lwip 2.0.3  IP address handling

* @file
* IP address API (common IPv4 and IPv6)

1、u32_t ipaddr_addr(const char *cp);

  把一个 字符串的 IP 地址转换成  ip4_addr_t 类型的IP。

* Ascii internet address interpretation routine.
* The value returned is in network order.
* @param cp IP address in ascii representation (e.g. "")
* @return ip address in network order
ipaddr_addr(const char *cp)
ip4_addr_t val; if (ip4addr_aton(cp, &val)) {
return ip4_addr_get_u32(&val);
return (IPADDR_NONE);

2、char *ip4addr_ntoa(const ip4_addr_t *addr);

  把一个 ip4_addr_t 类型 的IP地址 转换 成 字符串形式!

* Convert numeric IP address into decimal dotted ASCII representation.
* returns ptr to static buffer; not reentrant!
* @param addr ip address in network order to convert
* @return pointer to a global static (!) buffer that holds the ASCII
* representation of addr
ip4addr_ntoa(const ip4_addr_t *addr)
static char str[IP4ADDR_STRLEN_MAX];
return ip4addr_ntoa_r(addr, str, IP4ADDR_STRLEN_MAX);

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