Problem Link:

Let R[][] be a 2D array where R[i][j] (j <= i) is the minimum sum of the path from triangle[0][0] to tirangle[i][j].

We initialize R[0][0] = triangle[0][0], and update R[][] from i = 1 to n-1:

  R[i][0] = triangle[i][0] + R[i-1][0]

  R[i][i] = triangle[i][i] + R[i-1][i-1]

  R[i][j] = triangle[i][i] + min(R[i-1][j-1], R[i-1][j]) for 1 < j < i

After scan all triangle elements, we just return the minimum value of R[n-1][..]

We note that R[i][..] is only related to R[i-1][..], so we do not need keep all rows of R[][]. Instead, we use two arrays of length n, and each time we update one with the other.

The following is a python implementation, where the time complexity is O(n2) and space complexity is O(n).

class Solution:
# @param triangle, a list of lists of integers
# @return an integer
def minimumTotal(self, triangle):
We scan the triangle from the first row to the last row,
and we maintian an array s[0..n-1] where s[i] is the minimum path sum
if we pick i-th number as the path element in the current row
After scan all rows, we return the minimum value of s[].
n = len(triangle)
if n == 0:
return 0
s = [[2**32] * n, [2**32] * n]
s[0][0] = triangle[0][0]
current = 0
row = 1
for i in xrange(1,n):
# Scan the i-th row, whose length is i+1
# Compute the sum reaching the first element of this row
s[1-current][0] = triangle[i][0] + s[current][0]
# Compute the sum reaching the last element of this row
s[1-current][i] = triangle[i][i] + s[current][i-1]
# Compute others
for j in xrange(1,i):
s[1-current][j] = triangle[i][j] + min(s[current][j], s[current][j-1])
# Go to next row and swith s[0] and s[1]
current = 1 - current
# Return the maximum value of S[current]
return min(s[current])

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