AVL Tree Deletion
1. delete函数的signature
public AVLTreeNode Delete(AVLTreeNode node, int key)
2. 算法,如何删除节点:
// 如果左右节点都为空,node = null
// 如果一个为空,另一个字节点不为空,把node节点替换成不为空的字节点
// 如果两个节点都不为空,则要找到中序后继节点,然后去其值,再递归删掉右侧子树的后继节点
3. 旋转:
Source Code
private int GetMinValue(AVLTreeNode node)
if (node == null)
throw new Exception("node is null.");
} if (node.rightChild != null)
AVLTreeNode temp = node.rightChild;
while (temp.leftChild != null)
temp = temp.leftChild;
// don't write it like temp.leftChild.data
return temp.data;
throw new Exception("successor node is not found");
} public AVLTreeNode Delete(AVLTreeNode node, int key)
// STEP 1: standard BST deletion
if (node == null)
return node;
} if (key < node.data)
node.leftChild = Delete(node.leftChild, key);
else if (key > node.data)
node.rightChild = Delete(node.rightChild, key);
// 如果左右节点都为空,node = null
// 如果一个为空,另一个字节点不为空,把node节点替换成不为空的字节点
// 如果两个节点都不为空,则要找到中序后继节点,然后去其值,再递归删掉右侧子树的后继节点
if (node.leftChild == null || node.rightChild == null)
AVLTreeNode temp = null;
if (node.leftChild == null)
temp = node.rightChild;
temp = node.leftChild;
} if (temp == null)
// no child at all
node = null;
// has one child
node = temp;
// has two children
node.data = GetMinValue(node);
node.rightChild = Delete(node.rightChild, node.data);
// 下面这个逻辑很重要,如果node是叶子节点,直接返回,没有必要继续下去
if (node == null)
return node;
} // STEP 2: update height, 下面逻辑和插入是一样的
node.height = + Math.Max(Height(node.leftChild), Height(node.rightChild)); // STEP 3: calculate balance factor
// after insertion, calculate the balance
int balance = GetBalance(node); // left left case
if (balance > && node.leftChild.data > key)
// right rotation
return RightRotation(node);
} // left right case
if (balance > && node.leftChild.data <= key)
// left rotation first
node.leftChild = LeftRotation(node.leftChild);
// then do right rotation
return RightRotation(node);
} // right right case
if (balance < - && node.rightChild.data <= key)
// left rotation
return LeftRotation(node);
} // right left case
if (balance < - && node.rightChild.data > key)
// right rotation
node.rightChild = RightRotation(node.rightChild);
// left rotation
return LeftRotation(node);
} return node;
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