

  1. [root@localhost python]# ipython3
  2. In []: a= //变量名=变量值;在堆内存中的一个区域存了一个值为1,内存分为堆内存和栈内存,栈内存的是引用。指向堆内存中的值。
  4. In []: b=
  6. In []: c=a+b
  8. In []: c
  9. Out[]:
  11. In []: a
  12. Out[]:
  14. In []: type(a)
  15. Out[]: int
  17. In []: type(c)
  18. Out[]: int
  20. In []: str="hello"
  22. In []: str
  23. Out[]: 'hello'
  25. In []: x,y=,
  27. In []: x
  28. Out[]:
  30. In []: y
  31. Out[]:
  33. In []:
  35. In []: type(str)
  36. Out[]: str





驼峰命名法:如小驼峰:userName / userLoginFlag  大驼峰:UserName;类的名字一般首字母大写。

下划线规则:user_name user_login_flag


  1. In [1]: import keyword
  3. In [2]: keyword.kwlist
  4. Out[2]:
  5. ['False',
  6. 'None',
  7. 'True',
  8. 'and',
  9. 'as',
  10. 'assert',
  11. 'break',
  12. 'class',
  13. 'continue',
  14. 'def',
  15. 'del',
  16. 'elif',
  17. 'else',
  18. 'except',
  19. 'finally',
  20. 'for',
  21. 'from',
  22. 'global',
  23. 'if',
  24. 'import',
  25. 'in',
  26. 'is',
  27. 'lambda',
  28. 'nonlocal',
  29. 'not',
  30. 'or',
  31. 'pass',
  32. 'raise',
  33. 'return',
  34. 'try',
  35. 'while',
  36. 'with',
  37. 'yield']
  39. In [3]:


  1. In []: print('hello','world','zyj','hello') //输出多个变量
  2. hello world zyj hello
  4. In []: print(+) //输出表达式
  6. In []: exit
  7. [root@localhost python]#vim .py
  8. a=
  9. print("my age is:%d"%a ) //变量替换
  10. [root@localhost python]# python3 .py
  11. my age is:
  12. [root@localhost python]#vim .py
  13. a=
  14. b=
  15. print("my age is:%d"%a+b)
  16. [root@localhost python]# python3 .py
  17. Traceback (most recent call last):
  18. File "3.py", line , in <module>
  19. print("my age is:%d"%a+b) //错误行
  20. TypeError: must be str, not int //错误类型
  21. [root@localhost python]#vim .py
  22. a=
  23. b=
  24. print("my age is:%d"%(a+b)) //表达式需要用括号括起来
  25. [root@localhost python]# python3 .py
  26. my age is:
  27. [root@localhost python]#vim .py
  28. a=
  29. b=
  30. my_name="zyj"
  31. print("my age is:%d,my name is:%s" %(a+b,my_name)) //如果需要多个变量替换也要加小括号,并且每个变量用逗号隔开,%d代表整数类型替换,%s代表所有的类型变量替换,可以只记住%s
  32. [root@localhost python]# python3 .py
  33. my age is:,my name is:zyj
  35. [root@localhost python]# vim .py
  36. a=
  37. b=
  38. my_name="zyj"
  39. print("my age is:%d,my name is:%s" %(a+b,my_name))
  40. money=
  41. print("I have money:%04d" %money)//不够4位前面用0填充
  42. w=3.1415926
  43. print("w is:%.2f"%w) //输出的数字包含两位小数,如果没有用0填充
  44. print("it's:%d%%"%a) //%表示占位符,%%第一个%表示转义符
  45. [root@localhost python]# python3 .py
  46. my age is:,my name is:zyj
  47. I have money:
  48. w is:3.14
  49. it's:35%



