emit 方法表翻译
Name | Description | |
Add | Adds two values and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.添加两个值并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Add_Ovf | Adds two integers, performs an overflow check, and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.添加两个整数,执行溢出检查,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Add_Ovf_Un | Adds two unsigned integer values, performs an overflow check, and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.添加两个无符号整数值,执行溢出检查,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
And | Computes the bitwise AND of two values and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.计算两个值的按位和并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Arglist | Returns an unmanaged pointer to the argument list of the current method.返回当前方法的参数列表的非托管指针。 | |
Beq | Transfers control to a target instruction if two values are equal.如果两个值相等,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Beq_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if two values are equal.如果两个值相等,则将控制转移到目标指令(短格式)。 | |
Bge | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.如果第一个值大于或等于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Bge_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.如果第一个值大于或等于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令(短形式)。 | |
Bge_Un | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.当比较无符号整数值或无序浮点值时,如果第一值大于第二值,则将控制传递到目标指令。 | |
Bge_Un_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is greater than the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.将控制转移到目标指令(短格式)如果第一个值大于第二个值,当比较无符号整数值或不可排序的浮点值。 | |
Bgt | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than the second value.如果第一个值大于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Bgt_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is greater than the second value.如果第一个值大于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令(短形式)。 | |
Bgt_Un | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.当比较无符号整数值或无序浮点值时,如果第一值大于第二值,则将控制传递到目标指令。 | |
Bgt_Un_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is greater than the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.当比较无符号整数值或无序浮点值时,如果第一值大于第二值,则将控制传递到目标指令(简写形式)。 | |
Ble | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than or equal to the second value.如果第一个值小于或等于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Ble_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is less than or equal to the second value.如果第一个值小于或等于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令(短形式)。 | |
Ble_Un | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than or equal to the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.当比较无符号整数值或无序浮点值时,如果第一值小于或等于第二值,则将控制传递到目标指令。 | |
Ble_Un_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is less than or equal to the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.当比较无符号整数值或无序浮点值时,如果第一值小于或等于第二值,则将控制传递到目标指令(简写形式)。 | |
Blt | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than the second value.如果第一个值小于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Blt_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is less than the second value.如果第一个值小于第二个值,则将控制转移到目标指令(短形式)。 | |
Blt_Un | Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.当比较无符号整数值或无序浮点值时,如果第一值小于第二值,则将控制传递到目标指令。 | |
Blt_Un_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if the first value is less than the second value, when comparing unsigned integer values or unordered float values.当比较无符号整数值或无序浮点值时,如果第一值小于第二值,则将控制传递到目标指令(简写形式)。 | |
Bne_Un | Transfers control to a target instruction when two unsigned integer values or unordered float values are not equal.当两个无符号整数值或无序浮点值不相等时,将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Bne_Un_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) when two unsigned integer values or unordered float values are not equal.当两个无符号整数值或无序浮点值不相等时,将控制转移到目标指令(短格式)。 | |
Box | Converts a value type to an object reference (type O).将值类型转换为对象引用(O型)。 | |
Br | Unconditionally transfers control to a target instruction.无条件地将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Br_S | Unconditionally transfers control to a target instruction (short form).无条件地将控制转移到目标指令(短格式)。 | |
Break | Signals the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) to inform the debugger that a break point has been tripped.向公共语言基础结构(CLI)发出信号,通知调试器断点已被跳过。 | |
Brfalse | Transfers control to a target instruction if value is false, a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), or zero.如果值为false,空引用(VisualBasic中没有),或零,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Brfalse_S | Transfers control to a target instruction if value is false, a null reference, or zero.如果值为false、空引用或零,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Brtrue | Transfers control to a target instruction if value is true, not null, or non-zero.如果值为真,不为空,或非零,则将控制转移到目标指令。 | |
