



  1. 面对一个复杂多变的json数据结构,虽然Python提供了处理JSon数据的API,但是返回的类型是dict,使用非常不方便不友好;接下来通过Python提供的元编程的能力,来实现一个类似对象层次结构的访问方式;
  1. import json
  2. str = r'''{
  3. "name":"mango",
  4. "age": 30,
  5. "address":{
  6. "city":"beijing"
  7. },
  8. "schools":["xiaoxue","zhongxue"],
  9. "sons":[
  10. {
  11. "name":"qing"
  12. }
  13. ]
  14. }'''
  15. obj = json.loads(str)
  16. print(type(obj))
  17. print(obj.get('name'))
  18. # <class 'dict'>
  19. # mango
  1. 面向对象变成提倡封装数字字段,通过访问控制器来控制数据字段的校验;接下来通过python提供的元编程能力进行实现;




  1. import json
  2. from collections import abc
  3. def loadJsonStr():
  4. str = r'''{
  5. "name":"mango",
  6. "age": 30,
  7. "address":{
  8. "city":"beijing"
  9. },
  10. "schools":["xiaoxue","zhongxue"],
  11. "sons":[
  12. {
  13. "name":"qing"
  14. }
  15. ]
  16. }'''
  17. result = json.loads(str)
  18. return result;
  19. class JsonObject:
  20. def __init__(self, jsondict):
  21. self._data = dict(jsondict)
  22. def __getattr__(self, name):
  23. if name in self._data:
  24. val = self._data.get(name)
  25. if isinstance(val, abc.Mapping) or isinstance(val, abc.MutableSequence):
  26. return self.initinner(val)
  27. else:
  28. return val
  29. else:
  30. raise AttributeError(f"{name} field does not exist")
  31. def initinner(self, obj):
  32. if isinstance(obj, abc.Mapping):
  33. return self.__class__(obj)
  34. elif isinstance(obj,abc.MutableSequence):
  35. return [self.initinner(item) for item in obj]
  36. else:
  37. return obj
  38. jobj = JsonObject(loadJsonStr())
  39. print(jobj.name)
  40. print(jobj.address)
  41. print(jobj.address.city)
  42. print(jobj.schools)
  43. print(jobj.sons[0].name)
  44. print(jobj.noField)
  45. # mango
  46. # <__main__.JsonObject object at 0x7ff7eac1cee0>
  47. # beijing
  48. # ['xiaoxue', 'zhongxue']
  49. # qing
  50. # AttributeError: noField field does not exist



  1. import json
  2. from collections import abc
  3. def loadJsonStr():
  4. str = r'''{
  5. "name":"mango",
  6. "age": 30,
  7. "address":{
  8. "city":"beijing"
  9. },
  10. "schools":["xiaoxue","zhongxue"],
  11. "sons":[
  12. {
  13. "name":"qing"
  14. }
  15. ]
  16. }'''
  17. result = json.loads(str)
  18. return result;
  19. class JsonObject:
  20. def __new__(cls, args, **kwargs):
  21. obj = args
  22. if isinstance(obj, abc.Mapping):
  23. return super().__new__(cls)
  24. elif isinstance(obj,abc.MutableSequence):
  25. return [cls(item) for item in obj]
  26. else:
  27. return obj
  28. def __init__(self, jsondict):
  29. self._data = dict(jsondict)
  30. def __getattr__(self, name):
  31. if name in self._data:
  32. val = self._data.get(name)
  33. if isinstance(val, abc.Mapping) or isinstance(val, abc.MutableSequence):
  34. return self.__class__(val)
  35. else:
  36. return val
  37. else:
  38. raise AttributeError(f"{name} field does not exist")
  39. jobj = JsonObject(loadJsonStr())
  40. print(jobj.name)
  41. print(jobj.address)
  42. print(jobj.address.city)
  43. print(jobj.schools)
  44. print(jobj.sons[0].name)
  45. print(jobj.noField)
  46. # mango
  47. # <__main__.JsonObject object at 0x7ff7eac1cee0>
  48. # beijing
  49. # ['xiaoxue', 'zhongxue']
  50. # qing
  51. # AttributeError: noField field does not exist