  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 02输入.py
  2. #encoding=UTF-
  3. #raw_input()只在python2中有,将输入内容作为字符串。 区别1
  4. a=raw_input("请输入你的名字:") //
  5. [root@localhost python]# python 02输入.py
  6. 请输入你的名字:zyj
  7. [root@localhost python]#
  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 02输入.py
  2. #input函数在python2和python3中都有
  3. #在python2中input函数输入的内容作为表达式,而不是字符串,在python3作为字符串。在python3中取消支持表达式,可以防止某些恶意脚本中包含大量的表达式,提升安全性。区别2
  4. a=input("请输入姓名:")
  5. print(a)
  6. [root@localhost python]# python3 02输入.py
  7. 请输入姓名:ZYJ
  8. ZYJ
  9. [root@localhost python]# python 02输入.py
  10. 请输入姓名:+
  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 02输入.py
  2. name=input("请输入姓名:")
  3. print(name)
  4. age=input("请输入年龄:")
  5. print("你输入的姓名:%s,你输入的年龄:%s" %(name,age))
  6. [root@localhost python]# python3 02输入.py
  7. 请输入姓名:zyj
  8. zyj
  9. 请输入年龄:
  11. [root@localhost python]# vim 02输入.py
  12. name=input("请输入姓名:")
  13. print(name)
  14. age=input("请输入年龄:")
  15. print(type(age))
  16. age=age+ //年龄加2岁
  17. print("你输入的姓名:%s,你输入的年龄:%s" %(name,age))
  18. <class 'str'>
  19. Traceback (most recent call last):
  20. File "02输入.py", line , in <module>
  21. age=age+
  22. TypeError: must be str, not int //age为字符串,第10行只能字符串相加
  23. [root@localhost python]# vim 02输入.py
  24. name=input("请输入姓名:")
  25. print(name)
  26. age=input("请输入年龄:")
  27. print(type(age))
  28. age=int(age)+2 //转换类型后进行相加
  29. print("你输入的姓名:%s,你输入的年龄:%s" %(name,age))
  30. [root@localhost python]# python3 02输入.py
  31. 请输入姓名:zyj
  32. zyj
  33. 请输入年龄:
  34. <class 'str'>
  35. 你输入的姓名:zyj,输入的年龄:20



+-*/%//**  加减乘除取余取整除幂

  1. In []: **
  2. Out[]:
  4. In []: //
  5. Out[]:
  7. In []: /
  8. Out[]: 1.5
  10. In []: %
  11. Out[]:


+= -= *= /= %= **= //=

  1. In []: a=
  2. In []: b=
  3. In []: b+=a //b=b+a
  4. In []: b
  5. Out[]:
  1. In []: a=
  3. In []: a*=-+-7 //a=6*(29)
  5. In []: a
  6. Out[]:


  1. if<条件判断1>:
  2. 执行1
  3. elif<条件判断2>:
  4. 执行2
  5. elif<条件判断3>:
  6. 执行3
  7. else
  8. 执行4 


  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 04.py
  2. 1 age=input("age:")
  3. 2 age=int(age)
  4. 3 sex=input("sex:")
  5. 4 # and or not
  6. 5 if age >=18 and sex == "man" :
  7. 6 print('you can do it')
  8. 7 elif age <18 or sex == "woman" :
  9. 8 print("you can't do it")
  10. 9 elif not (sex == "man" or sex == "woman"):#sex != "woman" and sex != "man" //<>也是不等于
  11. 10 print("人妖")
  12. 11 else:
  13. 12 pass #以后填充代码,为了保证不出现语法错误,当由else:又没有写其他的时候会出现语法错误
  14. [root@localhost python]# python3 04.py
  15. age:19
  16. sex:man
  17. you can do it
  18. [root@localhost python]# python3 04.py
  19. age:14
  20. sex:woman
  21. you can't do it
  22. [root@localhost python]# vim 04.py
  23. [root@localhost python]# python3 04.py
  24. age:13
  25. sex:dsfdsf
  26. you can't do it
  27. [root@localhost python]# python3 04.py
  28. age:19
  29. sex:dfdsf
  30. 人妖

