却也说不上哪些比较,这里想给大家介绍一下,我所遇到的,还算好用的框架,做个分享 1 Bootstrap 官网:http://getboo ...

  9. ShoneSharp语言(S#)的设计和使用介绍系列(3)— 修炼工具

    ShoneSharp语言(S#)的设计和使用介绍 系列(3)- 修炼工具 作者:Shone 声明:原创文章欢迎转载,但请注明出处,https://www.cnblogs.com/ShoneSharp. ...

  10. Spring MVC 学习总结(八)——Spring MVC概要与环境配置(IDEA+Maven+Tomcat7+JDK8、示例与视频)

    一.MVC概要 MVC是模型(Model).视图(View).控制器(Controller)的简写,是一种软件设计规范,用一种将业务逻辑.数据.显示分离的方法组织代码,MVC主要作用是降低了视图与业务 ...