  1. import sys
  2. class OrderItem:
  3. def __init__(self, desc, count, price):
  4. self.desc = desc
  5. self.count = count
  6. self.price = price
  7. def subtotal(self):
  8. return self.count * self.price
  9. @property
  10. def price(self):
  11. print(f'{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} getter')
  12. return self._price
  13. @price.setter
  14. def price(self, val):
  15. print(f'{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} setter')
  16. if val > 0:
  17. self._price = val
  18. else:
  19. raise ValueError('price must be > 0')
  20. @property
  21. def count(self):
  22. print(f'{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} getter')
  23. return self._count
  24. @count.setter
  25. def count(self, val):
  26. print(f'{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name} setter')
  27. if val > 0:
  28. self._count = val
  29. else:
  30. raise ValueError('count must be > 0')
  31. pbook = OrderItem('python books', 1, 50)
  32. print(pbook.subtotal())
  33. print(OrderItem.price)
  34. print(OrderItem.price.setter)
  35. print(OrderItem.price.getter)
  36. print(vars(pbook))
  37. jbook = OrderItem('java books', 0, 50)
  38. print(jbook.subtotal())
  39. # count setter
  40. # price setter
  41. # count getter
  42. # price getter
  43. # 50
  44. # <property object at 0x7ffa8ddf8a90>
  45. # <built-in method setter of property object at 0x7ffa8ddf8a90>
  46. # <built-in method getter of property object at 0x7ffa8ddf8a90>
  47. # {'desc': 'python books', '_count': 1, '_price': 50}
  48. # count setter
  49. # ValueError: count must be > 0


  1. import sys
  2. def buildVolidateField(name):
  3. _name = f'_{name}'
  4. def getter(obj):
  5. return obj.__dict__.get(_name)
  6. def setter(obj, value):
  7. if value > 0:
  8. obj.__dict__[_name]= value
  9. else:
  10. raise ValueError(f'{name} must be > 0')
  11. return property(getter, setter)
  12. class OrderItem:
  13. price = buildVolidateField('price')
  14. count = buildVolidateField('count')
  15. def __init__(self, desc, count, price):
  16. self.desc = desc
  17. self.count = count
  18. self.price = price
  19. def subtotal(self):
  20. return self.count * self.price
  21. pbook = OrderItem('python books', 1, 50)
  22. print(pbook.subtotal())
  23. print(OrderItem.price)
  24. print(OrderItem.price.setter)
  25. print(OrderItem.price.getter)
  26. print(vars(pbook))
  27. jbook = OrderItem('java books', 0, 50)
  28. print(jbook.subtotal())
  29. # 50
  30. # <property object at 0x7fbc90cfdd60>
  31. # <built-in method setter of property object at 0x7fbc90cfdd60>
  32. # <built-in method getter of property object at 0x7fbc90cfdd60>
  33. # {'desc': 'python books', '_count': 1, '_price': 50}
  34. # ValueError: count must be > 0



  1. import sys
  2. class VolidateDescr:
  3. def __init__(self, name):
  4. self.name = f'_{name}'
  5. def __set__(self, instance, value):
  6. if value > 0:
  7. instance.__dict__[self.name] = value
  8. else:
  9. raise ValueError(f'{self.name} must be > 0')
  10. def __get__(self, instance, default):
  11. if instance is None:
  12. return self;
  13. else:
  14. return instance.__dict__[self.name]
  15. class OrderItem:
  16. price = VolidateDescr('price')
  17. count = VolidateDescr('count')
  18. def __init__(self, desc, count, price):
  19. self.desc = desc
  20. self.count = count
  21. self.price = price
  22. def subtotal(self):
  23. return self.count * self.price
  24. pbook = OrderItem('python books', 1, 50)
  25. print(pbook.subtotal())
  26. print(OrderItem.price)
  27. print(OrderItem.price.__set__)
  28. print(OrderItem.price.__get__)
  29. print(vars(pbook))
  30. jbook = OrderItem('java books', 0, 50)
  31. print(jbook.subtotal())
  32. # 50
  33. # <__main__.VolidateDescr object at 0x7f162d0ac9a0>
  34. # <bound method VolidateDescr.__set__ of <__main__.VolidateDescr object at 0x7f162d0ac9a0>>
  35. # <bound method VolidateDescr.__get__ of <__main__.VolidateDescr object at 0x7f162d0ac9a0>>
  36. # {'desc': 'python books', '_count': 1, '_price': 50}
  37. # ValueError: _count must be > 0


