
  1. 打印数字

    (lldb) p/d 16
  2. 16 进制格式

    (lldb) p/x 16
  3. 2 进制格式

    (lldb) p/t 16
    (lldb) p/t (char)16


(lldb) e int $a = 2
(lldb) p $a * 19
(lldb) e NSArray *$array = @[ @"Saturday", @"Sunday", @"Monday" ]
(lldb) p [$array count]


  1. continue
  2. step over,执行一行代码
  3. step into
  4. step out
    thread step-outfinish
  5. 从当前函数返回
    thread return


  1. 查看所有断点

    (lldb) br list
    Current breakpoints:
    1: file = '/testStringIndex/testStringIndex/ViewController.m', line = 73, exact_match = 0, locations = 1, resolved = 1, hit count = 1 1.1: where = testStringIndex`-[ViewController configureSections] + 261 at ViewController.m:73, address = 0x000000010de75515, resolved, hit count = 1 2: file = '/testStringIndex/testStringIndex/ViewController.m', line = 31, exact_match = 0, locations = 1, resolved = 1, hit count = 1 2.1: where = testStringIndex`-[ViewController viewDidLoad] + 701 at ViewController.m:31, address = 0x000000010de74f3d, resolved, hit count = 1
  2. disable 断点

    (lldb) br disable 2.1
    1 breakpoints disabled.
  3. 删除断点

    (lldb) br delete 1.1
    0 breakpoints deleted; 1 breakpoint locations disabled.


  1. 指定文件指定行数打断点

    (lldb) br set  -f ViewController.m -l 76
    Breakpoint 2: where = testStringIndex`-[ViewController configureSections] + 451 at ViewController.m:77, address = 0x000000010eff15d3
    (lldb) b ViewController.m:79
    Breakpoint 3: where = testStringIndex`-[ViewController configureSections] + 526 at ViewController.m:79, address = 0x000000010eff161e
  2. 在符号(C语言函数)上打断点

    (lldb) b isEven
    Breakpoint 3: where = DebuggerDance`isEven + 16 at main.m:4, address = 0x000000010a3f6d00
    (lldb) br s -F isEven
    Breakpoint 4: where = DebuggerDance`isEven + 16 at main.m:4, address = 0x000000010a3f6d00
  3. 在 OC 函数上打断点

    (lldb) breakpoint set -F "-[NSArray objectAtIndex:]"
    Breakpoint 4: where = CoreFoundation`-[NSArray objectAtIndex:], address = 0x000000010fbb7570
    Breakpoint 5: where = CoreFoundation`-[NSArray objectAtIndex:], address = 0x000000010fbb7570
    (lldb) b -[NSArray objectAtIndex:] Breakpoint 6: where = CoreFoundation`-[NSArray objectAtIndex:], address = 0x000000010fbb7570
    Breakpoint 7: where = CoreFoundation`-[NSArray objectAtIndex:], address = 0x000000010fbb7570
    (lldb) breakpoint set -F "+[NSSet setWithObject:]" Breakpoint 8: where = CoreFoundation`+[NSSet setWithObject:], address = 0x000000010fadd5d0
    Breakpoint 9: where = CoreFoundation`+[NSSet setWithObject:], address = 0x000000010fadd5d0
    (lldb) b +[NSSet setWithObject:] Breakpoint 10: where = CoreFoundation`+[NSSet setWithObject:], address = 0x000000010fadd5d0
    Breakpoint 11: where = CoreFoundation`+[NSSet setWithObject:], address = 0x000000010fadd5d0


Chisel 中有一个命令,叫做 caflush,来渲染。

(lldb) e (void)[$myView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]]
(lldb) e (void)[CATransaction flush] //渲染

Chisel 的命令

  1. 非重写方法的符号断点

    (lldb) bmessage -[MyViewController viewDidAppear:]
    Setting a breakpoint at -[UIViewController viewDidAppear:] with condition (void*)object_getClass((id)$rdi) == 0x000000010e2f4d28
    Breakpoint 1: where = UIKit`-[UIViewController viewDidAppear:], address = 0x000000010e11533c

    MyViewController 并没有实现这个方法。

    (lldb) help bmessage
    For more information run 'help bmessage' Expects 'raw' input (see 'help

    Syntax: bmessage
    Set a breakpoint for a selector on a class, even if the class itself doesn't
    override that selector. It walks the hierarchy until it finds a class that does
    implement the selector and sets a conditional breakpoint there.

    ; Type: string; Expression to set a breakpoint on, e.g. "-[MyView
    setFrame:]", "+[MyView awesomeClassMethod]" or "-[0xabcd1234 setFrame:]"

  2. 打印内部变量

    (lldb) pinternals self
    (ViewController) $14 = {
    _allStrings = 0x000060800005cec0 @"15 elements"
    _tableView = 0x00007fd27901fe00
    _sectionsArray = nil
    _collation = nil
  3. 打印继承关系

    (lldb) pclass self
    | UIViewController
    | | UIResponder
    | | | NSObject


  1. 当前行数和源码

    (lldb) frame info
    frame #0: 0x000000010704e515 testStringIndex`-[ViewController configureSections](self=0x00007fb3c8006160, _cmd="configureSections") at ViewController.m:73
  2. 查看内存

    (lldb) x/4c $str
    0x7fd04a900040: monk

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