From Download


  • Run the installer as a super user
    • sudo ./install
  • Follow the instructions of the installer and install in /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014a
  • To add an entry to the launcher and some other features, install the matlab-support package:
    • sudo apt-get install matlab-support
  • During the installation you have to confirm the installation path of matlab and could restrict the installation only to certain users (which I did not require). In addition you could rename the GCC libraries, but I had no problems so far so I didn't deactivate those.
  • After completion, you have to change the ownership of the .matlab folder in the home folder to your own user account if you do not want to run Matlab as a super user.
    • cd ~ sudo chown username -R ~/.matlab

Now Matlab should also be launchable through unity and should work as intended.

source :

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