小技巧:age:dfsdfsdf^H^H^H^H^H^H^H 当键盘输入删除符时会当作字符,此时需要按ctrl+backspace键可以删除。



假:0 “” None [] () {}

  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 05.py
  2. 1 age=int(input('age:'))
  3. 2 if age:
  4. 3 print("age不为0")
  5. 4 else:
  6. 5 print("age为0")
  7. 6 name=""
  8. 7 if name:
  9. 8 print("name 不是空字符串")
  10. 9 else:
  11. 10 print("name 是空字符串")
  12. [root@localhost python]# python3 05.py
  13. age:0
  14. age0
  15. name 是空字符串



  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 06.py
  2. 1 h=float(input("input your height:"))
  3. 2 w=float(input("input your weight:"))
  4. 3 print("your height is %.2f,weight is %.2f"%(h,w))
  5. 4 BMI=w/(h**2)
  6. 5 if BMI <18.5 :
  7. 6 print("you are too light")
  8. 7 elif BMI >=18.5 and BMI <25:
  9. 8 print("you are nomal")
  10. 9
  11. 10 elif BMI >=25 and BMI <32:
  12. 11 print("you are weight")
  13. 12
  14. 13 else:
  15. 14 print("you are too weight")
  16. 15 print("your BMI is:%.2f"%BMI)
  17. [root@localhost python]# python3 06.py
  18. input your height:1.50
  19. input your weight:48
  20. your height is 1.50,weight is 48.00
  21. you are nomal
  22. your BMI is:21.33
  23. [root@localhost python]#


  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 07.py
  2. 1 b=float(input("please input your balance:"))
  3. 2 s=int(input("please input the number of the empty seat:"))
  4. 3 print("your balance is:%.2f,the empty seat is:%d"%(b,s))
  5. 4 if b >= 2 and s > 0:
  6. 5 print("please get on and you have a seat")
  7. 6 elif b >= 2 and s <= 0: //第一次忘记写:号,第二次调式的时候与预期不一致,忘记写=号,输入0时没有匹配到。边界值测试
  8. 7 print("you can get on but there is no seat for you")
  9. 8 else:
  10. 9 print("sorry you can't get on,because your balance is too short")
  11. 10 print("goodluck to you")
  12. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  13. File "07.py", line 6
  14. elif b >= 2 and s < 0
  15. ^
  16. SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  17. [root@localhost python]# vim 07.py 6 //进去后光标在报错行
  18. #运行测试,查看结果
  19. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  20. please input your balance:2 #边界值测试
  21. please input the number of the empty seat:0 #边界值
  22. your balance is:2.00,the empty seat is:0
  23. you can get on but there is no seat for you
  24. goodluck to you
  25. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  26. please input your balance:1 #正常值测试
  27. please input the number of the empty seat:3 #正常值
  28. your balance is:1.00,the empty seat is:3
  29. sorry you can't get on,because your balance is too short
  30. goodluck to you
  31. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  32. please input your balance:0
  33. please input the number of the empty seat:0
  34. your balance is:0.00,the empty seat is:0
  35. sorry you can't get on,because your balance is too short
  36. goodluck to you
  37. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  38. please input your balance:10
  39. please input the number of the empty seat:10
  40. your balance is:10.00,the empty seat is:10
  41. please get on and you have a seat
  42. goodluck to you
  43. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  44. please input your balance:-1 #非法值测试
  45. please input the number of the empty seat:-1#非法值测试
  46. your balance is:-1.00,the empty seat is:-1
  47. sorry you can't get on,because your balance is too short
  48. goodluck to you
  49. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  50. please input your balance:1000000000000000000000000 #超大值测试
  51. please input the number of the empty seat:1000000000000000000000000
  52. your balance is:999999999999999983222784.00,the empty seat is:1000000000000000000000000
  53. please get on and you have a seat
  54. goodluck to you
  55. [root@localhost python]#


