delphi TFileStream.create
Value |
Meaning |
Create a file with the given name. If a file with the given name exists, open the file in write mode. |
fmOpenRead |
Open the file for reading only. |
fmOpenWrite |
Open the file for writing only. Writing to the file completely replaces the current contents. |
fmOpenReadWrite |
Open the file to modify the current contents rather than replace them. |
fmShareCompat |
Sharing is compatible with the way FCBs are opened. |
fmShareExclusive |
Other applications can not open the file for any reason. |
fmShareDenyWrite |
Other applications can open the file for reading but not for writing. |
fmShareDenyRead |
Other applications can open the file for writing but not for reading. |
fmShareDenyNone |
No attempt is made to prevent other applications from reading from or writing to the file. |
The share mode must be one of the following values:
Value |
Meaning |
fmShareCompat |
Sharing is compatible with the way FCBs are opened. |
fmShareExclusive |
Other applications can not open the file for any reason. |
fmShareDenyWrite |
Other applications can open the file for reading but not for writing. |
fmShareDenyRead |
Other applications can open the file for writing but not for reading. |
fmShareDenyNone |
No attempt is made to prevent other applications from reading from or writing to the file. |
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