Brtrue_S | Transfers control to a target instruction (short form) if value is true, not null, or non-zero.如果值为真,不为空,或非零,则将控制转移到目标指令(短形式)。 | |
Call | Calls the method indicated by the passed method descriptor.调用传递的方法描述符所指示的方法。 | |
Calli | Calls the method indicated on the evaluation stack (as a pointer to an entry point) with arguments described by a calling convention.使用调用约定描述的参数调用计算堆栈上指示的方法(作为指向入口点的指针)。 | |
Callvirt | Calls a late-bound method on an object, pushing the return value onto the evaluation stack.调用对象上的后期绑定方法,将返回值推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Castclass | Attempts to cast an object passed by reference to the specified class.尝试将引用引用传递给指定的类。 | |
Ceq | Compares two values. If they are equal, the integer value 1 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack; otherwise 0 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack.比较两个值。如果它们相等,则将整数值1(int32)推到评估堆栈上;否则将0(int32)推到评估堆栈上。 | |
Cgt | Compares two values. If the first value is greater than the second, the integer value 1 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack; otherwise 0 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack.比较两个值。如果第一值大于第二值,则将整数值1推到评估堆栈上;否则将0推到评估堆栈上。 | |
Cgt_Un | Compares two unsigned or unordered values. If the first value is greater than the second, the integer value 1 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack; otherwise 0 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack.比较两个无符号或无序值。如果第一值大于第二值,则将整数值1推到评估堆栈上;否则将0推到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ckfinite | Throws ArithmeticException if value is not a finite number.如果值不是有限个数。 | |
Clt | Compares two values. If the first value is less than the second, the integer value 1 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack; otherwise 0 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack.比较两个值。如果第一值小于第二值,则将整数值1推到评估堆栈上;否则将0推到评估堆栈上。 | |
Clt_Un | Compares the unsigned or unordered values value1 and value2. If value1 is less than value2, then the integer value 1 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack; otherwise 0 (int32) is pushed onto the evaluation stack.比较无符号或无序值Value1和Value2。如果value1小于value2,然后整数1(Int32)推计算堆栈上;另有0(Int32)推送到堆栈的评价。 | |
Constrained | Constrains the type on which a virtual method call is made.约束进行虚方法调用的类型。 | |
Conv_I | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to native int.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为本机INT。 | |
Conv_I1 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to int8, then extends (pads) it to int32.将评估堆栈顶部的值转换为It8,然后将其(PAD)扩展到It32。 | |
Conv_I2 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to int16, then extends (pads) it to int32.将评估堆栈顶部的值转换为It16,然后将其(PAD)扩展到It32。 | |
Conv_I4 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to int32.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为It32。 | |
Conv_I8 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to int64.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为It64。 | |
Conv_Ovf_I | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to signed native int, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的已签名值转换为已签名的原生int,投掷 | |
Conv_Ovf_I_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to signed native int, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的未签名值转换为已签名的本地int | |
Conv_Ovf_I1 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int8 and extends it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的已签名值转换为签名的It8,并将其扩展到 | |
Conv_Ovf_I1_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int8 and extends it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的未签名值转换为签名的It8,并将其扩展到 | |
Conv_Ovf_I2 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int16 and extending it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的已签名值转换为签名的It16,并将其扩展到 | |
Conv_Ovf_I2_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int16 and extends it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的未签名值转换为签名的It16,并将其扩展到 | |
Conv_Ovf_I4 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的已签名值转换为签名的int32 | |
Conv_Ovf_I4_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_I8 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int64, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_I8_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to signed int64, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned native int, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned native int, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U1 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int8 and extends it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow.将计算堆栈顶部的已签名值转换为未签名的It8,并将其扩展到 | |