  1. [root@localhost python]# python3 07.py
  2. 1 m = float(input("money:"))
  3. 2 s = int(input("seat:"))
  4. 3 if m >= 2:
  5. 4 print("you can get on")
  6. 5 if s > 0:
  7. 6 print("there is a seat for you")
  8. 7 else:
  9. 8 print("sorry there is no seat for you")
  10. 9 else:
  11. 10 print("sorry,you can't get on ")
  12. [root@localhost python]# python3 08.py #边界值测试
  13. money:2
  14. seat:0
  15. you can get on
  16. sorry there is no seat for you
  17. [root@localhost python]# python3 08.py #正常值测试
  18. money:2
  19. seat:1
  20. you can get on
  21. there is a seat for you
  22. [root@localhost python]# python3 08.py #非法值测试
  23. money:-1
  24. seat:-1
  25. sorry,you can't get on
  26. [root@localhost python]# python3 08.py #较大的值测试
  27. money:100000000000000
  28. seat:1000000000000000000000
  29. you can get on
  30. there is a seat for you



  1. while 条件:
  2. 条件满足时,做的事情1
  3. 条件满足时,做的事情2
  4. 条件满足时,做的事情3
  5. .......



  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 09.py
  2. 1 i = 1
  3. 2 s = 0
  4. 3 while i <= 100: #满足条件的才进入while循环
  5. 4 s += i
  6. 5 #i++ python不支持这种写法
  7. 6 i+=1 #如果i不变的时候,一直为1,则会一直循环,出现死循环。
  8. 7 print("从1加到100的和为:%d" %s)
  9. [root@localhost python]# python3 09.py
  10. 1加到100的和为:5050


  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 10.py
  2. 1 i=1
  3. 2 s=0
  4. 3 while i <= 100:
  5. 4 even = i % 2
  6. 5 if even == 0 :
  7. 6 s+=i
  8. 7 else:
  9. 8 pass
  10. 9 i+=1
  11. 10 print("1和100之间的偶数和为:%d" %s)
  12. [root@localhost python]# python3 10.py
  13. 1100之间的偶数和为:2550


  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 12.py
  2. 1 i=1
  3. 2 while i <= 5 :
  4. 3 print(i*"*")
  5. 4 i+=1
  6. [root@localhost python]# python3 12.py
  7. *
  8. **
  9. ***
  10. ****
  11. *****
  1. 1 i=1
  2. 2 while i <= 10 :
  3. 3 print(10*"*")
  4. 4 i+=1
  5. [root@localhost python]# python3 12.py
  6. **********
  7. **********
  8. **********
  9. **********
  10. **********
  11. **********
  12. **********
  13. **********
  14. **********
  15. **********


  1. while 条件1
  2. 条件1满足时,做的事情1
  3. 条件1满足时,做的事情2
  4. 条件1满足时,做的事情3
  5. .......
  7. while 条件2
  8. 条件2满足时,做的事情1
  9. 条件2满足时,做的事情2
  10. 条件2满足时,做的事情3
  11. ......



  1. 1 x=1 #x为矩形长
  2. 2 y=1 #y为矩形宽
  3. 3
  4. 4 while y <= 10 :#输出10
  5. 5 while x <= 10 :#在一行中输出10个*
  6. 6 print("*")
  7. 7 x += 1
  8. 8 y += 1
  9. 9 print("pass")
  10. [root@localhost python]# python3 11.py
  11. *
  12. *
  13. *
  14. *
  15. *
  16. *
  17. *
  18. *
  19. *
  20. *
  21. pass #输出结果不符合预期


  1. 1 x=1 #x为矩形长
  2. 2 y=1 #y为矩形宽
  3. 3
  4. 4 while y <= 10 :#输出10
  5. 5 while x <= 10 :#在一行中输出10个*
  6. 6 print("*",end="")#print函数默认输出后就会换行,如果不换行,end=""
  7. 7 x += 1
  8. 8 y += 1
  9. 9 print("pass")

