

A+B Problem

Given N integers in the range [−50000,50000], how many ways are there to pick three

integers ai, aj, ak, such that i, j, k are pairwise distinct and ai+aj=ak? Two ways

are different if their ordered triples (i,j,k)of indices are different.


The first line of input consists of a single integer N

(1≤N≤200000). The next line consists of N space-separated integers a1,a2,…,aN


Output an integer representing the number of ways.

Sample Input 1

                     Sample Output 1


1 2 3 4


Sample Input 2

                     Sample Output 2


1 1 3 3 4 6


Author(s): Tung Kam Chuen

Source: Hong Kong Regional Online Preliminary 2016

题意:给一个数列,从中选三个数 ai, aj, ak,使得ai+aj=ak,问共有多少组( i, j, k)满足条件。







#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath> #define LL long long
#define N 200005
#define INF 0x3ffffff using namespace std; const double PI = acos(-1.0); struct Complex // 复数
double r,i;
Complex(double _r = ,double _i = )
r = _r; i = _i;
Complex operator +(const Complex &b)
return Complex(r+b.r,i+b.i);
Complex operator -(const Complex &b)
return Complex(r-b.r,i-b.i);
Complex operator *(const Complex &b)
return Complex(r*b.r-i*b.i,r*b.i+i*b.r);
}; void change(Complex y[],int len) // 二进制平摊反转置换 O(logn)
int i,j,k;
for(i = , j = len/;i < len-;i++)
if(i < j)swap(y[i],y[j]);
k = len/;
while( j >= k)
j -= k;
k /= ;
if(j < k)j += k;
void fft(Complex y[],int len,int on) //DFT和FFT
for(int h = ;h <= len;h <<= )
Complex wn(cos(-on**PI/h),sin(-on**PI/h));
for(int j = ;j < len;j += h)
Complex w(,);
for(int k = j;k < j+h/;k++)
Complex u = y[k];
Complex t = w*y[k+h/];
y[k] = u+t;
y[k+h/] = u-t;
w = w*wn;
if(on == -)
for(int i = ;i < len;i++)
y[i].r /= len;
} const int M =; // a数组所有元素+M,使a[i]>=0
const int MAXN = ; Complex x1[MAXN];
int a[MAXN/]; //原数组
long long num[MAXN]; //利用FFT得到的数组
long long tt[MAXN]; //统计数组每个元素出现个数 int main()
int n=; // n表示除了0之外数组元素个数
int tot;
memset(tt,,sizeof(tt)); int cnt0=; //cnt0 统计0的个数
int aa; for(int i = ;i < tot;i++)
if(aa==) {cnt0++;continue;} //先把0全删掉,最后特殊考虑0
else a[n]=aa;
} sort(a,a+n);
int len1 = a[n-]+M+;
int len = ; while( len < *len1 ) len <<= ; for(int i = ;i < len1;i++){
x1[i] = Complex(num[i],);
for(int i = len1;i < len;i++){
x1[i] =Complex(,);
fft(x1,len,); for(int i = ;i < len;i++){
x1[i] = x1[i]*x1[i];
fft(x1,len,-); for(int i = ;i < len;i++){
num[i] = (long long)(x1[i].r+0.5);
} len = *(a[n-]+M); for(int i = ;i < n;i++) //删掉ai+ai的情况
for(int i = 0;i < len;i++){
if(num[i]) cout<<i-2*M<<' '<<num[i]<<endl;
long long ret= ; int l=a[n-]+M; for(int i = ;i <=l; i++) //ai,aj,ak都不为0的情况
if(tt[i]) ret+=(long long)(num[i+M]*tt[i]);
} ret+=(long long)(num[*M]*cnt0); // ai+aj=0的情况 if(cnt0!=)
if(cnt0>=) { //ai,aj,ak都为0的情况
long long tmp=;
tmp*=(long long)(cnt0);
tmp*=(long long)(cnt0-);
tmp*=(long long)(cnt0-);
for(int i = ;i <=l; i++)
if(tt[i]>=){ // x+0=x的情况
long long tmp=(long long)cnt0;
tmp*=(long long)(tt[i]);
tmp*=(long long)(tt[i]-);
} printf("%lld\n",ret); return ;

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