Conv_Ovf_U1_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int8 and extends it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U2 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int16 and extends it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U2_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int16 and extends it to int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U4 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U4_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int32, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U8 | Converts the signed value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int64, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_Ovf_U8_Un | Converts the unsigned value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int64, throwing OverflowException on overflow. | |
Conv_R_Un | Converts the unsigned integer value on top of the evaluation stack to float32.将计算堆栈顶部的无符号整数值转换为FLUAT32。 | |
Conv_R4 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to float32.将评估堆栈顶部的值转换为FLUAT32。 | |
Conv_R8 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to float64.将评估堆栈顶部的值转换为FLUAT64。 | |
Conv_U | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned native int, and extends it to native int.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为未签名的本机INT,并将其扩展到本机INT。 | |
Conv_U1 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int8, and extends it to int32.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为未签名的It8,并将其扩展到It32。 | |
Conv_U2 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int16, and extends it to int32.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为未签名的It16,并将其扩展到It32。 | |
Conv_U4 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int32, and extends it to int32.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为未签名的It32,并将其扩展到It32。 | |
Conv_U8 | Converts the value on top of the evaluation stack to unsigned int64, and extends it to int64.将计算堆栈顶部的值转换为未签名的It64,并将其扩展到It64。 | |
Cpblk | Copies a specified number bytes from a source address to a destination address.将指定数量的字节从源地址复制到目的地址。 | |
Cpobj | Copies the value type located at the address of an object (type &, * or native int) to the address of the destination object (type &, * or native int).将位于对象地址的值类型(类型&,*或本机int)复制到目标对象的地址(类型&,*或本机int)。 | |
Div | Divides two values and pushes the result as a floating-point (type F) or quotient (type int32) onto the evaluation stack.将两个值分开,并将结果作为浮点(F型)或商(类型It32)推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Div_Un | Divides two unsigned integer values and pushes the result (int32) onto the evaluation stack.分割两个无符号整数值,并将结果(It32)推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Dup | Copies the current topmost value on the evaluation stack, and then pushes the copy onto the evaluation stack.复制评估堆栈上的当前顶层值,然后将副本推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Endfilter | Transfers control from the filter clause of an exception back to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) exception handler.将控件从异常的过滤器子句传递回公共语言基础结构(CLI)异常处理程序。 | |
Endfinally | Transfers control from the fault or finally clause of an exception block back to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) exception handler.将控制从异常块的错误或finally子句传输回公共语言基础结构(CLI)异常处理程序。 | |
Initblk | Initializes a specified block of memory at a specific address to a given size and initial value.将指定地址的特定内存块初始化为给定大小和初始值。 | |
Initobj | Initializes each field of the value type at a specified address to a null reference or a 0 of the appropriate primitive type.将指定类型的值类型的每个字段初始化为空引用或适当的基元类型的0。 | |
Isinst | Tests whether an object reference (type O) is an instance of a particular class.测试对象引用(O类型)是否是特定类的实例。 | |
Jmp | Exits current method and jumps to specified method.退出当前方法并跳转到指定的方法。 | |
Ldarg | Loads an argument (referenced by a specified index value) onto the stack.将参数(由指定的索引值引用)加载到堆栈上。 | |
Ldarg_0 | Loads the argument at index 0 onto the evaluation stack.将索引0中的参数加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldarg_1 | Loads the argument at index 1 onto the evaluation stack.将索引1中的参数加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldarg_2 | Loads the argument at index 2 onto the evaluation stack. | |
Ldarg_3 | Loads the argument at index 3 onto the evaluation stack. | |
Ldarg_S | Loads the argument (referenced by a specified short form index) onto the evaluation stack.将参数(由指定的短格式索引引用)加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldarga | Load an argument address onto the evaluation stack.将参数地址加载到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldarga_S | Load an argument address, in short form, onto the evaluation stack.以简短的形式将参数地址加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldc_I4 | Pushes a supplied value of type int32 onto the evaluation stack as an int32.将It32类型提供的值推到作为It32的评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldc_I4_0 | Pushes the integer value of 0 onto the evaluation stack as an int32.将整数值0推到评估堆栈上作为一个It32。 | |
