51nod1239 欧拉函数之和
using namespace std;
#define rep(i,s,t) for(ll i=s;i<=t;i++)
#define dwn(i,s,t) for(ll i=s;i>=t;i--)
#define clr(x,c) memset(x,c,sizeof(x))
#define qwq(x) for(edge *o=head[x];o;o=o->next)
#define ll long long
const ll md=1e6+7;
const ll mod=1e9+7;
const int nmax=6e6+5;
struct edge{
ll to,dis;edge *next;
edge es[md<<1],*pt=es,*head[md];
ll pi[nmax+1];int pe[nmax+1];bool vis[nmax+1];
void add(ll u,ll v,ll d){
const ll zs=500000004;
ll get(ll x){
if(x<=nmax) return pi[x];
ll tp=x%md;qwq(tp) if(o->to==x) return o->dis;
ll ans=0,last;
for(ll i=2;i<=x;i=last+1){
ll orz=(x%mod*((x+1)%mod)%mod*zs%mod-ans+mod)%mod;
return orz;
int main(){
pi[1]=1;int cnt=0,tp;
if(!vis[i]) pe[++cnt]=i,pi[i]=i-1;
tp=pe[j];if(i*tp>nmax) break;vis[i*tp]=1;
} pi[i*tp]=pi[i]*pi[tp];
rep(i,2,nmax) pi[i]=(pi[i]+pi[i-1])%mod;
ll n;scanf("%lld",&n);
return 0;
输入一个数N。(2 <= N <= 10^10)
输出S(n) Mod 1000000007的结果。
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