In one word: numerically. As would be expected for a number.

Versioned Migrations

The most common type of migration is a versioned migration. Each versioned migration has a version, a description and a checksum. The version must be unique. The description is purely informative for you to be able to remember what each migration does. The checksum is there to detect accidental changes. Versioned migrations are applied in order exactly once.

Versioned migrations are typically used for:

  • Creating/altering/dropping tables/indexes/foreign keys/enums/UDTs/…
  • Reference data updates
  • User data corrections

Here is a small example:

license_plate VARCHAR NOT NULL,
); ALTER TABLE owner ADD driver_license_id VARCHAR; INSERT INTO brand (name) VALUES ('DeLorean');

Each versioned migration must be assigned a unique version. Any version is valid as long as it conforms to the usual dotted notation. For most cases a simple increasing integer should be all you need. However Flyway is quite flexible and all these versions are valid versioned migration versions:

  • 1
  • 001
  • 5.2
  • 205.68
  • 20130115113556
  • 2013.
  • 2013.

Versioned migrations are applied in the order of their versions. Versions are sorted numerically as you would normally expect.

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