Ldc_I4_1 | Pushes the integer value of 1 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_2 | Pushes the integer value of 2 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_3 | Pushes the integer value of 3 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_4 | Pushes the integer value of 4 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_5 | Pushes the integer value of 5 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_6 | Pushes the integer value of 6 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_7 | Pushes the integer value of 7 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_8 | Pushes the integer value of 8 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_M1 | Pushes the integer value of -1 onto the evaluation stack as an int32. | |
Ldc_I4_S | Pushes the supplied int8 value onto the evaluation stack as an int32, short form.将提供的It8值作为一个It32、短形式推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldc_I8 | Pushes a supplied value of type int64 onto the evaluation stack as an int64.将It64类型提供的值推到作为It64的评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldc_R4 | Pushes a supplied value of type float32 onto the evaluation stack as type F (float).将类型FLUAT32的提供值作为F类型(浮点)推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldc_R8 | Pushes a supplied value of type float64 onto the evaluation stack as type F (float).将类型FROUT64的提供值作为F类型(浮点)推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldelem | Loads the element at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as the type specified in the instruction.将指定数组索引中的元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为指令中指定的类型。 | |
Ldelem_I | Loads the element with type native int at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as a native int.以指定的数组索引将具有本地原生INT的元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为原生INT。 | |
Ldelem_I1 | Loads the element with type int8 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as an int32.将指定类型数组索引中的类型为It8的元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为一个It32。 | |
Ldelem_I2 | Loads the element with type int16 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as an int32.将指定类型数组索引中的类型为It16的元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为一个It32。 | |
Ldelem_I4 | Loads the element with type int32 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as an int32.将指定类型数组索引中的类型为32的元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为一个It32。 | |
Ldelem_I8 | Loads the element with type int64 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as an int64.以指定的数组索引将具有类型In64的元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为一个In64。 | |
Ldelem_R4 | Loads the element with type float32 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as type F (float).将具有指定数组索引的类型FLUAT32的元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为F类型(浮点)。 | |
Ldelem_R8 | Loads the element with type float64 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as type F (float).将指定类型数组索引的FLUAT64元素加载到评估堆栈顶部作为F类型(浮点)。 | |
Ldelem_Ref | Loads the element containing an object reference at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as type O (object reference).将包含指定数组索引处的对象引用的元素作为类型O(对象引用)加载到评估堆栈的顶部。 | |
Ldelem_U1 | Loads the element with type unsigned int8 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as an int32.将指定数组索引的无符号类型的It8元素加载到评估堆栈的顶部,作为一个It32。 | |
Ldelem_U2 | Loads the element with type unsigned int16 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as an int32.将指定数组索引的无符号类型的In16元素加载到评估堆栈的顶部,作为一个It32。 | |
Ldelem_U4 | Loads the element with type unsigned int32 at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as an int32.将指定数组索引的带有未签名的类型32的元素加载到评估栈的顶部,作为一个It32。 | |
Ldelema | Loads the address of the array element at a specified array index onto the top of the evaluation stack as type & (managed pointer).将指定数组索引处的数组元素的地址作为类型&(托管指针)加载到评估堆栈的顶部。 | |
Ldfld | Finds the value of a field in the object whose reference is currently on the evaluation stack.在引用当前位于评估堆栈中的对象中查找字段的值。 | |
Ldflda | Finds the address of a field in the object whose reference is currently on the evaluation stack.查找引用当前位于评估堆栈中的对象中的字段的地址。 | |
Ldftn | Pushes an unmanaged pointer (type native int) to the native code implementing a specific method onto the evaluation stack.将非托管指针(Type int)推送到实现特定方法到评估堆栈上的本机代码。 | |