  1. import abc
  2. class FieldDescr:
  3. _countor = 0
  4. def __init__(self):
  5. self.name = f'_{self.__class__.__name__}_{self.__class__._countor}'
  6. self.__class__._countor += 1
  7. def __set__(self, instance, value):
  8. setattr(instance, self.name, value)
  9. def __get__(self, instance, owner):
  10. if instance is None:
  11. return self
  12. else:
  13. return getattr(instance, self.name)
  14. class Validated(FieldDescr):
  15. def __set__(self, instance, value):
  16. value = self.validate(instance, value)
  17. super().__set__(instance, value)
  18. @abc.abstractmethod
  19. def validate(self, instance, value):
  20. '''this is abstract method'''
  21. class GreatZeroIntField(Validated):
  22. def validate(self, instance, value):
  23. if value <= 0:
  24. raise ValueError(f'{self.name} value must be > 0')
  25. return value
  26. class NoEmptyStrField(Validated):
  27. def validate(self, instance, value):
  28. value = value.strip()
  29. if len(value) == 0:
  30. raise ValueError('value cant not be empty or blank')
  31. return value
  32. class OrderItem:
  33. descr = NoEmptyStrField()
  34. price = GreatZeroIntField()
  35. count = GreatZeroIntField()
  36. def __init__(self, descr, price, count):
  37. self.descr = descr
  38. self.price = price
  39. self.count = count
  40. def subtotal(self):
  41. return self.count * self.price
  42. pbook = OrderItem('python books', 1, 50)
  43. print(pbook.subtotal())
  44. print(OrderItem.price)
  45. print(OrderItem.price.__set__)
  46. print(OrderItem.price.__get__)
  47. print(vars(pbook))
  48. jbook = OrderItem('java books', 0, 50)
  49. print(jbook.subtotal())
  50. # 50
  51. # <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7fa2eb37fd00>
  52. # <bound method Validated.__set__ of <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7fa2eb37fd00>>
  53. # <bound method FieldDescr.__get__ of <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7fa2eb37fd00>>
  54. # {'_NoEmptyStrField_0': 'python books', '_GreatZeroIntField_0': 1, '_GreatZeroIntField_1': 50}
  55. # ValueError: _GreatZeroIntField_0 value must be > 0
  1. 定制数据字段的名字



