February 21st, 2018 Week 8th Wednesday
Our life is what our thoughts make it.
The mind is everything. What you think, you become.
And whatever you can do, or whatever you dream you can, begin it, because boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
But sometimes, you don't always need a plan, you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.
Don't be discouraged, don't lose heart, the current failures don't mean your life will end up in continuous defeats.
Come on, my mate, things are not always bad, sometimes it will be favorable for us.
We are the future, not them, all those famous names will no longer matter too much for us.
Only hate the road when you are missing home.
From Passenger, "Let her go".
No, I don't think the journey is too far when I travel home, because I know there are many people who are waiting for me, thinking of this, I always feel very happy and the tireness of journey may disappear into the air.
The same is to everything.
When there are some expectations, when you know there must be some rewards, you won't feel tired no matter how hard you work, you won't feel depressed when facing some temporary setbacks.
The road is tough, and it may get tougher, the hills are hard to climb, and they may get steeper, but you know on the tops the wonderful and splendid sceneries would make all your efforts worthy, you will eventually be paid off for your dedication.
Remember, good habits, unfading passion, continuous motivation, and selfless dedication are the foundation of success.
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