Ldind_I | Loads a value of type native int as a native int onto the evaluation stack indirectly.在评估堆栈中间接地将原生int类型的值加载到本地堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_I1 | Loads a value of type int8 as an int32 onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将It8类型的值作为It32间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_I2 | Loads a value of type int16 as an int32 onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将It16类型的值作为It32间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_I4 | Loads a value of type int32 as an int32 onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将It32类型的值作为It32间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_I8 | Loads a value of type int64 as an int64 onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将It64类型的值作为一个In64间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_R4 | Loads a value of type float32 as a type F (float) onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将FLUAT32类型的值作为F类型(浮点)间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_R8 | Loads a value of type float64 as a type F (float) onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将FLUAT64类型的值作为F类型(浮点)间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_Ref | Loads an object reference as a type O (object reference) onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将对象引用作为O类型(对象引用)间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_U1 | Loads a value of type unsigned int8 as an int32 onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将一个无符号的It8类型的值作为一个It32间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_U2 | Loads a value of type unsigned int16 as an int32 onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将一个无符号的因式16类型的值作为一个It32间接加载到评估堆栈中。 | |
Ldind_U4 | Loads a value of type unsigned int32 as an int32 onto the evaluation stack indirectly.将一个无符号的因特32类型的值作为一个It32间接地加载到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldlen | Pushes the number of elements of a zero-based, one-dimensional array onto the evaluation stack.将基于零的一维数组的元素数推到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldloc | Loads the local variable at a specific index onto the evaluation stack.将特定索引处的局部变量加载到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldloc_0 | Loads the local variable at index 0 onto the evaluation stack.将索引0中的局部变量加载到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldloc_1 | Loads the local variable at index 1 onto the evaluation stack.将索引1中的局部变量加载到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldloc_2 | Loads the local variable at index 2 onto the evaluation stack. | |
Ldloc_3 | Loads the local variable at index 3 onto the evaluation stack. | |
Ldloc_S | Loads the local variable at a specific index onto the evaluation stack, short form.将特定索引处的局部变量加载到评估堆栈(简称“窗体”)上。 | |
Ldloca | Loads the address of the local variable at a specific index onto the evaluation stack.将特定索引处的局部变量的地址加载到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldloca_S | Loads the address of the local variable at a specific index onto the evaluation stack, short form.将特定索引处的局部变量的地址加载到评估堆栈“短格式”。 | |
Ldnull | Pushes a null reference (type O) onto the evaluation stack.将空引用(O型)推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldobj | Copies the value type object pointed to by an address to the top of the evaluation stack.将由地址指向的值类型对象复制到评估堆栈的顶部。 | |
Ldsfld | Pushes the value of a static field onto the evaluation stack.将静态字段的值推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldsflda | Pushes the address of a static field onto the evaluation stack.将静态字段的地址推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldstr | Pushes a new object reference to a string literal stored in the metadata.将新的对象引用推送到存储在元数据中的字符串文本。 | |
Ldtoken | Converts a metadata token to its runtime representation, pushing it onto the evaluation stack.将元数据令牌转换为其运行时表示,将其推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ldvirtftn | Pushes an unmanaged pointer (type native int) to the native code implementing a particular virtual method associated with a specified object onto the evaluation stack.将非托管指针(类型为原生int)推送到实现与指定对象关联的特定虚拟方法的原生代码到评估堆栈上。 | |
Leave | Exits a protected region of code, unconditionally transferring control to a specific target instruction.退出代码的保护区域,无条件地将控制转移到特定的目标指令。 | |
Leave_S | Exits a protected region of code, unconditionally transferring control to a target instruction (short form).退出代码的保护区域,无条件地将控制转移到目标指令(短格式)。 | |
Localloc | Allocates a certain number of bytes from the local dynamic memory pool and pushes the address (a transient pointer, type *) of the first allocated byte onto the evaluation stack.从本地动态内存池分配一定数量的字节,并将第一个分配字节的地址(临时指针,类型*)推送到计算堆栈。 | |
