MyBatis中collection (一对一,一对多)
- public class InsuranceDetailsVO {
- private String orderno;
- @Resource
- private Baseinfor baseinfor;
- @Resource
- private Coverageinfor coverageinfor;
- private List<Coverageinfor> coverageinfors; //险种的集合
- ........其它无关实体类和get、set方法省略
- }
- public class Baseinfor {
- private String orderno;// 订单号
- ......一些基本的字段和get、set方法
- }
- 联合查询,一对一
<mapper namespace="">- <resultMap id="queryBatchPolicy" type="">
- <id column="orderNo" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="orderno" />
- <collection property="baseinfor" ofType="" resultMap="baseinforResult"></collection>
- </resultMap>
联合查询,一对多- <resultMap id="queryBatchPolicy1" type="">
- <id column="orderNo" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="orderno" />
- <collection property="baseinfor" ofType="" resultMap="baseinforResult"></collection>
- <collection property="coverageinfors" ofType="" resultMap="coverageinforResult"></collection>
- </resultMap>
- <resultMap id="baseinforResult" type="">
......基本字段映射- </resultMap>
- <resultMap id="coverageinforResult" type="">
......基本字段映射- </resultMap>
- <!-- CSR导出excel时查询对应的数据 -->
- <select id="CSRExportExcel" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="queryBatchPolicy1">
- select
- baseinfor.orderNo,baseinfor.syapplicationNo,baseinfor.jqapplicationNo,baseinfor.sypolicyNo,baseinfor.jqpolicyNo,
- baseinfor.deptAddress,vhinfor.drvOwner,vhinfor.lcnNo,baseinfor.sypolicyStartDate,baseinfor.jqpolicyStartDate,
- baseinfor.orderstate,baseinfor.syPremium,baseinfor.jqPremium,baseinfor.taxPremium,baseinfor.totalPremium,
- baseinfor.updateTime,baseinfor.paymentMethod,baseinfor.jqpolicyNo,baseinfor.sypolicyNo,baseinfor.createTime,
- coverage.*
- from
- ludimb_baseinfor baseinfor
- LEFT JOIN ludimb_vhlinfor vhinfor on baseinfor.vhlinforId = vhinfor.vhiinforId
- LEFT JOIN ludimb_coverageinfor coverage on baseinfor.orderNo = coverage.baseinforOrderNo
- where 1=1
- <if test="deptcode!=null and deptcode!='' and deptcode!=1">
- and baseinfor.deptNo=#{deptcode}
- </if>
- <if test="orderNo!=null and orderNo!=''">
- and baseinfor.orderNo=#{orderNo}
- </if>
- <if test="drvowner!=null and drvowner!=''">
- and vhinfor.drvOwner=#{drvowner}
- </if>
- <if test="lcnNo!=null and lcnNo!=''">
- and vhinfor.lcnNo=#{lcnNo}
- </if>
- <choose>
- <when test="orderstate==1">
- and baseinfor.orderstate in (30,40)
- </when>
- <when test="orderstate==2">
- and baseinfor.orderstate in (50,60,70)
- </when>
- <when test="orderstate==3">
- and baseinfor.orderstate in (10,20)
- </when>
- <when test="orderstate==4">
- and baseinfor.orderstate = 80
- </when>
- <otherwise>
- </otherwise>
- </choose>
- <if test="createStartTime!=null and createStartTime!=''">
- <![CDATA[ and baseinfor.createTime >= #{createStartTime} ]]>
- </if>
- <if test="createEndTime!=null and createEndTime!=''">
- <![CDATA[ and baseinfor.createTime <= #{createEndTime} ]]>
- </if>
- </select>
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