  1. import abc
  2. def renamePrivateField(cls):
  3. for key,value in cls.__dict__.items():
  4. if isinstance(value, Validated):
  5. value.name = f'_{value.__class__.__name__}_{key}'
  6. return cls
  7. class FieldDescr:
  8. _countor = 0
  9. def __init__(self):
  10. self.name = f'_{self.__class__.__name__}_{self.__class__._countor}'
  11. self.__class__._countor += 1
  12. def __set__(self, instance, value):
  13. setattr(instance, self.name, value)
  14. def __get__(self, instance, owner):
  15. if instance is None:
  16. return self
  17. else:
  18. return getattr(instance, self.name)
  19. class Validated(FieldDescr):
  20. def __set__(self, instance, value):
  21. value = self.validate(instance, value)
  22. super().__set__(instance, value)
  23. @abc.abstractmethod
  24. def validate(self, instance, value):
  25. '''this is abstract method'''
  26. class GreatZeroIntField(Validated):
  27. def validate(self, instance, value):
  28. if value <= 0:
  29. raise ValueError(f'{self.name} value must be > 0')
  30. return value
  31. class NoEmptyStrField(Validated):
  32. def validate(self, instance, value):
  33. value = value.strip()
  34. if len(value) == 0:
  35. raise ValueError('value cant not be empty or blank')
  36. return value
  37. @renamePrivateField
  38. class OrderItem:
  39. descr = NoEmptyStrField()
  40. price = GreatZeroIntField()
  41. count = GreatZeroIntField()
  42. def __init__(self, descr, price, count):
  43. self.descr = descr
  44. self.price = price
  45. self.count = count
  46. def subtotal(self):
  47. return self.count * self.price
  48. pbook = OrderItem('python books', 1, 50)
  49. print(pbook.subtotal())
  50. print(OrderItem.price)
  51. print(OrderItem.price.name)
  52. print(OrderItem.price.__set__)
  53. print(OrderItem.price.__get__)
  54. print(vars(pbook))
  55. # 50
  56. # <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7f23e67bf2b0>
  57. # _GreatZeroIntField_price
  58. # <bound method Validated.__set__ of <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7f23e67bf2b0>>
  59. # <bound method FieldDescr.__get__ of <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7f23e67bf2b0>>
  60. # {'_NoEmptyStrField_descr': 'python books', '_GreatZeroIntField_price': 1, '_GreatZeroIntField_count': 50}


  1. import abc
  2. class FieldDescr:
  3. _countor = 0
  4. def __init__(self):
  5. self.name = f'_{self.__class__.__name__}_{self.__class__._countor}'
  6. self.__class__._countor += 1
  7. def __set__(self, instance, value):
  8. setattr(instance, self.name, value)
  9. def __get__(self, instance, owner):
  10. if instance is None:
  11. return self
  12. else:
  13. return getattr(instance, self.name)
  14. class Validated(FieldDescr):
  15. def __set__(self, instance, value):
  16. value = self.validate(instance, value)
  17. super().__set__(instance, value)
  18. @abc.abstractmethod
  19. def validate(self, instance, value):
  20. '''this is abstract method'''
  21. class GreatZeroIntField(Validated):
  22. def validate(self, instance, value):
  23. if value <= 0:
  24. raise ValueError(f'{self.name} value must be > 0')
  25. return value
  26. class NoEmptyStrField(Validated):
  27. def validate(self, instance, value):
  28. value = value.strip()
  29. if len(value) == 0:
  30. raise ValueError('value cant not be empty or blank')
  31. return value
  32. class renamePrivateFieldMeta(type):
  33. def __init__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict):
  34. super().__init__(name, bases, attr_dict)
  35. for key, value in cls.__dict__.items():
  36. if isinstance(value, Validated):
  37. value.name = f'_{value.__class__.__name__}_{key}'
  38. class OrderEntity(metaclass=renamePrivateFieldMeta):
  39. '''rename entity'''
  40. class OrderItem(OrderEntity):
  41. descr = NoEmptyStrField()
  42. price = GreatZeroIntField()
  43. count = GreatZeroIntField()
  44. def __init__(self, descr, price, count):
  45. self.descr = descr
  46. self.price = price
  47. self.count = count
  48. def subtotal(self):
  49. return self.count * self.price
  50. pbook = OrderItem('python books', 1, 50)
  51. print(pbook.subtotal())
  52. print(OrderItem.price)
  53. print(OrderItem.price.name)
  54. print(OrderItem.price.__set__)
  55. print(OrderItem.price.__get__)
  56. print(vars(pbook))
  57. # 50
  58. # <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7f393be8c070>
  59. # _GreatZeroIntField_price
  60. # <bound method Validated.__set__ of <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7f393be8c070>>
  61. # <bound method FieldDescr.__get__ of <__main__.GreatZeroIntField object at 0x7f393be8c070>>
  62. # {'_NoEmptyStrField_descr': 'python books', '_GreatZeroIntField_price': 1, '_GreatZeroIntField_count': 50}


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