

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "my title" + DateTime.Now;
Console.ForegroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
Console.BackgroundColor = System.ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("Hello worldd 2019-04-28"); String userinput = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("{0}这是两个占位符号{1}", userinput, userinput.Length); Console.Beep();
Console.ReadKey(); // ReadKey是Console类的另一个方法,用于接收按键
Console.ReadKey(true); // 添加true参数不回显所接收按键 // 生成的.exe文件可运行在任何具有相应版本.NET的计算机上



  1. 先设计数据结构。
  2. 基于数据结构确定算法。简单的情形是,将人的计算方法转化为计算机算法,每个算法步骤用一个函数实现。
  3. 进一步细化与调整方案
  4. 将整体装配成一个函数,得到最终设计方案



namespace CalculateDaysForSP
public struct MyDate
public int Year; //年
public int Month; //月
public int Day; //日
} }


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CalculateDaysForSP
class Program
static int[] months = { , , , , , , , , , , , , }; static void Main(string[] args)
MyDate d1, d2; //起始日期和结束日期
d1.Year = ;
d1.Month = ;
d1.Day = ;
d2.Year = ;
d2.Month = ;
d2.Day = ;
int days = CalculateDaysOfTwoDate(d1, d2); string str = "{0}年{1}月{2}日到{3}年{4}月{5}日共有天数:";
str = String.Format(str, d1.Year, d1.Month, d1.Day, d2.Year, d2.Month, d2.Day);
Console.WriteLine(str + days); //暂停,敲任意键结束
} //计算两个日期中的整天数
static int CalculateDaysOfTwoDate(MyDate beginDate, MyDate endDate)
int days = ;
days = CalculateDaysOfTwoYear(beginDate.Year, endDate.Year);
if (beginDate.Year == endDate.Year) days += CalculateDaysOfTwoMonth(beginDate, endDate, true);
days += CalculateDaysOfTwoMonth(beginDate, endDate, false); return days;
} //计算两年之间的整年天数,不足一年的去掉
static int CalculateDaysOfTwoYear(int beginYear, int endYear)
int days = ;
for (int i = beginYear + ; i <= endYear - ; i++)
if (IsLeapYear(i))
days += ;
days += ;
return days;
} //根据两个日期,计算出这两个日期之间的天数
static int CalculateDaysOfTwoMonth(MyDate beginDate, MyDate endDate, bool IsInOneYear)
int days = ;
if (beginDate.Month == endDate.Month)
if (IsInOneYear)
return endDate.Day - beginDate.Day;
if (IsLeapYear(beginDate.Year))
return + (endDate.Day - beginDate.Day);
return + (endDate.Day - beginDate.Day); //不同月
int i = ;
if (IsInOneYear)
for (i = beginDate.Month; i <= endDate.Month; i++)
days += months[i];
if ((IsLeapYear(beginDate.Year) && (i == )))
days += ;
} //减去月初到起始日的天数
days -= beginDate.Day;
days -= months[endDate.Month] - endDate.Day;
for (i = beginDate.Month; i <= ; i++)
days += months[i]; //减去月初到起始日的天数
days -= beginDate.Day;
for (i = ; i <= endDate.Month; i++)
days += months[i]; //减去结束日到月底的天数
days -= months[endDate.Month] - endDate.Day;
return days;
} //根据年数判断其是否为闰年
static bool IsLeapYear(int year)
if (year % == )
return true;
if (year % == && year % != )
return true;
return false;




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CalculateDaysForOO
/// <summary>
/// 用于完成日期计算
/// </summary>
public class DateCalculator
{ //存放每月天数,第一个元素为0是因为数组下标从0起,而我们希望按月份直接获取天数
private int[] months = { , , , , , , , , , , , , }; //计算两个日期中的整天数
public int CalculateDaysOfTwoDate(MyDate beginDate, MyDate endDate)
int days = ;
days = CalculateDaysOfTwoYear(beginDate.Year, endDate.Year);
if (beginDate.Year == endDate.Year) days += CalculateDaysOfTwoMonth(beginDate, endDate, true);
days += CalculateDaysOfTwoMonth(beginDate, endDate, false); return days;
} //计算两年之间的整年天数,不足一年的去掉
private int CalculateDaysOfTwoYear(int beginYear, int endYear)
int days = ;
for (int i = beginYear + ; i <= endYear - ; i++)
if (IsLeapYear(i))
days += ;
days += ;
return days;
} //根据两个日期,计算出这两个日期之间的天数
private int CalculateDaysOfTwoMonth(MyDate beginDate, MyDate endDate, bool IsInOneYear)
int days = ;
if (beginDate.Month == endDate.Month)
if (IsInOneYear)
return endDate.Day - beginDate.Day;
if (IsLeapYear(beginDate.Year))
return + (endDate.Day - beginDate.Day);
return + (endDate.Day - beginDate.Day); //不同月
int i;
if (IsInOneYear)
for (i = beginDate.Month; i <= endDate.Month; i++)
days += months[i];
if ((IsLeapYear(beginDate.Year) && (i == )))
days += ;
} //减去月初到起始日的天数
days -= beginDate.Day;
days -= months[endDate.Month] - endDate.Day;
for (i = beginDate.Month; i <= ; i++)
days += months[i]; //减去月初到起始日的天数
days -= beginDate.Day;
for (i = ; i <= endDate.Month; i++)
days += months[i]; //减去结束日到月底的天数
days -= months[endDate.Month] - endDate.Day;
return days;
} //根据年数判断其是否为闰年
private bool IsLeapYear(int year)
if (year % == )
return true;
if (year % == && year % != )
return true;
return false;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CalculateDaysForOO
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyDate d1, d2; //起始日期和结束日期 //1999年5月10日
d1.Year = ;
d1.Month = ;
d1.Day = ;
d2.Year = ;
d2.Month = ;
d2.Day = ; string str = "{0}年{1}月{2}日到{3}年{4}月{5}日共有天数:";
str = String.Format(str, d1.Year, d1.Month, d1.Day, d2.Year, d2.Month, d2.Day); //创建类CalculateDate的对象,让变量obj引用它
DateCalculator obj = new DateCalculator();
int days = obj.CalculateDaysOfTwoDate(d1, d2); Console.WriteLine(str + days); //暂停,敲任意键结束



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CalculatorDaysUseDotNet
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
DateTime d1 = new DateTime(, , );
DateTime d2 = new DateTime(, , );
double days = (d2 - d1).TotalDays; string str = "{0}年{1}月{2}日到{3}年{4}月{5}日共有天数:";
str = String.Format(str, d1.Year, d1.Month, d1.Day, d2.Year, d2.Month, d2.Day);
Console.WriteLine(str + days); //暂停,敲任意键结束

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