Mkrefany | Pushes a typed reference to an instance of a specific type onto the evaluation stack.将特定类型的实例的类型引用推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Mul | Multiplies two values and pushes the result on the evaluation stack.将两个值相乘,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Mul_Ovf | Multiplies two integer values, performs an overflow check, and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.将两个整数值相乘,执行溢出检查,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Mul_Ovf_Un | Multiplies two unsigned integer values, performs an overflow check, and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.乘以两个无符号整数值,执行溢出检查,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Neg | Negates a value and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.否定一个值,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Newarr | Pushes an object reference to a new zero-based, one-dimensional array whose elements are of a specific type onto the evaluation stack.将对象引用推送到新的基于零的一维数组,该数组的元素是特定类型的。 | |
Newobj | Creates a new object or a new instance of a value type, pushing an object reference (type O) onto the evaluation stack.创建一个新的对象或值类型的新实例,将对象引用(O型)推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Nop | Fills space if opcodes are patched. No meaningful operation is performed although a processing cycle can be consumed.如果操作码被修补,则填充空间。虽然可以消耗处理周期,但不执行有意义的操作。 | |
Not | Computes the bitwise complement of the integer value on top of the stack and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack as the same type.计算堆栈顶部整数值的按位补码,并将结果作为相同类型推送到计算堆栈。 | |
Or | Compute the bitwise complement of the two integer values on top of the stack and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.计算堆栈顶部两个整数值的按位补码,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Pop | Removes the value currently on top of the evaluation stack.移除当前在评估堆栈顶部的值。 | |
Prefix1 | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction.基础设施。这是一个保留指令。 | |
Prefix2 | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction.基础设施。这是一个保留指令。 | |
Prefix3 | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction.基础设施。这是一个保留指令。 | |
Prefix4 | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction.基础设施。这是一个保留指令。 | |
Prefix5 | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction. | |
Prefix6 | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction. | |
Prefix7 | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction. | |
Prefixref | Infrastructure. This is a reserved instruction. | |
Readonly | Specifies that the subsequent array address operation performs no type check at run time, and that it returns a managed pointer whose mutability is restricted.指定后续数组地址操作在运行时不执行类型检查,并且返回可变性受限的托管指针。 | |
Refanytype | Retrieves the type token embedded in a typed reference.检索嵌入在类型引用中的类型标记。 | |
Refanyval | Retrieves the address (type &) embedded in a typed reference.检索嵌入类型引用中的地址(类型和)。 | |
Rem | Divides two values and pushes the remainder onto the evaluation stack.将两个值分开,并将其余部分推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Rem_Un | Divides two unsigned values and pushes the remainder onto the evaluation stack.将两个未签名的值分开,并将其余部分推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Ret | Returns from the current method, pushing a return value (if present) from the callee's evaluation stack onto the caller's evaluation stack.从当前方法返回,将返回值(如果存在)从被调用者的评估堆栈推送到调用者的评估堆栈。 | |
Rethrow | Rethrows the current exception.重新抛出当前异常。 | |
Shl | Shifts an integer value to the left (in zeroes) by a specified number of bits, pushing the result onto the evaluation stack.将一个整数值向左(以零为单位)移位指定位数,将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Shr | Shifts an integer value (in sign) to the right by a specified number of bits, pushing the result onto the evaluation stack.将一个整数值(在符号中)向右移动指定的位数,将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Shr_Un | Shifts an unsigned integer value (in zeroes) to the right by a specified number of bits, pushing the result onto the evaluation stack.将无符号整数值(以零表示)向右移动指定数量的位,将结果推送到计算堆栈。 | |
Sizeof | Pushes the size, in bytes, of a supplied value type onto the evaluation stack.将提供的值类型的大小(以字节为单位)推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Starg | Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the argument slot at a specified index.将值存储在指定索引的参数槽中的评估堆栈顶部。 | |
Starg_S | Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the argument slot at a specified index, short form.将值存储在参数槽中的计算堆栈顶部,以指定的索引,简称。 | |
Stelem | Replaces the array element at a given index with the value on the evaluation stack, whose type is specified in the instruction.用给定的索引替换数组元素,其值是在该指令中指定的类型的评估堆栈。 | |
Stelem_I | Replaces the array element at a given index with the native int value on the evaluation stack.用给定堆栈中的原生int值替换给定索引中的数组元素。 | |
Stelem_I1 | Replaces the array element at a given index with the int8 value on the evaluation stack.用给定堆栈中的It8值替换给定数组中的数组元素。 | |