[root@localhost python]# python3 11.py
**********pass  #输出不符合预期


  1. 1 x=1 #x为矩形长
  2. 2 y=1 #y为矩形宽
  3. 3
  4. 4 while y <= 10 :#输出10
  5. 5 x=1 #每行执行完成后,x为11,若不重新赋值,则第二次大循环的时候不会进到小循环里面,因此只会输出一行*,因此这里需要重新赋值。
  6. 6 while x <= 10 :#在一行中输出10个*
  7. 7 print("*",end="")#print函数默认输出后就会换行,如果不换行,end=""
  8. 8 x += 1
  9. 9 y += 1
  10. 10 print("pass")
  11. [root@localhost python]# python3 11.py
  12. ****************************************************************************************************pass #还是不满足预期


  1. 1 x=1 #x为矩形长
  2. 2 y=1 #y为矩形宽
  3. 3
  4. 4 while y <= 10 :#输出10
  5. 5 x=1 #每行执行完成后,x为11,若不重新赋值,则第二次大循环的时候不会进到小循环里面,因此只会输出一行*
  6. 6 while x <= 10 :#在一行中输出10个*
  7. 7 print("*",end="")#print函数默认输出后就会换行,如果不换行,end=""
  8. 8 x += 1
  9. 9 print("")#每行结束后输出一个换行,print函数默认会输出换行
  10. 10 y += 1
  11. 11 print("pass")
  12. [root@localhost python]# python3 11.py
  13. **********
  14. **********
  15. **********
  16. **********
  17. **********
  18. **********
  19. **********
  20. **********
  21. **********
  22. **********
  23. pass


  1. [root@localhost ~]# ipython3
  2. In [1]: help(print) #查看print()函数的帮助文档。
  4. Help on built-in function print in module builtins:
  6. print(...)
  7. print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
  8. #默认输出后由换行符。
  9. Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default.
  10. Optional keyword arguments:
  11. file: a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
  12. sep: string inserted between values, default a space.
  13. end: string appended after the last value, default a newline.
  14. flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream.
  15. (END)


  1. [root@localhost python]# vim 13.py
  2. 1 x = 1 #行数
  3. 2 while x <= 9 : #一共循环9次,才能打印9行,每行打印的列数和行号一样
  4. 3 y = 1 #代表列数
  5. 4 while y <= x:
  6. 5 print("%d*%d=%d\t"%(y,x,y*x),end="")
  7. 6 y+=1
  8. 7 print("")
  9. 8 x+=1
  10. [root@localhost python]# python3 13.py
  11. 1*1=1
  12. 1*2=2 2*2=4
  13. 1*3=3 2*3=6 3*3=9
  14. 1*4=4 2*4=8 3*4=12 4*4=16
  15. 1*5=5 2*5=10 3*5=15 4*5=20 5*5=25
  16. 1*6=6 2*6=12 3*6=18 4*6=24 5*6=30 6*6=36
  17. 1*7=7 2*7=14 3*7=21 4*7=28 5*7=35 6*7=42 7*7=49
  18. 1*8=8 2*8=16 3*8=24 4*8=32 5*8=40 6*8=48 7*8=56 8*8=64
  19. 1*9=9 2*9=18 3*9=27 4*9=36 5*9=45 6*9=54 7*9=63 8*9=72 9*9=81







  1. 1 age = int(input("please input your age:"))
  2. 2 i = 1
  3. 3 while True :
  4. 4 if i == age:
  5. 5 print("your age is %d" %i)
  6. 6 break #不知道要循环几次的时候,可以使用break防止死循环。
  7. 7 else:
  8. 8 print("wrong")
  9. 9 i += 1
  10. [root@localhost python]# python3 14.py
  11. please input your age:3
  12. wrong
  13. wrong
  14. your age is 3