Stelem_I2 | Replaces the array element at a given index with the int16 value on the evaluation stack.用给定的索引替换数组元素,并在评估堆栈上使用It16值。 | |
Stelem_I4 | Replaces the array element at a given index with the int32 value on the evaluation stack.用给定堆栈上的It32值替换给定索引中的数组元素。 | |
Stelem_I8 | Replaces the array element at a given index with the int64 value on the evaluation stack.用给定堆栈上的It64值替换给定索引中的数组元素。 | |
Stelem_R4 | Replaces the array element at a given index with the float32 value on the evaluation stack.以给定的索引替换数组元素,并使用评估堆栈上的FLUAT32值。 | |
Stelem_R8 | Replaces the array element at a given index with the float64 value on the evaluation stack.用给定堆栈中的FLAUT64值替换给定数组中的数组元素。 | |
Stelem_Ref | Replaces the array element at a given index with the object ref value (type O) on the evaluation stack.用给定堆栈中的对象REF值(O型)替换给定索引中的数组元素。 | |
Stfld | Replaces the value stored in the field of an object reference or pointer with a new value.用一个新的值替换存储在对象引用或指针的字段中的值。 | |
Stind_I | Stores a value of type native int at a supplied address.在提供的地址中存储类型的本地int值。 | |
Stind_I1 | Stores a value of type int8 at a supplied address.在提供的地址中存储类型为It8的值。 | |
Stind_I2 | Stores a value of type int16 at a supplied address.在提供的地址中存储类型16的值。 | |
Stind_I4 | Stores a value of type int32 at a supplied address.在提供的地址中存储类型32的值。 | |
Stind_I8 | Stores a value of type int64 at a supplied address.在提供的地址中存储类型64的值。 | |
Stind_R4 | Stores a value of type float32 at a supplied address.在提供的地址中存储类型FLUAT32的值。 | |
Stind_R8 | Stores a value of type float64 at a supplied address.在提供的地址存储类型FROUT64的值。 | |
Stind_Ref | Stores a object reference value at a supplied address.在提供的地址存储对象引用值。 | |
Stloc | Pops the current value from the top of the evaluation stack and stores it in a the local variable list at a specified index.从评估堆栈顶部弹出当前值,并将其存储在指定索引处的局部变量列表中。 | |
Stloc_0 | Pops the current value from the top of the evaluation stack and stores it in a the local variable list at index 0.从评估堆栈顶部弹出当前值并将其存储在索引0中的局部变量列表中。 | |
Stloc_1 | Pops the current value from the top of the evaluation stack and stores it in a the local variable list at index 1.从评估堆栈顶部弹出当前值并将其存储在索引1中的局部变量列表中。 | |
Stloc_2 | Pops the current value from the top of the evaluation stack and stores it in a the local variable list at index 2. | |
Stloc_3 | Pops the current value from the top of the evaluation stack and stores it in a the local variable list at index 3. | |
Stloc_S | Pops the current value from the top of the evaluation stack and stores it in a the local variable list at index (short form).从评估堆栈顶部弹出当前值,并将其存储在索引(简称“短”)中的局部变量列表中 | |
Stobj | Copies a value of a specified type from the evaluation stack into a supplied memory address.将指定类型的值从评估堆栈复制到所提供的内存地址中。 | |
Stsfld | Replaces the value of a static field with a value from the evaluation stack.用一个来自评估堆栈的值替换静态字段的值。 | |
Sub | Subtracts one value from another and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.从另一个值中减去一个值,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Sub_Ovf | Subtracts one integer value from another, performs an overflow check, and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.从另一个值中减去一个整数值,执行溢出检查,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Sub_Ovf_Un | Subtracts one unsigned integer value from another, performs an overflow check, and pushes the result onto the evaluation stack.从另一个值中减去一个无符号整数值,执行溢出检查,并将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 | |
Switch | Implements a jump table.实现跳转表。 | |
Tailcall | Performs a postfixed method call instruction such that the current method's stack frame is removed before the actual call instruction is executed.执行后缀固定的方法调用指令,以便在执行实际调用指令之前删除当前方法的堆栈帧。 | |
Throw | Throws the exception object currently on the evaluation stack.抛出当前在评估堆栈上的异常对象。 | |
Unaligned | Indicates that an address currently atop the evaluation stack might not be aligned to the natural size of the immediately following ldind, stind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk, or cpblk instruction.指示当前位于评估堆栈顶部的地址可能不与紧接着的ldind、stind、ldfld、stfld、ldobj、stobj、initblk或cpblk指令的自然大小对齐。 | |
Unbox | Converts the boxed representation of a value type to its unboxed form.将值类型的盒式表示形式转换为其未装箱的窗体。 | |
Unbox_Any | Converts the boxed representation of a type specified in the instruction to its unboxed form.将指令中指定的类型的盒式表示形式转换为其未装箱的窗体。 | |
Volatile | Specifies that an address currently atop the evaluation stack might be volatile, and the results of reading that location cannot be cached or that multiple stores to that location cannot be suppressed.指定当前位于评估堆栈顶部的地址可能是易变的,并且读取该位置的结果不能被缓存,或者不能抑制到该位置的多个存储。 | |
Xor | Computes the bitwise XOR of the top two values on the evaluation stack, pushing the result onto the evaluation stack.计算评估堆栈上的前两个值的按位异或,将结果推送到评估堆栈上。 |
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