  1. 1 i = 0
  2. 2 while i < 10 :
  3. 3 i += 1
  4. 4 if i % 2 == 0:
  5. 5 print("%d is enev" %i) #i是偶数的时候打印
  6. 6 continue
  7. 7 print("i is %d" %i) #i不是偶数的时候打印
  8. 8 else:
  9. 9 print("else 表示不满足条件时调试的代码,这时i为%d" %i) #不满足条件的时候执行else,注意while和这里的else是一个整体,这种方式不常用。
  10. 10 print("结束")
  11. [root@localhost python]# python3 15.py
  12. i is 1
  13. 2 is enev
  14. i is 3
  15. 4 is enev
  16. i is 5
  17. 6 is enev
  18. i is 7
  19. 8 is enev
  20. i is 9
  21. 10 is enev
  22. else 表示不满足条件时调试的代码,这时i10
  23. 结束


  1. 1 i = int(input("请输入行数:"))
  2. 2
  3. 3 a = 0
  4. 4 while a < i :#假设i=4,打印4行,
  5. 5 b = 0 #定义空格
  6. 6 while b < a :#打印当前行前面的空格,第一行不打印空格,第二行打印1个,后面增加一个;
  7. 7 print(" ",end="")
  8. 8 b += 1
  9. 9 c = i-a
  10. 10 while c > 0 : #打印星号,第一行打印4个*,后面的行减1
  11. 11 print("*",end=" ")#打印*不换行,后面跟一个空格
  12. 12 c -= 1
  13. 13 print("")
  14. 14 a += 1
  1. [root@localhost python]# python3 16.py
  2. 请输入行数:3
  3. * * *
  4. * *
  5. *
  6. [root@localhost python]# python3 16.py
  7. 请输入行数:4
  8. * * * *
  9. * * *
  10. * *
  11. *
  12. [root@localhost python]# python3 16.py
  13. 请输入行数:5
  14. * * * * *
  15. * * * *
  16. * * *
  17. * *
  18. *
  19. [root@localhost python]#
  20. [root@localhost python]# python3 16.py
  21. 请输入行数:10
  22. * * * * * * * * * *
  23. * * * * * * * * *
  24. * * * * * * * *
  25. * * * * * * *
  26. * * * * * *
  27. * * * * *
  28. * * * *
  29. * * *
  30. * *
  31. *
  32. [root@localhost python]#
  1. 1 i = int(input("请输入行数:"))
  2. 2 a = 1 #控制行数,打印i行,初始值根据规律选择0或者1都可以。
  3. 3 while a <= i :
  4. 4 b = i - a #定义空格
  5. 5 while b > 0 :
  6. 6 print(" ",end="")
  7. 7 b -= 1
  8. 8 c = 0 #定义星号
  9. 9 while c < a :
  10. 10 print("*",end=" ")
  11. 11 c += 1
  12. 12 a += 1
  13. 13 print("")
  14. [root@localhost python]# python3 17.py
  15. 请输入行数:4
  16. *
  17. * *
  18. * * *
  19. * * * *


  1. for 临时变量 in 集合或字符串等:
  2. 循环满足条件时执行的代码
  3. else
  4. 循环不满足条件时执行的代码


  1. 1 for i in "abcdefg":
  2. 2 print(i)
  3. 3 else:
  4. 4 print("没有内容")
  5. [root@localhost python]# python3 19.py
  6. a
  7. b
  8. c
  9. d
  10. e
  11. f
  12. g
  13. 没有内容
  14. [root@localhost python]#


  1. 7 for i in range(1,10):
  2. 8 print(i)
  3. 9 else:
  4. 10 print("没有内容")
  5. [root@localhost python]# python3 19.py
  6. 1
  7. 2
  8. 3
  9. 4
  10. 5
  11. 6
  12. 7
  13. 8
  14. 9
  15. 没有内容
  16. [root@localhost python]#


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